Chapter Eight: Kiss and New

Chapter Eight

          The door swung open revealing Braden in a pair of jeans and t-shirt. I cross my legs under me and stare up at him with a smile hoping I have the guts to do this. He strolls over and plops down on my bed, “So what’s up? You had me worried to death.” He gives me his perfect smile.

            “Um… well as you may know I am going on a date with one o our schools top player?” I say eyeing him and he nods. “I was hoping you’d teach me how to… um… kiss?” I say nervously and tuck some hair behind my ear.

            His blue eyes widen a little, “What? Are you serious?” he asks his voice cracks a little. All I can do is nod my head hearing he is going to reject. “Well then of course,” he smiles and I know he noticed my fear.

            One of his long strong arms reaches around me and grabs one of my pillows and then shoves it in my face. “Here imagine the as your biggest crush and kiss it,” he demands and I stare at the pillow. Trying to imagine it as my crush I shove my face into it, but then I burst out into laughter. Braden falls back onto his bed with a groan and runs his hand down his face.

            “That is not going to work,” he sighs scratching his head and then running his hand throw his brown hair.

            “Your probably right,” I shift uncomfortably.

            “Andie do you trust me?” Braden asks trying to get me to look him in his eyes.

            “Yeah of course,” I say with a shrug. “Wh…” I begin but I am silence when he leans forward placing his hands on my face softly.

            Our eyes were staring into each other’s and then he brought his lips gently to mine. The kiss was everything I dreamed a kiss would be. He pulls away slightly and whispers, “Just relax and follow my lead.” His minty breath hit my face.

            His lips our on mine again and I raise my hands to intertwine in his hair. This encourages him and this kiss begins to heat up becoming more passionate. He nibs on my lip asking for entrance I open my mouth allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth. His tongue rubs mine and I mimic his movement and at this he releases a moan from the back of his throat. The kisses intensify and I couldn’t help but hope that I was doing it right.

            Braden’s hands were in my blonde hair and the kisses cause my heart to speed. Braden pulls on my bottom lip a little and I quickly do the same to him. Then we quickly begin our make out again.

            We must have made out for ever because we were brought out of our trance by Braden’s phone vibrating against his leg. Groaning he pulls away and digs into his pocket. We are now laying on the bed now and he run his hand down his ace and then lips it open. “Hello,” he says into the phone almost out of breath.

            “Yeah, sorry I’ll be there in a few. I lost track o time. I’m sorry,” After listening some more he hangs up. He stares over at me smiling. “I think you know how to kiss know,” he says with a wink and I shrug.

            “Maybe I need some practice?” I ask not feeling like I am good enough at it yet.

            “Ok, but I got go home now,” he says with a smile and stands up.

            “Ok, thanks and bye,” I sigh. He leans down brushing his lips on mine softly and then pulls away.

            “Bye,” he whispers against my lips.

            The lovely refreshing smell of his breath fills my nose making me smile. He walks to the door and then he’s gone like that.

            I lye back onto the bed and stare up at the ceiling. I just kissed… wait no scratch that. I just made out with Braden! My best friend kind of like a brother and it wasn’t even that bad! Hell it was actually kind of great and perfect. It reminded me of what you see in the movies. Maybe even better because it was real! I don’t know how I am going to sleep tonight. My lips still tingle from where his lips had been on mine. A sigh escapes my lips as I stare up at the ceiling.

            My eyes grow heavy as i stare at the ceiling thinking until they fall shut.


            “Wake up!” is being said sternly as I am being shock. My eyes flutter open seeing Lexi causing me to release a groan.

            Her brown hair is lying straight over her shoulders and her makeup looks flawless. She wore a revealing v-neck and a pair of tight jeans with a pair of black heels.

            “What Lexi?” I mumble into my pillow.

            “Get up dang it! I got to get you ready for school!” she says threw her teeth.

            I release a groan and then sit up. “I don’t feel like dressing up!” I complain.

            “No worries darling! I have the perfect outfit that is comfortable and pretty!” she says as she smiles at me and pulls me out of the bed towards the bathroom.

            I groan as she pushes my inside throwing clothes in too. “Shower!” Lexi calls through the door.

            I strip down and notice my phone beside the sink so before I take a shower I send a text message.

Me: Hey r u coming over today after school?

            I get in the shower smiling at the memory of last night. As I get out the shower I put on the black lace bra and panties that Lexi got me. I felt wrong in it but had no choice but to wear it then I slip on a tight blue scoop neck with a pair of blue jeans. My phone buzz and I flip it open reading Braden’s message.

Braden: I’m sorry! I can’t come over after school! I have to do some college work and I have to work at the library today! :( Sorry! I will come over later tonight sometime if it’s ok with you?

Me: That’s perfect with me! XXX


            I shut my phone and run my hair throw my hair and brush my teeth.  Stepping out into my room Lexi sits me on the chair and begins to run her fingers throw it and braid it. After she gets it into a braid she begins on my makeup.

            “There fabulous!” she smiles and I sigh this was comfortable. Now if I get wear me boots!

            So I go grab them and but before I could do anything else Lexi practically tackles me. “What the hell?” she asks and holds up a pair of black heels. I groan and place my hand on my head.

            “Fine!” I say loudly yanking the heels out of her hand and shoving my feet in them.

            “Perfect! Let’s go!” She sings with a smile as she skips out of my room.

            I slowly follow her out to Cameron sitting in his truck. When I get in he is drumming his fingers lightly on the steering wheel and Kayden is snoring in the back seat in a grey hoodie with the hood up and a pair of jeans on and man was he looking cute. Cameron on the other hand looks sexy with his white button up shirt casually unbuttoned a little with some faded blue jeans.

            “Morning Cammie,” I say forcing a smile which wasn’t that hard since looking at him makes me want to smile. He smiles back his breath take smile and runs his hand through his hair.

            We drive down the road in a nice silence with the sound of Kayden snoring and Lexi singing along with Taylor Swift on the radio. I just rest my head on the window humming the song.

            As we pull onto school I see people walking everywhere and Cam swung into his spot. As we got out it was the same routine as always Kayden and Lexi walk toward their classes and Cammie and I skip to my locker. Some blonde bimbo is leaning against my locker with huge boobs that they have to be fake and clothes two sizes to small. Even though she is completely fake somehow I see her as Cameron’s usual hoe. She is twirling some of her fake blonde hair and popping some gum.

            I glance up at Cam who was now smiling his fake smile! But it was also his I am going get laid smile also his I am such a god smile. Take your pick.

            We stand in front of her, me glaring, him smiling. The hoe starts getting all up on Cameron and I step around them getting in my locker. As I get everything I need I wish that I could just go back to last night. When I shut my locker I turn around to see them with their tongue down each others throats. I felt like throwing up. If I were him I would worry about catching something, this is coming from a virgin though.

            I dodge past them and towards my class. That was until I felt someone smash into me causing me to fall backwards onto my butt with a thud. My eyes stare up at a black hair god! He was big built with tan skin and brown eyes. He is so perfect! My breath got caught in my throat he wore a loose white shirt that I could see his nice set of abs through. His dark blue jean hugs him in all the right places.

            “I am so sorry!” his deep voice says nicely as he out stretches his hand to me.

            Reaching up I put my hand in his and he pulls me up. “It’s ok,” I say smiling. He has to be new for two reasons: one I didn’t know who he was and never seen him before; and two he doesn’t know me, I may be a tomboy but I am one the most popular girls in the school.  

            “I was just trying to find my class,” he says as he looks down at a piece of paper.

            “New here?” I ask which almost seems like a dumb question.

            “Yeah, I’m Aaron,” he says as he smiles down at me which takes my breath away,

            “Well, welcome! I’m Andie,” I say smiling at him.

            “Andie? Really?” he asks kind of shocked which is easy to understand Andie is not a common name.

            “Yeah, it’s my nickname,” I smile.

            “Oh ok! Could you tell me where room 303 is?” he asks me almost embarrassed.

            “Yeah of course! It’s right beside my class! If you want you can wait for me after class and I can show you around! You can eat lunch with my friends and I.” I say smiling nicely.

            “Yeah, ok awesome, wait your friends aren’t all girls are they?” he asks raising an eyebrow and I bit my tongue keeping me from laughing.

            “No, heck no! they’re mostly guys,” I says smiling and his eyes widen but doesn’t say a thing. Our bell rings and I show him his class before disappearing into mine.

            The morning classes skate by quickly and at lunch Aaron and I walk to the lunch room together. I glance around until I spot Cameron, Kayden, Lexi, and I am guessing Cameron’s hoe of the day, because she is all over him. I smile as we walk towards them to the table in the middle of the cafeteria. Lexi looks up and smiles widely. I sit down beside Kayden who is scooting his fork around his tray.

            “What is this?” he asks wrinkling his nose.

            “Our school’s specialty, grossness.” Cameron laughs as the hoe sucks on his neck.

            Aaron sits beside me and seems uncomfortable. “Guys this is Aaron he’s new. Aaron these are my best friends, Lexi, Kayden, and Cameron,” I say as I gesture to my friends. Lexi smiles and waves, Kayden lifts his head glances towards him with a tiresome look and just nods, and Cameron just seems to stare at him while the hoe sucks on his neck.

            I thought my friends would have been a little more welcoming especially the guys, so I start to get a little irritated.

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