
During summer break everything was finally getting back to normal for Sidney

Especially to hear to Billy's body was cremated

Her relationship with Derek continues to blossom over the summer on picnics movie nights and times of passion

Hallie's visits have been more often than weekends cause of the summer break given High School was over for her too

But one day let's say some time after the Fourth of July Randy was freaking out for he recently read something off the internet

Randy: Guys!

Randy rushing in to Sidney's house drew hers and Derek's concern

Sidney: Randy what's the matter?

Randy: You'll never believe what I recently discovered off the internet.

Minutes later Sidney was on her computer with the boys beside her

And what Randy told her to look up

It was the released novel: The Woodsboro Murders by Gale Weathers 

The gang were in shock 

Derek: The Woodsboro Murders?

Randy: By the one and only Gale Weathers. 

Sidney: I can't believe she'd have the balls to write about this. My mother's murder was one thing but this...no one's ever gonna let us live in peace with this.

Randy: Next thing they'll probably make a movie about us.

Derek: Drop it. Look.

Derek turns off the computer for Sidney and wraps his arm around her 

Derek: We're not gonna let a silly book interfere in our lives. We been through enough for that. I  mean yeah this woman is sick enough to use our tragedies for money but letting this weigh us down will only sink us further. 

Sidney grins at Derek's comforting words as Randy wrambles on 

Randy: Think about it guys if they make a movie about us just imagine who would play us.

Sidney: With my luck they'll probably cast Tori Spelling to play me.

Derek: I'd like to see Tom Cruise play me.

Randy: Careful what you wish for.

They laugh 

So then on the last months of summer came and went and then it was the beginning of college life....at Windsor University 

Derek drove the hole gang over in his newly van the road trip involved a lot of snacks and talk and later silence 

When arriving they had a lot to hall in as they did in back in Woodsboro 

Derek and Sidney just went to the back of the van and when turning around they were greeted by a familiar face only to him and Hallie 

Derek: Mickey? 

Mickey: Derek? 

Mickey was the friend Hallie and Derek mentioned before and by coincidence he happened to be attending Windsor 

Derek: I don't believe it it's really you!

Mickey: This is quite a surprise indeed! I didn't think we ever run into each other. All though Hallie said she saw you in Woodsboro but damn what are the odds 

Derek: Well it's good to see you again old friend. 

Mickey: And who may I ask is this lovely lady here? 

Derek: This is.....Sidney Prescott. She's my newly girlfriend. Sid this is my childhood Mickey Altieri.

Sidney: Nice to meet you.

Mickey: Hallie told me much about you. She even told me things were sparkling with you and Derek. Good for him...after the other one. 

Sid frown in confusion 

Sidney: Other one?

Mickey: Oh...guess you guys didn't had the talk about the past crushes yet. Didn't mean to spill it. Is Hallie--?

Derek: She's here too.

Mickey: Well I'll get caught up with her. Good seeing you Der Sidney nice meeting you.

Sidney: You too.

Mickey left as Sidney and Derek turn to one another 

Sidney: Was he....talking about the girl you mentioned who rejected you before? 

Derek: Yeah Cici. 

Sidney: Didn't mean to be awkward about it. Just....your friend there seem to let more out than he should.

Derek: Yeah.  Like I said months ago...Mickey was my Randy back in Chicago. 

Sidney: Does he know about Samantha? 

Derek: He was at the funeral. 

Sidney nods and kisses Derek on the cheek as they continued holling their stuff in their dorms

(More blasts from the past in.....the next chapter......)
