Chapter 9

Severus did not remember his birthdays very well and not when it was. But Astus knew. So when the day came he got up early and made breakfast, even though it was a Thursday. They usually ate in the Great Hall then but Astus wanted to eat it alone with Severus.

The boy had yet not woken up by the time he had finished breakfast and dressed, so Astus carefully walked into the room and lifted Severus up. Sleepily the boy hugged Astus and yawned in his ear. Not minding much, the man walked into the kitchen and sat him down on his chair. Severus rubbed his eyes before taking a look.

"It's not… weekend," he said slowly.

"I know but there is something else today, something special."

"Something special?"

"Yes," Astus said. "Can you guess?"

Severus shook his head.

"It has something to do with you," Astus replied.

"Me?" the boy asked. He looked around the table once more, saw his favourite breakfast and said slowly, "Birthday?"

"Yes, it's your birthday today," Astus said as he sat down next to Severus. "I thought we would celebrate a bit privately."

"I turn four!"

"Yes, you do. I'm sorry you don't get any gift, but you have to wait until dinner when Abraxas and Lucius arrive. Couldn't have your gift lying around, so I told Lucius to hide it."

"No fair!" Severus said.

"Yes, fair. Or would you rather have wanted to find it and spoiled the surprise?"

Severus stuck out his tongue to which Astus responded by sticking out his own.

Abraxas lifted up Severus with a grin, the boy giggling and Lucius standing next to his father.

"Is your father making dinner?" Abraxas asked as he heard noises coming from the kitchen.

"Daddy wanted to," Severus replied. "Bella!"

The girl walked into the rooms, holding a package in one hand and looking a bit uncertain. Severus was put down on the ground again, and Abraxas said:

"You three just relax while I go and help Astus."

Bellatrix nodded and walked up to the two boys, pausing to put her gift to the raven-haired boy next to the others. The blonde man walked into the kitchen and saw Astus by the stove, his hair tied back and sleeves rolled up. The Malfoy noted the wrists were still thin, but said nothing.

"So what are we eating that the house-elves couldn't make?" he asked.

"It's not that," Astus replied. "I just wanted to cook."

"Just that?"

"Plus it's Severus' birthday. I guess I wanted to cook the meal myself."

Abraxas was put to set the table while they heard the children talk outside.

"Albus obviously couldn't come for dinner but he's coming later," Astus said. "Poppy is joining us now though."

"Am I seeing things?"

They both turned to see the healer look at them both.

"It's not that unusual that guys make the dinner… or is it?" Astus said.

"I've never seen any guy do it," Poppy replied. "Should I go back and get some antidotes for food-poisoning?"

"No, I'm not that bad," the raven-haired man said. "But I might do it to Abraxas for fun."

"What?!" Abraxas exclaimed. "Why me?!"

"Well, I can't do it on the children, that would be just cruel," Astus said. "And I know which fights to pick with Poppy."

"So it isn't cruel to poison me?!" the blonde man demanded to know.

"Let me think… not really."

Poppy laughed while Abraxas raged.

Severus was amongst his presents and Lucius and Bellatrix sitting near him, all chatting, letting him play with his mini-potions kit and showing them half-finished things that Astus would not dare go near. He did not fancy having his hair turn green on him.

Abraxas' presence near him was comforting in many ways but mostly a friend, a brother. Astus did not know how it was to have a father but if he wanted, he could make Abraxas that as well. Although the man was not really old enough to be his father. Plus they did not look alike at all. Well, not all family is bound by blood.

Poppy and Albus had come and gone, both of them doing the last duties for the evening before relaxing for the night. It was soon time for curfew and therefore, Bellatrix leaving. Abraxas had already volunteered to follow her to the common room, wanting a sneak peak at it for sentimental reason.

Astus had to grin a bit at that; he could never have imagined the Malfoys being sentimental. Well, he learned something new every day.

"What are you grinning at young man?" He turned his eyes to Abraxas and saw him lift an eyebrow. Astus just shook his head and continued grinning. "Alright, that's it; you're scaring me!"

Astus was now dealing with two sleepy children while Abraxas was taking Bellatrix back and had them both in his arms, gently putting Lucius down on the bed in the guestroom before carrying Severus into their bedroom. Severus was put down on his own bed, from now on replacing the crib as a gift from Astus. The boy yawned and slowly let go of his daddy's neck.

He himself changed into night-clothes, drawing his hands through his hair tiredly and stretched. He would retire early tonight, and deal with homework tomorrow.

Albus looked up from his papers when Poppy entered a sunny February morning. She did not sit down but begin to pace back and forth, lips pursed. Her hands together so tight the skin was white.

"What's wrong, Poppy?" he asked worriedly.

"I have a patient," she replied. "He's not doing so well."


"Albus… I don't know… I don't know what to do… it's Astus."

Astus absently let Severus play with his fingers, comparing their hands and heard the boy giggle. He himself was so tired he could sleep for a year. His bones hurt, and he felt weary. Is this how an old person felt when death was closing in?

He had pushed himself, he knew that. Go forth one step, jump backwards four plus two just for fun. Just like that. He had been doing better, and of course he goes and screws it up. Collapsing in the hallway, how embarrassing. Not to mention he nearly gave Zack a heart attack.


"Mm?" he answered and rolled his head over to look at the child.

"You sleepy?"

"A bit," he said and stroke Severus' hair.

"That's why daddy fell?"


Severus nodded and snuggled closer. Astus could feel the boy trembling, and lay an arm around him.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," Astus murmured to him. Severus nodded into his chest and took Astus' hand again. The man curled his fingers around the boy's hand, making him giggle lightly.

Nightmares were agony he decided. So not sleeping and the amount of homework he did, it had to be pure suicide. Flashes of his life came whenever he closed his eyes for more than a minute, screams filled his ear when the silence was too great around him, and the slick feeling of blood on his skin made him shudder. He rubbed his hand against the sheet unconsciously before letting it curl around Severus' shoulder again.


He looked over to see Albus come striding inside, worry in his eyes.

"Hi," he said. "Seems like Poppy couldn't resist telling everyone."

"It would come to me eventually. A student collapsing in the hallway, it would never escape unnoticed by me. How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired," Astus said. "Very tired."

"You haven't been sleeping well?" the headmaster asked as Poppy bustled inside and shut the doors.

"I know what the problem is," Poppy said and came over to his bed. "I just talked to Abraxas. He says you don't sleep at all! I found the Pepper-up potions too."

Astus looked down at Severus who now had fallen asleep, clutching one of the man's fingers in his fist. He couldn't do it anymore…

"I have something… I need to say," he said, and looked up at them. "But you're not gonna believe it."

"Try us, young man," Poppy said sternly.

Astus looked at them both for a moment. Then he spoke.

Abraxas sat by his bed when he woke up, courtesy of a Dreamless sleep potion. Not that he felt more rested.

"Where's Sev?" he mumbled, turning his head to watch the blonde man.

"He's with Lucius and Poppy," Abraxas replied. "And as you made her promise, Poppy told me."

"Yeah… thought you deserved to know."

Abraxas closed the book, and set in his lap.

"Time-travelling, huh?" he said. "That's pretty impressive."

"What can I say? I'm awesome."

"Don't flatter yourself too much, brat," the older of them said with a grin. Then it faded from view, and he continued, "And to come back for a teacher's sake…"

"You don't know that Severus," Astus said harshly and turned away. "He was in so much pain, Abraxas… he made it look like he was fine, but I knew. He was a good man, but everyone despised him… said he was evil incarnated."

The Malfoy saw Astus bit his lip and said:

"Did you say it?"

"Not that he was evil and meaning it, but he was good at giving me a hard time," the man replied. "Most of the time I just… I just wondered what the hell had happened to make him to the bastard he was." He fidgeted on the bed.

"What made you tell?" the older wanted to know. "Normally people would think you're nuts."

"People has thought I'm nuts ever since I was eleven," Astus said with a laugh. "I'm used to it. Anyway… it was hard. No, correction, it is hard. Dreaming about it you know. Seeing people die… not being able to do a fucking thing about it. Not able to talk to anyone about it."

Abraxas nodded and put the book on the nightstand. He got up and sat down on the man's bed instead. Astus nestled back to his pillow and the soft blankets, yawning.

"You're still exhausted aren't you? How long since you had a proper night's sleep?"

"Maybe a month ago."

"You got a lot of catching up."

"At least I'm ahead in my subjects."

"Hey," Abraxas said, "I'll trade normal-sleeping-Astus over super-ambitious-and-smart-Astus any day."

Astus couldn't help but grin. He moved a bit more to a comfortable position and made ready to drop back to sleep.

"Can I ask you something?" Abraxas asked.


"Your real name… what is it?"

Astus opened his eyes and looked at the blonde. He chewed his lip for a moment, then said:


"Harry," Abraxas said. "Doesn't really fit you, you know."

"Tell me about it," the young man replied. "But it's the name my parents gave me."

"I guess… well, just wanted to know. It's not like I'll start calling you that."

"Good, not really up for it. I'm used to be Astus."

"And Astus you shall remain," the Malfoy promised.

Zack came in and saw the blonde man sit on the bed, gently stroking the sleeping man's hair. Astus looked a bit better now, and that was enough to sever half of Zack's anger. But you just didn't walk around and scared Zack Delacour without consequences, nope! He was going to make sure Astus never did that again. It had been bad for his heart, watching his friend just topple over like that.

"Mr Delacour I presume?"

He looked up to see Abraxas watch him.

"Ah, yes, Mr Malfoy."

"Please, call me Abraxas."

"Then… Zack. How is he?"

"He's been sleeping most of the day," Abraxas said. "But you have to watch him. I didn't once…"

"And what happened?" the teen asked worriedly as he came up to the bedside.

"I've heard screaming before, but Astus'… that one made it to the top of the most horrible ones I've ever heard."

Astus moved a bit, moaning and then coughing.

"Screamed himself raw," Abraxas said as he took up a glass of water. "That's why he's coughing."

Gently he lifted Astus up, holding his head up and once the coughing had stopped he helped the young man take a drink of the cool water. Despite being asleep, Astus drank without problems and rolled over to his side once he was laid down again, curling one arm underneath the pillow.

"Seems like he sleeps better when someone's with him," Abraxas said and put the glass away.

"Abraxas… sir… what has he been through?"

The man looked at Zack, smiled sadly and said:

"Hell I guess."

Astus was up and running within a few days but this time he was careful about his recovery and seemed embarrassed with all the attention he received. Girls, and even guys, came up and wanted to see if he was alright, checking on Severus (more often than not melting to the charming smile the boy had) and some of them gave him small gifts.

He didn't really know what to do with the gifts. He was inexperienced with love and gratitude, had no idea what to do, barely managing to say thanks to the person who gave it to him. But he never forgot what each person gave him. He was not sure why but it stuck to him, and he kept it stored. Good to know.

After a few awkward days Zack decided to do something about it.

"You just don't stutter out a thanks and flee from the person the moment you can!"

"What else am I supposed to do?" Astus asked as he lifted the half-asleep Severus up to rest on his shoulder. It was in the evening and nearly time for curfew, also way past Severus' bedtime. At least the boy had slept most of the time.

"Merlin, I know there is a charmer in there," Zack said, "and I swear to you I will bring him back out."

"He's already here," Astus said miserably. "This is the entire charmer you have."

"No, I know there is more inside," the teen said. "You just need to coax it out. It's nothing to be nervous about."

"What if I don't know what to do due to the reason no one's ever done it before?"

"What, giving gifts or worried about you?"

"How about both?" Astus asked and looked at the Ravenclaw. "I barely understand the word 'love', how am I supposed to recognize the signs when I'm given something?"

Zack put his hands on his hips, and said seriously:

"If it will be the last thing I'll do, I'll coax you out of your shell."

"Am I allowed to be afraid?"

"Zack, no."


"No. I have school robes."

"You were this under those robes, and at weekends."


"Yes! Merlin, you are stubborn!"

"Stubborn is my second name!" Astus tried with as he wriggled away. "No!"

"It's not going to bite you!" Zack protested. He held up the pants and blinked innocently. "Please, Astus? For me."

The young man looked at the teen, then back at the pants.

"They're too tight," he protested.

"No, they aren't. You haven't tested them yet!"

"And you don't know my size!"

"I'm very good at measuring with my eyes."

"That's the-Hang on, have you been checking me out?!"

"So what if I have? You got tons of boys and girls who do that anyway!"

Astus blushed and wrapped the robes around himself tighter. Zack groaned, walked forward and yanked the robes aside and away. Astus backed up again, falling down on the couch. Dressed in loose Muggle jeans and a sweater, he looked to be drowning in them.

"You're hiding a perfectly fine body underneath those rags!" Zack protested.

"No, I don't! I look horrible!"

Zack sat down on the couch and placed the pants on the side, then motioned Astus to bring his arms up. Sighing in defeat, Astus did it and Zack pulled the sweater over the man's head.

Underneath he had a thin shirt far too big for him and the teen made quick work of taking it off despite Astus protesting. Zack stared.

Thin scars littered Astus' chest and back and the teen gently touched the chest. Astus didn't move away but only said:

"I know it's ugly… can't help it though."

"It's not ugly," Zack said. "I just didn't expect it."

"It's not?" Zack had to wonder just how low opinions Astus had of himself.

"Girls dig hard men," the teen said with a grin, grinning wider when the young man blushed. "So a man with scars is at the top of their list."

"Shut up," Astus mumbled and took the shirt back.

"No. Astus, you're not going to be dressed in those rags as long as I have a say."

After several minutes of arguments Astus finally stood dressed in an outfit Zack had put together. He looked down at himself, felt the clothes fit snugly to his body but not too tight, just as Zack had said. The pants were black and slim, the shirt emerald and a bit loose on him and the three last buttons undone. He felt fairly uncomfortable.

"Wonderful!" Zack said. "You will have girls drooling over you!"

"I don't want to have girls drooling over me!" Astus whined.

The younger of the two just grinned evilly.

Winter began to pass to spring, with the remaining snow melting and being replaced with foul rainstorms now and then accompanied by a little sun, and Voldemort could cheerfully strangle it all. Astus Mentis was beginning to seriously piss him off even though the brat didn't do anything.

Not anything that noticed anyway. It was just he showed up in the Dark Lord's mind all the time, reminding him of constantly of the one nuisance he can't kill. Yeah, and plus Dumbledore of course but he would get the old man one day.

Drumming his fingers against the arm of his throne, Voldemort glared at the wall opposite of him. He had to get rid of that brat. He had to start planning, and try everything. With that decided, he snapped up from the throne and stalked out the room, intent to have some chaos created.

Astus had a bad feeling. This kind of feeling that sends a shiver down your spine. He glanced around the hall, gently stopping Severus from eating. The boy looked up at him, confused, until he saw his daddy's searching eyes. Severus leaned back, knowing something was wrong and gently wound a small hand into the young man's shirt.

A Ravenclaw student looked at him one time too much. Astus narrowed his eyes and looked down at his breakfast.

"Astus?" Poppy asked where she was sitting next to him. "What's wrong?"

"I can't eat it," he replied.

"Why not? It's the same you've always eaten."

"Something's wrong," Astus said. "Severus, you didn't eat anything, right?"


"Drank anything?"

"No." Severus was honest, and hungry.

"Astus?" the healer stated worriedly.

"People have tried to kill me before without direct approach," Astus said to her. "There's something in my food that shouldn't be there."

She stared at him but his hard glare didn't lessen.

Slughorn shakily sat down on the chair, staring at the results. Albus, Minerva and Poppy looked at him.

"Well?" Albus asked.

"That boy Astus knows his deal," Slughorn said. "It was spiced with Basilisk venom, all of it. Even the drinks. He stopped his child, and himself from being killed."

The four looked at each other, then back to the food. Who would want to murder Astus?

"Voldemort obviously."

Astus sounded casual even as he checked the cookies the house-elf had brought before allowing Severus to have one. His wand vanished underneath his sleeve again, as quickly as it had appeared. Albus sighed and leaned back.

"Why?" he asked.

"I'm a nuisance that didn't die," Astus said. "Can't kill me with Avada Kedavra, and he will try everything else. He's never failed to kill anyone. Well, except you I suppose."

"You're talking about your own life."

"He's been trying to kill me since I was a toddler," the young man said even as he stopped the child to reach for another. "No, Severus, you got four before. It's enough."

Severus pouted but leaned back to the man. Astus felt his stomach contract, feeling the hunger and closed his eyes briefly.

"It's soon lunch," the headmaster said. "I can have a meal ordered up here specially prepared."

"I don't think I would mind that very much," the young man said. He only had one lesson for the day and that was in Potions that would be after lunch. He might as well eat here, as he left Severus with Albus at Potions nowadays. He needed to focus on what he was working at, and watching out for a child at the same time wasn't the ideal situation.

After a few days Astus realized what Voldemort was trying to do and sighed. The man must be desperate if he tried all those methods. Was he really that scared to let Astus live?

After having nothing to eat for lunch or dinner, Astus sat in his quarters and sighed in misery. The Dark Lord was nothing but annoying now. So that was why he was beginning on a plan.

Since he knew the sixth year-material rather well in Transformation and Charms, he had begun on the seventh-year material already and was going to take the NEWTs for those at Christmas. He wasn't sure when he was taking NEWTs for Potions, Herbology or Astronomy but guessed next year. After that, he would travel but also finding the Horocruxes and weakening Voldemort's connections with other people and also pretty much thinning out his army.

Astus was already going after the diadem because it was already at the school; he just had to get there unnoticed. If he asked Hogwarts, he was sure there were no problems with that. Plus he had a trick or two up his sleeve.

But for now the only problem he had was getting Severus to bed. The boy looked blearily at him as he brushed his teeth and Astus itched to give Severus a hand. He managed not to for another minute before the child almost dropped the toothbrush. Then the man picked it up and helped his son finish, Severus not complaining about it.

Once he had Severus on the bed and tucked in, the child sat up and held out his arms.

"No, Severus, it's time for bed," Astus said as he sat down. "I'll stay until you fall asleep, okay?"

"Not tired," Severus said and rubbed his eyes with his fists.

"I don't believe you," the young man said with a small smile. "Lie down."

Severus scooted underneath the covers and blinked owlishly at his father before the eyelids grew too heavy to keep open. Astus waited, one hand resting on one of Severus' legs until the boy was out cold before walking out of the bedroom and gently closing the door before going to the bookshelves. He got out something behind the books and enlarged it.

It was his trunk from the future and now he opened it. He had taken out most of the essays and books, disguising them as something else so no one would grow suspicious but some things he had left in there.

Unpacking his father's Invisibility Cloak, he stroke the fabric gently before putting it aside right next to him. The Marauder Map next and he smiled a bit at it.

Then there was the photo-album Hagrid had given him at the end of his first year. He looked at it cautiously and then got it up, held it in his lap. He stroke the cover without really thinking about it and then moved to close the trunk, shrink it and place it where he had gotten it from before putting the photo-album in one of the shelves and picking up the cloak and map before hiding them for a later expedition to the Room of Requirement.
