Chapter Nine: Busy, Crazy Day

Chapter Nine

            “Hey Cammie? Are you coming over today?” I ask as I tap my fingers on the lunch table.

            Cam looks my way and the hoe pulls away a little. “Sorry And. Can’t. I am going with some my boys out,” he says with a frown.

            “It’s cool,” and I glance towards Lexi.

            “I’m so sorry! I can’t Noah and I are hanging out,” she says giving me a smile, but I couldn’t be mad at her about that though.

            Noah is a 19 years old, pretty awesome guy and the town’s preacher’s son. He and Lexi have been dating since she was in 10th grade and he’s now in college.

            “Its fine,” I say with a smile back and go to look at Kayden and he is still staring at his food. “Kayden are you ok?” I ask starting to get worried.

            “Huh? Oh yeah! I’m fine!” he says grabbing his tray and hurrying away from the table. Lexi and I exchange looks and she quickly gets up and follows him. This is probably just one of Kayden’s weird spacey moments.

            “Sorry, Aaron. My friends aren’t normally like this. I don’t know what’s wrong,” I say offering a smile.

            Cameron glares up, “We don’t do well with outsiders,” he grumbles.

            “Maybe it’s because you’re with some new kid,” the hoe suggests.

            I glance up over at Cameron, who knows I hate it when his hoe’s talk to me! “Why is the hoe talking?” I ask bluntly.

            She gasps and Cam bites his lip to contain his laughter. Standing up I motion for Aaron to come with and we leave the cafeteria.

            The day ends normally and I wait outside for a ride home. Lexi skips over towards me smiling and a happy Kayden and annoyed Cameron follow. We all climb into the truck and head home. Kayden yapping the hole ride about random things while Cameron stares blankly out the windshield.

            The car ride was silent and we pull into my drive where I slip out of the car and skip towards my house. I race to my room throwing off the heels and pulling on some socks the stripping off my shirt, replacing it with a blue spaghetti strap top, and then I stuff my feet in a pair of cowboy boots. Shoving my cell phone in my pocket I run down stairs and out the back door towards our barns and pastures. My red roane horse, Roo runs over to the fence allowing me to put a halter on her and lead her out of the field. I grab a brush and begin to stroke her soft hair. The wind was gentle and the sun was not too bright, it was the perfect day.  The farm was silent except for the sound of all the animals.

            “I love you Roo, Roo,” I whisper as I kiss her noses.

            “And I thought you loved me?” A strong voice says from behind me causing me to jump as I spin around to face the voice’s holder. There he stands with his brown hair and hoodie selves in rolls at his elbow with his wrangler jeans and boot.

            “Of course I love you, Kayden,” I say with a smile. His smile grows as he leans over grabbing a brush and brush Roo. “What are you doing here Kayden?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

            “Just thought I’d hang with you,” he shrugs as he continues to brush.

            “Oh ok,” I smile, I love him so much. “So what was up at lunch?” I ask continuing to brush.

            “You know just sadness, I tried to talk to Skyla today,” he sighs and cracks his knuckles before brushing again.

            Skyla is this girl Kayden has loved since freshman year. She is that girl who is quiet and like to blend in and read book and all. Kayden fell for her when he first saw her, but every time he tries to talk to her she blows him off, ignores him, or walks away quickly. She’s the only in girl in school who does that to him.

            “Oh I’m sorry Kayden,” I say as I walk around towards him and pull his strong body into a hug.

            “It’s ok,” he shrugs and pulls out of the hug.

            “Andie!!!” my mom calls for me. She appears out the back door and waves at me. Kayden walks Roo back to the pasture and turns her lose. Skipping over to my mom I am quickly joined by Kayden.

            “Yeah mom?” I ask and she smiles at Kayden and me.

            “Just didn’t know if you were home. Kayden dear I am so happy to see you,” she says pulling him into a quick, loving hug.

            “It’s good seeing you too,” he says nicely.

            “Are you going stay for dinner dear?” my mom asks.

            “No, ma’am I can’t you know my mom and family dinner,” he says with a smile with his good ol’ southern boy charm.

            “Oh I understand! You may want get going then dear it’s just about dinner time,” My mom warns him with a smile. Nodding he waves by to me and disappears.

            “Dinner is done honey so come eat,” my mom says smiling at me and dances back into the house.

            I follow her and eat dinner. Once I finish I excuse myself to my room where I plop down on my bed staring at the ceiling. Hearing something hit my window I tip toe over to it, yanking it open. In the tree beside my window Braden is perch on the branch smiling.  

            “What are you doing dummy?” I ask stepping out of his way allowing him in.

            “Sneaking in your house,” he smiles at me and closes the window.

            “You could have used the front door,” I say bluntly starring up into his breath taking blue eyes.

            “Where’s the fun in that?” he asks and his voice gets lower and rasp.

            “I don’t know,” I begin but am cut off by his sweet lips on mine. I quickly kiss him back and he pushes me back ward until I fall on the bed with him on top. He bits my lip asking for entrance and I open my mouth letting his tongue play with mine.

            The weird thing about Braden is I don’t get butterflies or tingle when I’m kissing him… I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

            My hands are tangle in his hair as one of his hands goes to my waist under my shirt. It isn’t going anywhere it shouldn’t instead it is just resting on my bare skin. I slide on of my hands on his neck pulling him into the kiss more.

            After what seems like forever we pull apart breathing hard. “Better?” I ask.

            “I think you’re good now,” he sighs and sits up.

            “Hate to bolt but I have to go home before anyone notices me gone,” He sighs and I smile.

            “Ok bye,” I say as he climbs out the window.

            Once he is gone I change into some short, tight, short and silk top. Then I crash into my bed sighing trying to sleep.

            Knock, knock came from downstairs. Groaning I look at the clock, 11:30. My parents are asleep for sure, so I crawl out of bed tip toeing down the stair and to the front door which I open to see a drunken Cameron. He looks like crap and reeks of beer. My heart races as he stands there. Cameron hates drinking he only drinks when something serious is bothering him. “Cameron?” I ask as worry crept over me.

            “Andie, can I… stay… here ton…night?” he slurs and I nod allowing him to come in because this was his safe place. After shutting the door behind me he places his arm over my neck as I support him up the stairs. His weight was almost too heavy for me but we made in to my room where he falls onto my bed. I know the routine so I take his spoiled shirt off of him revealing his perfect body then I unbutton and unzip his pants pulling them off along with his shoes and socks. By now he is passed out so I lay an extra blanket over him and crawl in on my side. I cuddle against his warmth that is coming through the blanket and shut my eyes drifting asleep.


Hey sorry it's short!! Hope you enjoy!!! Please dont forget to VOTE, COMMENT, or FAN!!!! Please! Love ya'll
