Hide & Seek Truth or Dare & Joyride

After walking out of the station Gale confesses she now feels bad about everything after Joel's death

And when she rants she wants to find Ghostface

Dewey: Me too. I'm sorry about Joel. 

Gale nods and when they go through Joel's footage and assume they may have leads on the killer but Randy appears behind them 

Randy: It's worth as hell a look.

Dewey: Randy you should sit this one out. You were almost killed earlier today. 

Randy: It wasn't the first time that fucking mommas boy Billy Loomis shot me in the shoulder two years ago. Besides I know how all this works.  I get it's not a fucking movie but someone should tell the killer that. I mean....I owe it to your camera man Gale for what he did for me.

Gale: Thanks Randy.

So yes with Randy alive he tags along with Dewey and Gale where they review the footage as they did in the film

However since Randy was there Gale and Dewey don't have their make out session but she still apologized to him

Gale: I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you. Really. 

Dewey: I'm sorry too.

Randy: Oh my god you too are acting like Sidney and Derek now. Get a room.

From there the footage of the murder victims all but Randy's given Joel saved him

Randy: The fuck? 

Gale: That's not my footage.

Soon as they appeared on screen they saw Ghostface in the footage room

Dewey still goes after him and Ghostface still appears behind Gale 

But Randy pushes her down with him and Ghostface chases him instead 

Randy: Oh shit hell! 

So yeah the Gale chase is replaced by a Randy chase in this timeline 

Randy keeps a low profile like Gale does in the film and hides in the storage room too 

Dewey and Gale try to find Randy and Ghostface but not a trace of them it's like they disappeared like ghosts 

But from there we get when Sidney and Hallie leave with the Detectives

Everything plays the same from the film Sid kisses Derek goodbye and after they leave....

.....instead of being kidnapped by Cappa brothers cause he had no letters to give to Sidney he received.....another text....from You Know Who

And the text....offered him the truth about his sister 

Derek: "If you want to know the truth about your sister meet me alone at the auditorium"? 

Derek paused in thought......and then....made his choice 

Derek: Why the hell not?! 

Derek marched his way to finally confront his sister's killer 

But then Sidney Hallie and the Detectives were still attacked by Ghostface like in the film

But back on campus with no sign of Randy or Ghostface Dewey and Gale called Chief Hartley informing him of what happened earlier 

Chief: And you have no idea what happened to him? 

Gale: The fucker came out of nowhere and chased Randy off. We don't know where they went or if Randy got away or if the killer got him.

Dewey: It's even possible he could have took him hostage.

Cop: Chief! We got more caulties. 

Chief: Who? 

Cop: Our own Detectives transporting Sidney Prescott and Hallie McDaniel were killed along with....Hallie herself.

Dewey and Gale were in shocked

Gale: Oh my god....poor Hallie. 

Dewey: What about Sid? Where is she? 

Cop: We don't know. She wasn't at the scene when it was reported in.

Dewey: Sid. I'm going to go find her.

Gale: I'm coming with you.

(Killers....and new truths will be revealed....in the next chapter.....)
