(Warning! Teen drinking! Don't drink underage, kids!)
Shu grabbed my arm and helped me up. "Subaru, get Sam." Subaru nodded and ran to help Sam. The way out was a lot easier than what I expected, but after all Reiji got what he wanted.
We drove back home in complete silence other than Sams sobs. I was too emotionally numb to cry. I couldn't even feel my face.
When we arrived, Sam went straight to her room and so did Shu. I knew they were devastated, so I let them be. I walked into the kitchen and dialed one of my friends who was 23. She picked up rather quickly. "Hello? Y/n?" I was silent for a second. "Can you help me get something?" I asked. I heard a sigh. "Need some alcohol?" I nodded, but whispered a yeah. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Obviously something is extremely wrong, because you always refuse to drink." She said goodbye and hung up shortly after that.
I moved to table and sat down. The scene played over and over in my head. I nearly jumped when I heard a small knock on the door. I got up slowly and stalked over to the door. I opened it and a fake small smile appeared on my lips. Chris stood there. Her long hair tied into a nice bun on the back of her head and a gentle smile on her face. She held up a bottle of rum. The bottle was splattered in color. Pink anr lime green. She shrugged. "It tastes like gummy worms." I let her in and locked the door behind her.
We both walked to the kitchen and sat down. I opened the bottle, taking a big gulp of the liquid, almost gagging afterword because of the gross taste in the back of my throat.
"So what happened?" Chris asked. I shrugged. "You wouldn't believe me, but let's just say, I just watched someone die." I paused for a second to take another gross gulp. "And it was all my fault." Chris raised her eyebrow. "It has to do with Shu's brothers, doesn't it?" My eyes widened. "How did you...?" She rolled her eyes. "I used to have a huge crush on Ayato. A little too big." She paused. As if reliving the memories. "He bit me." That didn't surprised me.
I shook my head. "The bastards." I growled.
I took the next few minutes to explain what happened. Slowly I started feeling dizzy and calmer. I started becoming sleepy too. Chris noticed this. "Lets get you to bed. Where's your room?" I smiled widely. "I don't want to go to bed yet. I want to eat." I stated. Chris shook her head. "No. We're getting you to bed." She helped me up the stairs. She looked at each door and finally deciding to go into one. She froze as Shu looked up at her from his hunched over state. He was confused for a second until he saw me. He sighed, knowing exactly why she was here. "Damn it. How much did she drink?" Chris shrugged and handed me to Shu as he walked over. She said her goodbyes.
Shu laid me on the bed and within a few seconds I fell asleep.
