We all sat down, staring into the sky as the sun went down, soon welcoming the dark blue and purple of night. Shu, taking off his bag, pulled out candles he must have planned for us to use and lit them so there'd be a little bit of light. Jeremiah chuckled and laid down; he was laying next to Sam, holding her hand. Shu laid down next to me, with his legs resting on mine. Every thing was silent except the rustling of leaves and the soft hum of the wind. We could almost see the milky way from how dark it was. Shu quietly mumbled where certain constellations were, lazily pointing at them as the rest of us listened. When he was done, he lowered his hand and closed his eyes like he was going to sleep. I did the same. For a few minutes, it was quiet yet again. No one moved or anything. Quiety, Jeremiah began moving and whispering to Sam. I couldn't make out what they were saying, though.
I looked over at Shu and found him smiling at me while sitting up. I joing his with his sitting. His eyes flickered from my eyes to the trees to our hands. One slowly started retracting.  "Y/n. We have been dating for a while.." He paused. My heart beat picked up in curiosity and worry. This could go two ways. Extremely bad and extremely good. "I know this is sudden and we can wait a long while if you'd like, but..." He pulled out a tiny box from his back pocket and opened it. "Will you marry me?" A lump in my throat appeared, my heart was pounding against my ribs, and tears blurred my vision and all I could whisper was, "Of course."
