He's Back!

Freshman year at Windsor University came and went and over that year Sidney and Derek's relationship blossomed more

He even continued sword fincing and got better at it over time

Randy and Mickey paired in filming class on horror stuff and disagreed on sequels

But during the rest of the year Derek didn't hear anything from the Hooded figure but still kept his letter and picture 

But unaware....he was watching him this whole time and when the year ended and summer break came and followed him too Woodsboro 

And kept watching Sidney and Derek on their dates but at their date at the movies they saw a trailer....of.....STAB

Derek: What the fuck? 

Sidney: This can't be happening. 

Seeing that trailer especially seeing Casey's murder on screen Sid and Derek just felt li,e they relieved their past after seeing that trailer 

But....that was nothing compared to what was to come later for a month after returning to college and majors began we come the original opening scene where the sneak preview of Stab is being premieredWe join Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens where they're in line to see the movie 

We continue on with the the theater scene where Phil met his end at the hands of the returned Ghostface

Back in the theater

Cutting to the next day back at Sidney and Hallie's dorm she still gets a prank call from a Ghostface imitator but catches him on Caller ID

But given we already saw Cotton's interview when Hallie turns on the TV the news on Maureen and Phil's murder 

Given Hallie and Derek were there when the first murders happened in this universe a lot of horrible memories came rushing back to them

Sidney: Where's Derek and Randy? 

Hallie: Randy's in History Derek's across campus.

So everything plays the same till when Sidney Derek and Randy meet up but when Derek comes up his history in the first one alters the conversation 

Derek: I just heard what happened.  Are we really dealing with another ghost masked psycho? 

Sidney: Unfortunately so. That's why I couldn't face all the "That's her" looks.

Derek: I don't blame you. I wonder if its.....

Sidney: No Derek don't think it's your sister's killer. 

Derek: We can't ignore the possibility Sid. Yeah he wasn't in Woodsboro but you saw back in Chicago what he left.

Sidney: I know.

Randy: So if we're foreshadowing double past times is there any chance we can go back to our newly peaceful existence. 

Derek: Wouldn't hurt to try.

From then on the rest goes as the same Gale Weathers happens to show up at Windsor 

And the misfortune of running into Debbie Salt 

Most of her scenes will be played out the same so....we're gonna skip them till her last scene 

When the press conference with Chief Hartley takes place the same as it did in the film and the gang noticed her from above the hill Derek Sidney Randy and Hallie were shocked to see her

Derek: God what's she doing here? 

Sidney: I have no idea.

Mickey: So that's her. I figured she be shorter in person. 

Hallie: Just wait till you see her up close.

Derek: She was there that night at Stu Macher's house. 

Randy: Yeah they found her in her van barely alive. Her poor cameraman wasn't so lucky.

(Coming soon the next chapter.....)
