Chapter Twenty-Seven: He's Back!!

Chapter Twenty- Seven

            I walk out my back door wearing my brown cowboy boots, tight, short, black shorts, and a white spaghetti strap with a light blue t-shirt over it and my hair pulled up in a pony tail. I walk into the barn and get out the red wheel barrel and pitch fork. My mom already let the horses out earlier today while I was at school. School. What a crazy day? I made a new awesome friend, Avril. Aaron well I don’t know he seemed almost like he liked me. And Cameron and I made eye contact. Yeah what a day!

            I start in the first stall shoveling out the hay and poop. The heat isn’t too bad but, I still start sweating a lot. Once the wheel barrel is full I push it out of the barn and to the manure pile.  Then, I push it back and start shoveling again and by the time I’m done with the first stall I am covered in sweat and my t-shirt is clinging to my body so I peel it off of me and over my head. I lay it down on the stall door and wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. Then I get back to shoveling and this is helping keep my mind off of everything that has happened and the pain.

            “Need a hand?” a sweet, but deep voice asks. I know that voice! I love that voice. I turn around to see him leaning against the door with his chestnut hair all messy and bluish brown eyes staring at me. His lips turn up into a sweet smile that causes my heart to speed up.

            “Kayden?!” I scream as I run over and fling my arms around his neck.

            “Hey Andie,” he whispers in my ear as he squeezes me against his chest.

            “What are you doing here, Kayden?” I whisper, still in his hug.

            “Came see you,” he says as he pulls away a little allowing me to see his sly smile.

            “Now?” I ask raising my eyebrows.

            “Yeah, I didn’t come before because Cam’s really upset and also I was sad,” he says with a cute shrug.

            “Why were you sad?” I ask biting my lip to hold back a smile. My day just got a lot better! Kayden is back in my life!

            “Why didn’t you kiss me?” he asks looking so sad and staring at the ground. Was he serious? Then, I see his lips rise up in a smirk and he chuckles. I shove his shoulder and roll my eyes.

            “You’re not funny,” I say giving him an annoyed look.

            He gasps and places a hand over his heart, like I hurt him. “I thought I was hilarious?” he says in fake shock.

            I roll my eyes and get back to shoveling. Kayden disappears for a few minutes only to reappear with a pitch fork in hand he joins me helping me shovel out the stall.

            “Guess what Andie?” he says casually.

            “What Kayden?” I ask looking at him as he shovels the stuff into the wheel barrel and every time his lefts it up his biceps tighten and damn he looks hot!

            “My family is eating dinner with yours tonight!” he says all happy with a smile. But those words send my world crashing down. Is Cameron coming? Can I handle being that close to him? What about Lexi?

            “Is… Cam…Camer… is he coming?” I ask holding back the tears.

            “Yeah,” he says with a sincere look. I look away blinking away the tears. “Andie,” Kayden says as he places a hand on my shoulder. “Cameron may look like he’s ok but, he is actually falling apart and broken into pieces,” he says and I know he’s not lying.

            We finish cleaning the stalls an hour later and Kayden goes to get dress for dinner and I bring the horses in and feed them. Then, I run into the house to shower and get ready.

            This is going to be fun… not!



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6 votes last chapter!!! holy cow thank you!!! <3

What do you want see happen at dinner????????

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Want make a cover for this???? Please do!

Hmmmmmmm that's all for now i will update soon!!!

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