Blasts from the past

Soon after their encounter with Lois and Murphy the Sority Leaders 

Cici eyes at Derek and Sidney still not believing their in a real relationship 

Cici: So....what's your so called date this time Loser?

Sidney: Leave him alone Cici. We ARE in a relationship. 

Cici: I don't get it Sidney why a loser like him? I know hundreds of smarter and handsomer guys that die to go out with you. My boyfriend Ted has a best friend that love to take you out.

Sidney: Thanks but no thanks. 

Cici smugged and walks off

Mickey: That bitch needs a new hobby.

Just then....Sidney notice someone familiar from a distance and when Sid ran to greet him Derek saw him

Derek: Hal Randy is that who I think it is?

It was Dewey and he and Sidney's reunion went the same as it did in the film 

But with slight differences when she mentioned Derek 

Sidney: And....Derek and I been going out for a year now. He took me to Chicago on his sister's anniversary but....he's...still a little obsessed with whoever murdered his sister....cause...they left him....a note and a picture. But besides that...nothing else has happened. 

Dewey then still warns Sidney whoever is the new Ghostface or Ghostface's they're probably in Sid's life and that he'll be on campus to make sure she's safe

When Dewey leaves Sidney joins back up with the others 

Derek: Hey. 

Sidney: Hey.

Derek: Was that Dewey? 

Mickey: Who was that? 

Randy: Deputy Dew of Woodsboro's finest. What's he doing here? Ain't he retired? 

Hallie: He only resigned. 

Randy: Ain't that the same thing? 

And then on Gale appears behind Sidney along with Cotton Weary which was a shocking reunion since Sid accused him of murdering her mother 

And then....another reunion accrued

And in one difference Dewey was mad Gale didn't attend Tatum's funeral 

Dewey: If we had nothing serious going on the least you could do is show support to my family!

Gale: I'm sorry Dewey. You know I'm a busy woman.

Dewey: Too busy to make someone else's tragedies into your own wealth?!

Gale was stumped there 

She tries to apologize to Dewey again but pushes her away again

Meanwhile back in Sid and Hallie's dorm Sidney was ranting about Gale from earlier and Derek and Hallie helped her through it

Derek: Let it all out honey? 

Sidney: Most of it just had to vent.

Derek: Quite a Woodsboro High reunion.  Not one in pictured in two years from now.

Hallie: Yeah. First Derek's stalker then a murder now Dewey Gale Weathers and Cotton Weary join the party.

Derek: Doubt it's a quincedince. I mean if Dewey's right about someone out there fallowing Billy Loomis and Stu Macher's dark path we probably already know them.

Hallie: My money is on Cici. I mean she's been trying to ruin your relationship since last year.

Derek: Nah. Cici's cold but she doesn't have a murder bone in her body.

Sidney: Well Dewey will be close just in case. 

Derek: Can he manage? I mean I noticed he was limping. 

Sidney: He just has a severed nerve. 

Derek: Still. Probably should keep an eye on him too.

Hallie: He's right Sid. Dewey's tough but he's still human. 

Sidney: I know but I think the important thing to do is. Keep an eye on one another too. Weather we're suspects or targets...we never leave each other's sights. 

Derek: Agreed. I'll let Mickey know.

Derek was just about to walk out the door till Sid called him back 

Sidney: Derek. Be careful. 

Derek: It's what I do best. 

Sidney kissed him 

And when Derek left the room....the Hooded Figure hiding down one of the halls 

(Who is the killer now....? Is Derek's Hooded Stalker connected to the murders? Coming soon the next chapter......)
