Chapter 22

Severus got his present for his birthday with him as he left Malfoy manor, but with the strict instruction from his father not to open it until his birthday. That would suck, having it and not being able to open it but he chose not to complain about it. It wouldn't do him any good anyway, just adding fuel to his father's teasing. And Astus really didn't need more material than he already had.

The train ride back to Hogwarts was long and boring, as Lily was with her friends in Gryffindor and he didn't really want to spend time being glared at. So he was in a compartment with his year-mates and tried to read while they spoke of the upcoming term. The others got along easily enough but Severus had always been somewhat of a loner. They didn't taunt him for his friendship with Lily which was a plus. He was after all going to school for another few years, and he hoped to have at least someone to talk to while he was there.

Albus welcomed the students back in the Great Hall, and asked them all to remember the victims of Voldemort's latest raid. It had happened during Christmas, Severus had briefly read about it before both Abraxas and Astus had chosen to chuck the newspaper into the fire. The young teen hadn't dared to complain about it.

The food was good, conversation sparse (it was Slytherin after all) and after that, they were all herded off to bed. Not that Severus complained. He wanted to be well-rested for the start of the classes the next day, and he wanted it to be his birthday quicker so he could open the present Astus sent with him.

At last it was the day, his birthday, but Severus tortured himself through the day and didn't open it until night, right before bed. He had received a few gifts throughout the day, one from Lucius at breakfast, and one from Lily during lunch. His dorm-mates had some candy to him, as a sort of congratulation combined with thank you's, as he had a habit to help them with potions.

It was a pendant. He had a few of those, as necklaces and pendants were the only jewellery Severus felt comfortable wearing, and he picked it up from the box. The chain was heavy, made to be worn throughout life, and the pendant itself was silver, and imbedded in that, a smouldering black onyx.

Severus grinned. It was the sort of gift his father would give. Something meant to be carried until death. And along with formal robes, this one would make a hell of a good impression.


In early February Lily brought someone with her to the library. Severus glanced at Remus Lupin, up and down, before returning to his homework and greeting Lily.

"He promised to help me out with Transfiguration," she said. "Can't always ask you, you got enough homework on your own without playing teacher to me."

"You can do it pretty fast," he said.

Lupin sat down next to Lily and hesitantly began to speak with her. It wasn't often he was away from Potter and Black so Severus wondered if they were going to show up. And what they would call him if they saw their friend sit at the same table. Wouldn't end pretty, he knew that much.

The two Gryffindors began to speak quietly about their homework and let the Slytherin work in peace, which he appreciated. He even found himself not minding Lupin's company that much.


Classes and homework took up much of Severus' time but he did spend a lot of free time outdoors. Mostly alone, and mostly sitting by the lake or at the edges of the forest, looking at what few floras there were during the winter.

The gate-keeper Hagrid caught him one day in early March, but instead of sending him off to the headmaster for being too close to the Forbidden Forest he instead lent Severus a book about the flora around the forest. The young teen must have looked surprised because the next thing Hagrid did was laugh and tell him, just because he was a Slytherin didn't mean he was bad or that Hagrid felt any ill intent towards him.

"Jus' stay clear off the forest, ey?" Hagrid said as Severus prepared to go back to the castle for dinner. "If yer want to have a look closer to summer, just com' get me, 'lright?"

Severus nodded and was off. He told Astus later that night about it.

"I think he liked me," Severus said. "But I'm a Slytherin."

"And while many are prejudiced about that doesn't mean everyone is," Astus replied, wishing he could reach out and smooth away that frown on his son's face. "You are just a child, and one who wants to learn. I'm quite sure Hagrid was pleased to see that. And you accepted the book didn't you?"

"I-Yeah. I've never really been close to the forest but I've gotten interested in what's in there."

"I'm sure Hagrid would be happy to tell you about what he knows."

"Do you know him?" Severus asked.

"Not too well," Astus said. "But he's got a good heart."

Astus didn't know how well Severus had known Hagrid back… back in the future. He wasn't even sure if they had spoken to each other outside school business. He was hoping Severus wouldn't find any reason to tease Hagrid for his heritage, as it was hardly his own fault.

After the teen had said goodnight Astus stayed where he was, at the desk in his room. The rest of the manor appeared silent, but he was quite sure Abraxas and Lucius were still up. He just wasn't sure if he wanted company or not.

Figuring he won't get some sleep just yet, not for quite some bit, he joined them in one of the smaller get-together rooms. Warm and cosy with a roaring fire. Lucius was on the only couch in the room, tucked in and half-asleep. Abraxas had dragged over the armchair quite near so the hand not holding a book could card through Lucius' hair. The young man was obviously most pleased by this and Astus shook his head before sitting down and dragging a blanket over his legs.

"You alright?" Abraxas asked.

"I'm fine. Severus met Hagrid today," he said.

"Was he doing something bad?"

"He was checking out the flora near the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid gave him a book to read about it instead of him venturing inside. Most kind of the man."

"Yes, certainly. He's perhaps not amongst the cleverest of wizards," Abraxas said, "but he certainly loves his job. And he likes curious students."

Lucius had nodded off and Abraxas carefully extracted his hand from his son's head. The blonde remained asleep.

"He's asleep early," Astus remarked.

"Yes, well, he's been at those books all bloody day," Abraxas said. "His eyes are knackered."

"You do tell him it's not hurry, right?"

"Yes, I do but you know Lucius. He hates just sitting around doing nothing. He's started to get interested in politics."

"And you're not?" Astus asked.

"Oh, please. Me? I can barely even tell who the Minister is this year!" Abraxas moaned. "I'm not a political person. I mean, it's fine Lucius wants to pursue politics but I won't know where to start with that."

Astus looked over at Lucius. He didn't know if the interest for politics had been real in the future. Perhaps he had taken the position, learnt all that for Voldemort. But now it was genuine. He smiled at Abraxas and said:

"Well, at least one of you will know who the Minister is."

That had the man chuckling.


Over the course of a few weeks Lupin joined Lily and Severus infrequently in the library, and Severus was convinced by Lily to at least call him Remus.

Remus didn't tell his friends where he went, and after some thinking Severus felt that was for the best, for all three of them. Sirius maybe didn't tease him, but he didn't stop Potter from doing it and Potter still hated his guts. This time it appeared for getting more attention from Lily than Potter got.

Oh, he so had a crush on the girl. Severus wondered if he even realized Severus and Lily were just friends. He didn't have any romantic feeling towards the girl. Just because a girl and a boy were friends didn't mean they were interested in each other.

But apparently Potter didn't get that.

One day Lily had to find a book and left Remus and Severus alone. Severus continued with his Ancient Runes-work while Remus fiddled with his quill.

"Do you like her?" he asked after a few moments.

"Hmm?" Severus replied.

"Lily. Do you like her?"

"As a friend, yes. As a potential girlfriend, no," he replied. "Why? Do you?"

"No, she's a friend, it's just… well, James thinks you fancy her."

"Well, fancy this; he can't tell the difference between the two then."

"You should tell him that," Remus said. "He's only angry at you because of that, nothing else. If you make it clear he should stop."

"Yeah, I just have to pull his head out of his arse first," the Slytherin muttered. "He'll think I'm lying."

Remus was quiet for a bit. "I'd want him to listen," he said after a while. "You're okay. But I like being James' friend as well, and I don't know what he'll do if he knows you're kind of my friend too."

"If he's got a sensible bone in his body he'll do nothing," Severus said and looked at him. "We can't like everyone, but you just can't start hating someone just because they're friend with someone you don't like."

"Yeah, but I take your expression 'I just have to pull his head out of his arse'," Remus said. "James' parents are kind, but they're…"

"Prejudiced against Slytherins?" he asked, and Remus nodded. "And passed it onto their son."

"They do it unconsciously," he said. "They don't mean to."

"But bad people come from there," Severus muttered. "Right? That's what everyone thinks. Yeah, bad people come from Slytherin. But they can come from anywhere. My best friend is Lucius Malfoy, he's from Slytherin, from a known Dark family and he likes Lily. He thinks she's funny and clever. He doesn't even mind Petunia."

"You know about Petunia?" Remus asked, surprised.

"Course I know," Severus said. "She's spent time in Malfoy manor. She writes me letters. And she writes to Bellatrix Black as well. Bellatrix adores her."

"Wait, Bellatrix Black?" Remus said. "But her parents…"

"She's not her parents," Severus said, and then looked to the side. "Oh, did you find the book?"

"Yep!" Lily said, grinning as she sat down. "Had a good chat? Or did you two just work?"

"Mind your own business," Severus said.

"Oi!" She smacked him on the arm. "Play nice!"

"That's not what Abraxas says."

"Well, he's a bad influence on you. Listen to your dad instead."

"He doesn't tell me to play nice," Severus said. "He tells me to stop punching people in the face."

"Well, that's a version of 'play nice'," she said and he finally shrugged. "So, chat or homework?"

"We talked a bit," Remus said, "don't make this an interrogation. Now, the book. Let me see if I can find what we're searching for."


There had been an uprising in raids and attacks. More and more made it into the papers. The Ministry was striking back at the Dark Lord the best they could, but the attacks were random, not on a schedule. The Death Eaters managed a lot of damage before the Aurors made their way to the scene.

Albus and his Order tried their best as well, but their best wasn't always good enough. People's lives were lost, and families split apart.

Astus read that almost every day. It was painful to read.

And then he started to dream.

Lucius was woken up by a shout. He bolted up as another one sounded, and got up just in time to see Abraxas barge into Astus' room.

The man was twisting around in the bed, occasionally calling out someone's name. Lucius didn't know whose, but he sounded desperate, and sometimes he screamed like he had been hurt. Abraxas rushed up to the bed and grabbed Astus' arms. The man woke up with a gasp and stared up at the blonde.

"It's alright," Abraxas said. "Calm down, it's over now. It's alright now."

Lucius came closer to see the wild panic slowly fade from Astus' face. His face was clammy and the skin cold before he lurched up to a sitting position. Abraxas let him go and carefully asked:

"You alright?"

"No," Astus said with a quiet laugh. "But… better. Thank you for waking me up."

"What was it? A nightmare?"

"More like a memory," Astus said. "Dementors. Everything going to hell. I lost a good friend."

"Lucius," Abraxas said. "Go back to bed."

The blonde looked at them both. Astus turned to him with a shaky smile and said:

"Go, really. You shouldn't have to hear about things like this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go to bed."

Lucius left them and closed the door behind him with a quiet click. Astus buried his face in his hands and breathed deeply.

"Who?" Abraxas asked.

"Ron," Astus replied. "It felt like losing him all over again. Dementors aren't even fighting in this war so why do I dream about it?"

"Because that happened in your war," Abraxas said quietly. "I think you need a drink."

"God, yes," he said. Astus didn't drink often but right now all he wanted was a Firewhiskey to burn down his throat.

A half-hour later they were in the living room, a fire lit and Astus on the couch with two blankets over himself. It was a quarter to four in the morning and neither he nor Abraxas felt sleepy. Abraxas was nursing a glass of wine sitting in an armchair, eyes watching the flames. Astus was on his second Firewhiskey and gazed into the fire as well.

"Hermione hated Firewhiskey," he said all of a sudden. "I mean, she really hated this stuff."


"Yeah. It burned too much," Astus said. "She wasn't much of a drinker. She… she didn't exactly have the time to become one."

"But you did?"

"Infrequent times," he said with a chuckle. "Being on the run doesn't allow much time to drink. But a few times, you just had to get away. Pretend for a tiny little while that you're not on the run. That you're not playing with death every day by just existing. Sometimes we drank. Sometimes we acted like kids again. Sometimes Hermione would tell us about the Muggle world. A different one from the one I lived in. A much more beautiful world. She and Ron told me about parents. I only had an aunt who couldn't stand the sight of me."

Abraxas looked over at him but Astus stared into the fire.

"They died too young," he said. "So many did. So many wasted lives. For what? A crazy man wanting the world to kneel to him. In the end he was just a scared little child. A simple human being terrified of death."

"I went to school with him," Abraxas said and drank some wine. "Same year in fact, even if he doesn't remember that. He charmed most of the ones in the house. Got favours. Got worshippers."

"And you?"

"I think he was annoyed that I didn't fall for his charisma," Abraxas said. "Because I won't deny he had that. That, and the determination to show he was no simple half-breed or a Mudblood."

"He is a half-breed," Astus said. "Just like me. He has a Muggle father, I had a Muggleborn mother."

Abraxas looked at the man. "You're not Voldemort," he said.

"He once said we were alike," Astus said and chuckled. "Orphans. Both lonely. Both hated for our magic. Both wanting the approval of adults around us. But I can't say we're much alike beyond that. He had an ambition. I never had. I just… I just wanted to live. That's all I asked, and I got it. I got to live while everyone around me died."

Astus downed the drink and sighed.

"I didn't ask to come back to save Hermione and Ron. I didn't beg to be taken back to save Albus. The one I wanted to save was a man who had tormented me."

"And look at that man now," Abraxas said. "Safe and sound, sleeping at Hogwarts, growing up to be a brilliant person. A person so different from the Severus you told me about."

"The bat of the dungeons," Astus said and chuckled. "Hermione told us to be respectful to him, but no one ever listened. I wonder what would have happened if we did. If I hadn't been such a prat to him."

"From what you told me he had had a hard life. And you gave him a better one."

Astus smiled. "Yeah. I actually did."

"And I dare say you got a better one as well," the blonde continued. "You might not have the friends from your childhood with you, but you're alive. And most of the time, you look happy enough."

"Don't be silly; course I am. As long as we kill Voldemort, and then I'll be even happier."

"Happy enough to dance with me?"

"Is that an invitation or a suggestion?"

Abraxas laughed, and reached out his glass so they clinked together, Astus' now filled with another Firewhiskey, and then he said:

"Figure that one out on your own."


Voldemort had been going through the reports from the Death Eaters before finally retiring. However, there wasn't much sleeping. He had too many things to think about. Sleep could come later. Much, much later.

The Ministry was upping the stakes. Taking in more and more people to go through basic Auror training. More and more troops dispatched on every raid. It wasn't too bad, most of them weren't any good but it was annoying. It caused confusion, the Death Eaters had too many to aim at and they were all running around like scared chickens.

He scoffed as he looked into the fire he had lit just a few minutes ago. He was in the bedroom, the Dark Lord had made it that far but he was seated in an armchair he kept near the hearth. Nagini had slithered off earlier, and he was in no hurry to call on her.

Voldemort rubbed his forehead, sighing. It was not getting harder, this war, but not easier either. A stale-mate he was sick and tired off. Nothing was getting worse but he was so utterly frustrated by it all.

He released the grip of the glass he had been holding, before he broke it. He had been breaking a lot of glasses lately. The eyes found the fire again and he tapped the arms of the chairs with the tips of his fingers.

Nothing new on Astus Mentis either. He was laying low. What little he had heard from Death Eater's children about the son, Severus, was that the young teen was a genius at potions and a hard-working student. Quiet, well-behaved, except for one physical attack on a Gryffindor. Voldemort had smiled at that. The boy knew anger. Unlike his father. Voldemort had never seen Astus angry. Had never heard of it. There had to be anger somewhere inside him. All you needed to do was to lure it out. Anger was distraction.

Voldemort could do with a distraction when it came to Astus Mentis. He could always focus on the Ministry and Albus' Order but that Mentis managed to keep himself in the Dark Lord's mind. Not all the time of course, but he snuck into the man's thoughts when Voldemort the least expected it. And when he didn't want to be distracted.

He sighed and leaned back into the chair. It didn't help to think about Astus Mentis. Actions would be taken at some point, and while Voldemort didn't have any plan what to do at the moment, he was determined to find one.


Easter came and went with not too many casualties on either side, but not much progress either. Severus read about it all in the papers, and had experienced more and more hostility against Slytherins. That was to be expected; Slytherins hadn't exactly been very welcoming from starters, most of them preferring to be alone or with limited amounts of people.

But surely they must realize not all Slytherins are dark? Severus fancied himself being on the Light side, even if his mother's family made his magic dark. Most of the Slytherins he was with were neutral. Their families didn't like the hassles of war. He could hardly blame them. Astus preferred to keep Severus out of it, and be on the front line himself, but ever since the near-fatal accident last summer Astus had become more cautious.

Potter and Sirius had other things to worry about than him, and Severus didn't complain about that either. He was left alone; wonderful. He progressed in his studies without interruptions from them; even better. He couldn't say about him and Remus; it was still too fragile to tell. But they did talk a bit, and the Slytherin had begun to enjoy seeing the Gryffindor.

At Malfoy Manor celebration of Easter were sparse but still there, mostly because Abraxas wanted to celebrate Muggle Easter. Astus had no clue how it was properly celebrated though, and so they had to contact Petunia in order to know someone's ordinary Easter. She admitted in the letter the request had made her laugh, but the two men didn't mind. They were supposed to be wizards after all; for some reason most wizards and witches remained completely clueless about the Muggle world.

Lucius hadn't minded what his father and almost-uncle cooked up for the occasion; he had learned to go along with what they did and so they had a nice few days.

Astus had begun searching for the remaining Horcruxes but it wasn't easy when he had no clue as to where to look. However, Voldemort had in his time handed them over to trusted Death Eaters; he might have done the same here. Just other Death Eaters. Someone as loyal to him as Bellatrix and Lucius had been. Or, as loyal as Lucius had pretended to be.

"You're thinking too much for this time of the day."

It was early one April morning, and Astus turned around. Abraxas came closer and sat down next to him on the couch in the living room. The blonde man lit the fire in the hearth with a flick of his wand.

"And you are up far too early," Astus replied.

"Doesn't matter. What are you thinking off?"


"Unpleasant subject," Abraxas said and called for tea.

"But a necessary one. For now." Astus leaned back and sighed. "I need to find the last ones."

"No such luck?"

"No. I have to get more information about the Death Eaters I think. Voldemort would entrust the Horcruxes to a person within the ranks he somewhat trusts."


"Well, at least he did it the first time I searched for them," Astus said. "But now I've deprived him of those people so I have to find new ones."

"Perhaps not this morning. Tea?"

Astus accepted a cup and sighed again. He had no leads, nothing to go on. He didn't know what other Death Eaters Voldemort trusted.

Rodolphus Lestrange? A vague possibility but not too trustworthy. Astus didn't know much about the man. Most focus was put on his then-wife. Rabastan had been an annoying person at school but not too much of a threat. Too easily angered. Voldemort wouldn't go to him.

What of people financing the war? Surely war costs even Voldemort, and where the hell was the money coming from?


He blinked and looked at Abraxas who smiled gently.

"Where did you wander off to?" the older man asked, reaching out to stroke the side of his face.

"Thoughts," Astus replied. "Just… thoughts."

"Drink your tea. And you should get a few more hours of rest."

Astus finished the tea but didn't feel like walking up to his room. Instead he lay down and plonked his feet in Abraxas' lap, toes kneading the man's thigh.

"Astus, that's distracting."

"Deal with it," Astus replied and the blonde quirked an eyebrow. Astus wriggled his toes as a response and gave in, turning to his side.

One of Abraxas' hands closed around his ankle before covering him with a quilt and casually waving over a book. Astus looked into the fire for a while, mind spinning with half-remembered names and places before his eyes no longer could stay open. The buzzing slowed down, and he soon succumbed to sleep.


June approached, the final tests in school and then summer vacation. Severus looked forward to it, to spend some time with Lucius again and his father, and Abraxas. He had missed them all, despite the letters and calls through the two-way mirror.

News of more attacks had dwindled. The war between dark and Light was subdued, but the Light were kept on their toes. Silence from the Dark Lord was never a good sign, and the Ministry doubled their security.

They wanted to do the same at Hogwarts but Albus knew the wards were enough. His Order was ready anytime though to come should an attack against the school come. They were ready to aid whoever needed help.

Severus wasn't sure where his father was standing. Not with Voldemort, that much he got. But Astus wasn't seen as an active part of the Light, and certainly not accepted as one. He was considered dark, along with the Malfoys and the Blacks. Severus wasn't even sure what his father's magic was, if it was dark or Light. He certainly knew enough spells of the dark, but he could produce a Patronus like no other.

His quest wanting to know about that though had to wait, as he tried to study for the finals.

"You've been scribbling non-stop ever since we started talking," Astus said one night. "What are you doing?"


"How can you do that while talking to me?"

"It's good training," Severus said.

"I would've been lost on both accounts," Astus muttered.

"Give yourself some credit, dad."

"That's the thing, I'm not academic. I hated it. Still do. Reading a book about a school subject is so bloody boring."

"But reading other books are more fun?"

"Well, at least I get to choose what to bloody read."

Severus finished the lines and focused on his father.

"You're smart," the teen said.

"Yeah, only when I want to be," Astus said. "You should see me with magic history; I'm rubbish. Not much better with Muggle either. There I plain suck."

"Have you ever tried?"

"Yep. Didn't work. Didn't hold my interest. Oh, are you finished?"

"For tonight," Severus replied. "Where are Abraxas and Lucius?"

"Out," Astus said as he rolled over to his stomach on the bed. "Some fancy dinner I didn't want to tag along on."

"So… did you eat dinner alone?"

"Nah, Bellatrix came by," Astus said. "She made sure I ate."

"She still there?"

"No, she had to get back home," he said with a sigh. His elbow crinkled some parchment and he shoved them aside. Names written, crossed over, and he looked away from them.



"Nothing… you just looked a bit weird."

"I'm fine," Astus said. "Just put my arm in some stuff."

"You got too much stuff around you, you know," Severus said.

"I was never known for being neat, that's all you," the man said with a grin.


Severus was alone on the train. He wasn't sure how he got a whole compartment to himself but he wasn't complaining. Lily and Remus had gone off with their friends in Gryffindor and his Slytherin mates had better places to be apparently. He didn't mind that either.

Gave him plenty of time to read, and eat from the food the house-elves had given him. Astus had given up the secret way into the kitchens and the house-elves were only too happy to serve him.

By the time the train pulled into London though Severus was glad it was over. He hadn't wanted to drag out a lot of books out of his trunk, and so he had been stuck with the same one that he had already read twice.

Getting out wasn't easy and he cursed his still relatively short height as parents mixed with the students. But then he spotted Abraxas' and Lucius' blonde hair and dove into that direction.

Astus was standing next to Abraxas, sporting a black eye that Severus stared at.

"It used to look worse," Abraxas said and that didn't really reassure Severus much even as Astus hugged him.

"I'm fine," Astus assured.

"What happened?" the teen asked.

"A raid," his father replied. "I ducked from a curse and got a chair thrown at me instead. Hence, the nice black eye."

"Why isn't it healed?"

"It is," Abraxas said. "You can't expect miracles to happen all at once. Sometimes you got to let the body heal naturally."

"It's not that bad," Astus said and looked at his son. "It doesn't hurt… well, as long as no one touches it."

Severus didn't like seeing his dad hurt. He doubted few kids wanted to see that. But Astus' smile made up for it… kind of.

They only had time to say hello to Petunia and Lily's parents as Abraxas and Lucius dragged the two Mentis out on dinner. Severus didn't even have time to change clothes, although Astus took his trunk, shrunk it and kept it safe.

Severus didn't know the place but it was nice, small and cosy. The owners knew Abraxas, gave them the best table and the best service. Severus was famished despite the house-elves' food, and was only too happy to see all the choices he could order.

Astus kept it relatively light, but Abraxas ordered two meals, one for himself and one to share with Astus. He also ordered wine and whatever non-alcoholic drinks Severus wanted.

"You're spoiling us all," Astus told Abraxas once Severus and Lucius were engaged in a conversation about Severus' final in Ancient Runes.

"Well, I like doing it from time to time."

"Does from time to time count as all the time?" Astus asked, slightly tipsy.

Abraxas only laughed.


Finally arriving at Malfoy Manor at midnight Severus had no more energy than to brush his teeth and change into night-clothes. Astus was sitting on the bed when he came out from the bathroom.

"Hi," Severus mumbled as he climbed into the bed. "You look a little drunk."

"I think I am," Astus said with a smile. "Shouldn't have let Abraxas force that last glass into me."

"More like the last three, dad. You're slurring."

The man shook his head, rose up smoothly for being drunk, and adjusted the covers over Severus before stroking his forehead.

"Sleep well," Astus said.

"You too. And go to bed already."

"I'm going, I'm going."

Astus didn't even manage to change into his night-clothes before he fell into bed. He was still in trousers and shirt but didn't care. He had magically brushed his teeth before trying to unclothe himself, and mentally thanked himself for that. Now he curled up on top of the bed and fell asleep not long after that.

He was rudely woken up by someone tugging at the blankets under him. He growled faintly in his throat before realizing he was quite cold.

"That's it, you daft idiot," he heard Abraxas say. "Just roll over a little. It's too cold in here for you."

Astus rolled over and glanced up blearily in time to see Abraxas tuck him in.

"Wha's 'ime?"

"I assume you're asking about the time," the blonde said and got an exhausted nod. "Just after one. I'm going to bed now, you drunkard. Sleep it off."

"Shu' up," Astus mumbled. "You… you made 'e drink."

Abraxas laughed quietly at him and stroke his hair.

"Go to sleep, darling."

Astus didn't even have the energy for a snappy comeback.


The first thing Severus started with was the summer homework. He was determined to get it finished as soon as possible so he could start reading up for forth year.

"You do know you're not finding out what books you're supposed to have for another month?" Astus asked as he watched his son struggle on with the Herbology report.

"Plenty of others to read," Severus said and waved at the bookshelves around them in the living room.

"Are you even going to see the sun at all?"

"Maybe. With a book," the teen said. "Or something cold to drink."

At least he had changed out of his black robes, going for somewhat Muggle-like with three-quarter shorts and a shirt. Astus remained in black slacks and a white shirt but he'd added cooling charms so he was quite comfortable in the warm living room. The sun roasted on outside.

"Severus," he said. "I'll be going away for a bit."

"Away as in away for a couple of hours, or away longer than that?"

"I don't know how long," Astus said and the teen looked up. "I'm sorry but there is something I need to find."

He had a lead on the diary that housed part of Voldemort, and he needed to follow it now. Severus frowned and said:

"How long do you think?"

"I honestly don't know," Astus said. "Could be a couple of days. Could be a month."

"What are you looking for?" the teen asked, forgetting about homework.

"I can't tell you."


"Severus, don't press me on this," Astus said and leaned forward. "I don't want to tell you. If I can get away with it, I will never tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not something anyone should know," the man said. "Honestly? It's better left to become forgotten."

"Dad, what's going on?"

Astus regretted it, but mostly his searches hadn't interfered with his time with Severus, and when it had, the teen had been too young to question why.

"We're at war," he said. "I'm fighting in it, but not in that sort of direct fighting-way. Albus needs me."

Severus looked at him. The dark eyes were narrowed, calculating, and Astus had a flashback of the older Severus, the Severus Snape with those dark eyes trying to figure everything out.

"It's alright," Astus said and came over to sit at his son's side. "I'll be fine. Won't be near any battles."

"But what are you doing then?"

"I told you, I'm looking for something."


"No buts, Sev," he said and pressed a kiss to the teen's temple. "It's fine. It'll be fine, and I'll try to finish it as quickly as I can."

"When are you leaving?"

"Two days." Astus looked at him. "Do you think you can let homework wait two days for me? I just want to spend some time with you."

"Don't make it sound like you're never coming back," Severus bit out.

"Sorry. I just… I want to relax, eat ice-cream, bathing… you know, summer things. Only I wouldn't enjoy it as much if I knew you were in here working away."

Severus looked at his father and then closed the book to Herbology.

"I got another month before I know the course-books," he said. "So get changed; we're taking a bath. Can we push Abraxas into the lake?"

"Course we can. We'll have Lucius help us."


Astus found himself in Rome two days later, ducking wizards and witches in the wizard-part of the city.

One follower to Voldemort had a vault in a bank in magical Rome. This follower was not a Death Eater; however he was rich and funded Voldemort in the war. He was trusted, or as well as Voldemort would trust someone, and Astus had to figure out a way to get into the bank to check if the diary was there.

Good thing it wasn't run by Goblins; that it wasn't another Gringotts. Breaking into the place once was more than enough for a lifetime. He'd get somewhere to stay for a while and try to find something out about the bank.

It started well for once. The map of the bank was easy enough to memorize, and locating the vault only took a couple of spells on one of the workers before swiping the interrogation from his memories.

Getting into the bank to see it first-hand was just fine. He had a story ready and they all swallowed it. It was going so great Astus started to wonder where things would start going wrong.

It didn't.

Well, not until after he got the diary. He was on his way out of Rome when hell broke loose, and before he knew it, Astus had Apparated to Romania. He took off running as soon as he landed, and sure enough, Apparition sounds behind him told him he had been followed.

Twisting through the trees in a nearby forest he ran as fast as he could to get away from his pursuers. He was endlessly glad he was wearing a glamour, so that when (don't think if, seriously don't) he got back to England he wasn't going to be hunted down.

His magic draining after running, Apparating and firing off spells for three solid hours, and Astus stumbled across a cave. He dove into it and sealed off the entrance, made it look there was no cave and hoped for the best.

Thankfully they fell for it, and Astus lay back on the stone ground, gasping for breath and his heart hammering.

"It's a human."

The voice made him snap up, wand out and light shining even as Astus scrambled backwards.

He was caught in a gentle, but firm grip and came face to face with a vampire.

Out in the sun. Without burning. Or at least complaining about the light. Astus' wand-tip stopped glowing and the vampire tilted his head.

"You are exhausted," he stated, looking over Astus. "Your heart-rate quite high, and magic trembling. You need rest."

"Are you really a vampire standing in the sun or have I gone delirious already?"

The vampire's skin was cool, and Astus heard the shouting of his pursuers returning towards them. Before he could say anything, do anything, even more, the vampire whispered something and everything went black.


Severus had once more abandoned his homework to have a picnic with Lucius and the two Black sisters. Andromeda was spending the day with Ted and his parents. Abraxas had some tedious business with the Ministry and so had opted to leave Lucius at home with Severus.

The two women were picking at the different sandwiches the house-elves had made while Severus sipped some cold juice. Lucius had been drinking ice-tea but right now he was lying down on the blanket and dozing in the sun.

It had been almost a week since Astus had left the manor. Severus hoped he wouldn't be late for his own birthday. It would suck not being able to celebrate it, since it sounded like in his young days Astus didn't do much of a celebration.

"Thinking too much, or is it the sun?"

Severus looked down at Lucius who blinked up at him.

"A bit of both I think," Severus replied. "Why aren't we having a sunshade?"

"You mean like a Muggle parasol?"

"Aren't parasol and sunshade the same thing?" he said. "But yeah, whatever. Why don't we have one?"

"I don't know if there is one in the manor," Lucius said.

"Well, it would be nice with some shade. It's too hot."

"Go cool yourself in the lake then."

"I don't want to get wet just to cool down," Severus and lay down.

"If that's all you're asking for…"

Lucius flicked his wand at Severus and the teen sighed in relief as the cooling charm settled over him.

By the time Abraxas returned though all four were in the lake, and most of the food was gone. He settled himself for the leftovers and watched over them, despite three of them being legal adults.


Astus woke up refreshed, and with the immediate memory of whom he had lost consciousness in front of. He sat up abruptly and the same vampire he had seen then perked his head up.

"You are feeling better, yes?"

The man nodded. The vampire came forward with a goblet.

"Water," he said. "We have not harmed you."

Astus realized his hand was up at his neck, feeling for wounds. He had been reading too much fiction of vampires, and smiled apologetically as he put down his hand.

"I don't know much about vampires," he said. "Forgive my ignorance."

"It is understandable. Our cousin kin has created our reputation."

"Cousin kin?"

The vampire settled down next to the bed, and Astus took a moment to look around. It was in the cave, but obviously it ran through mountains as the room was large, roomy and high to the ceiling. Wooden furniture covered the cold walls and rugs on the stone floor must make it more comfortable.

"The ones who can only walk by night," the vampire said. "We are the day-walkers. We can walk under the sun."

"I… I didn't know there were two."

"Few know. Pardon me, I have yet to introduce myself. I am Frewen."

"Astus," he said and shook the vampire's hand. "You… you don't happen to have grabbed a bag I was carrying?" If the diary had been found by the pursuers again, Astus surely wouldn't see it ever again.

"We did," Frewen said. "It contains evil."

Astus was handed the bag and picked out the diary. Frewen moved away from the item and said:

"How can you stand its touch?"

"We don't feel the same way you do I guess. We humans… so much more ignorant," Astus said. "Not to say it feels comfortable holding it. I know what it contains, and what it can do."

"What is it?"

"It's a Horcrux." Frewen rose from the chair and backed away. "Not mine," Astus hurriedly added. "I found it… to destroy it."

"Why do you seek to destroy it?"

"Because it belongs to a man who tries to cheat death," Astus said. "And he will do much harm to the world if he's allowed to continue. He's been lost to his own madness and I'm just trying to stop him."

"You are speaking of the lord rising in Britannia."

"Yes." Astus put the diary away and rose up. "I should be going. A lot of people must be looking for this right now, and I don't want to endanger you."

Frewen stepped closer and removed a bracelet from his wrist, one of many, and he took a hold of Astus' hand.

"Beware of other day-walkers," he said as he put on the bracelet on Astus' arm. "A few of them joined the lord, broke our laws and feeds on unwilling humans. We only drink from those who consents it."

"What is this?" Astus asked and looked at the bracelet.

"Precaution. If you are in need of help," Frewen said and smiled. "You feel like a good person. But far too lonely. It will also aid your speed and strength, give you advantage of your hunters so you can go home to your son safely."

Astus looked at him. "How do you know I have a son?"

"It is not hard to see it," the vampire said. "At least not for me. The pursuers still lingers, so we will show you another way out. Do not look back when you run; it will only slow you down."

Astus, feeling mighty confused, wordlessly followed Frewen. His head was spinning. Two different kinds of vampires? One who walks by the night, one by daylight? And vampires with Voldemort? He had never encountered a vampire in Voldemort's army before, not when he was Harry Potter, and not during his time as Astus Mentis. Perhaps they hid. Or didn't go where he was. So many different explanations, and so he stopped trying to figure out how. Werewolves existed so why not vampires?

Twenty minutes later he was out, running through rocky grounds and not once looking back.


Almost a full two weeks after Astus had left, he came bursting into Malfoy Manor and causing Albus, Moody and Minerva to turn around while Abraxas stared at him.

A nick on the forehead had made blood spill down the right side of his face, one sleeve was badly burnt and he looked quite out of breath.

"And what the hell have you been doing?" Abraxas demanded to know.

"Found a Horcrux, met vampires, destroyed a couple of Voldemort's information nets and an awful lot of running," Astus said and grinned. "I got the bloody diary, Abraxas."

He held it up, and they could all feel the dark magic radiate from it. The blonde man stared at the diary.

"Why haven't you destroyed it yet?" he asked.

"Because I lost the venom when I was running for my life," Astus said. "Severus in?"

"No, he's in Diagon Alley. He should be back with Lucius within the hour."

"Good, means I'll have time to destroy this fucking diary, shower, tend to my wounds and scare the life out of him," Astus said happily. "Oh, and hi, Albus, Mister Moody, dear Minerva. Sorry I don't have time to stand around chit-chat, I got a Horcrux to utterly and completely demolish. Oh, Voldemort's gonna hate me."

"Doesn't he do that already?" Abraxas asked as Astus sprinted up the stairs.

"Well then, he'll hate me some more!" Astus yelled back at him and then door to his room slammed open. "Abraxas, where did I put the Basilisk venom?"

"Somewhere Severus couldn't find it!" the blonde called back.

There was a bit of silence. Then a crash, and Astus calling back:

"Couldn't I have put it under the sink like normal people hiding things?"

"That'd be too easy," Abraxas shouted. "Now destroy it and get into the bloody shower!"

"Just don't imagine me naked, you pervert!"

Abraxas looked over at the three Order members and muttered under his breath before fleeing into the living room.

When Lucius and Severus returned Albus, Moody and Minerva were gone but Astus sat in the couch with a plate of food balanced on his knee and hair still a bit damp.

"Dad!" Severus ran up to his father and Astus managed to move the plate away before hugging his son. "When did you get back?"

"Only about an hour ago," Astus said. "Have you been good?"

"Yeah. Finished all my work. Lucius let me buy some books today."

"Only because that was the only way to make him stop whining about it," Lucius replied. "He drooled at them through the window."

"I did not!"

"You so did," the blonde young man said before seating himself in the armchair next to his father. "We had lunch as well, so don't worry about that."

"Lovely," Abraxas said. "And after you've eaten up you look like you could use some sleep, Astus. How long since you actually lay down on a bed?"

"Bed?" was the answer all of them needed.


It took Abraxas actually a while to discover the bracelet, and by then it was on the morning of Astus' birthday.

Severus and Lucius was downstairs preparing the tiny breakfast-feast for the man. Abraxas snuck into the room and saw Astus still deep asleep with his back to the door. The blonde man toed over and leaned over Astus, one knee on the bed when he spotted the bracelet.

One of Astus' arms was stretched out and the bracelet shone slightly in the sunlight. Abraxas frowned and leaned closer, reaching out to touch it. It was cool, then hot, then cool again and he picked up Astus' arm to get a better look. It looked like silver, felt heavy yet still light, with not a single mark upon it to show where the man got it from.


He looked down to see Astus blearily looking up at him.

"Morning," Abraxas said. "You got a new bracelet. Happy birthday by the way."

Astus took the kiss on the cheek in a stride and yawned.

"Yeah, I got it from someone," he replied.


"Romania I think. I was running… got saved," he said and pushed himself up to a sitting position. "Did you know there are two types of vampires?"

"Two… types? No, can't say I was aware of that."

"Well, there is," Astus said and looked at him. "I met day-walking vampires."

"Day-walking vampires? I didn't know such things existed."

"Well, he was one. Quite nice. Gave me this, said it would help me. And it sure did. Merlin, the energy it gave me!"

"And it's not dangerous?"

"He didn't say it was," Astus said. "Considering he saved my life and let me rest in their home, I didn't exactly pry for any details. But he knew I have Severus. And I felt safe there."

Abraxas looked at the bracelet again. "Well then, that's alright. Go and freshen up; I'll pick out a robe for you, and I'll have you know Lily and Petunia is coming over."

"Really? What for?"

"Because Severus invited them," Abraxas said. "Petunia already knew your birthday so she probably would've come anyway. Whether she found the manor or not."

"Lovely. Any other I should know of?"

"Nate and Zack will be in for lunch," Abraxas said. "Narcissa and Bellatrix will come after that, and Andromeda and Ted will come over for dinner. Other than that, might come one or two so just in case, keep on smiling."

Astus only groaned at that.


Four days after Astus' birthday it was a raid.

No, it couldn't be called a raid. It was a slaughter.

Twenty people had been killed brutally, and their tiny village completely wiped out. The Order members gathered along with Ministry personnel, and Astus was there with Abraxas. Abraxas rubbed his arms and moved as if he was uncomfortable.

"Can't handle the blood, Malfoy?" Moody growled.

"More like can't handle the rage of the magic," Abraxas snapped, eyes dark and stormy. "This is disgusting, using the magic for such hatred… it's so much rage here."

"He must know then," Astus said quietly. Abraxas looked at him. "They knew what I stole, alright? That's why I was chased."

"Stole what?" Moody said and stepped up to him. "You stole something, huh, and this is the punishment? You cold-hearted bastard!"

"Voldemort will continue living if I don't steal his most precious possessions," Astus said and looked into Moody's eye. "So before you make any assumptions, stuff it up your arse and go home to mummy. You fucking coward. If you think you can steal Horcruxes in a better way, go do it then."

Moody's face drained of colour when he heard the word 'Horcruxes' and Astus smiled coldly at him.

"Besides, I'm only missing one now," Astus said. "I know where the final one is, and frankly, I didn't know he'd kill a village in his anger."

"Are you really sure he's done this because you took the diary?" Abraxas said.

"Very sure. I'm surprised it took him this long to act though. I took it some time ago," Astus said.

He looked over the ruins of what had once been home to twenty people. Should he be alarmed how little he felt for them? Looking down on the ground he saw their blood, pieces of the people who had occupied those homes.

"Astus," Abraxas said, taking his arm. "We can't do anything here. Let's go."

"Now hold on a minute!" Moody said. "We called you here, so you ain't leaving until we say so."

"There's nothing to be done," the blonde said. "For Merlin's sake, what will we accomplish by just standing around here?"

Astus watched the splatter of blood on one of the few walls still standing, and then turned to Abraxas. He took a hold of the man, nodded once to Albus and Apparated away.

He ran all the way to the bathroom before vomiting. Abraxas was not far behind and Astus looked up at him.

"I didn't feel anything," he moaned. "I'm turning into that fucking bastard! I didn't think about their pain, I didn't care!"

"That doesn't mean you're like Voldemort," Abraxas replied. "Alright? You're not him."

"He said before… he said we were so alike each other," Astus said and leaned back, rinsing the sickness out of his mouth with a glass of water Abraxas provided. He could hear Lucius murmur quietly to probably Severus outside the bathroom, and put his head in his hands.

"Then he was wrong," Abraxas said.

"He wasn't. He hated so much, and I did as well. He was alone, and so was I. We were taunted by Muggles and wizards alike. Even with my friends my heart was slowly turning into stone."

"But it hasn't," the blonde insisted. "Or are you saying your love for your son is just a play?"


"Then you're not like Voldemort," Abraxas said. "I went to school with him, remember? All he ever did, not matter how charming his smile was, was to manipulate things to his favour. He had a smile, yes, but they never reached his eyes. Never. When you smile, it's in your eyes you can see it. Alright? You're fine."

Astus shook his head but let himself rest against Abraxas. They sat quiet for a while.

"People grew scared of me in my second year," he said suddenly. "I spoke Parseltongue, and after that everyone accused me of being the heir of Slytherin."

"They were children."

"The teachers looked at me that way," Astus said. "They're supposed to be smart adults, but they were scared. Terrified. Only Severus wasn't. In a world that constantly changed between hating and loving me, his anger at me was the only constant thing. I appreciated that."

"Appreciated someone's anger?" Abraxas chuckled. "You were a strange one."

Astus shook his head tiredly and was helped up to his feet.

"So, have we established that you're not like Voldemort?" Abraxas asked.

Astus looked at him for a bit. Then he said:

"Yeah… I think we have."


Shopping for school things was quite different to do when Astus wasn't the one buying for himself. He had done it for a few years now but he still wasn't quite used to it. He mostly let Severus do the running around and getting what he needed, but if the teen approached Astus for help he would of course help.

But for now he could stand back in the book shop and have Severus get everything he needed. Lucius had sauntered off behind him. Abraxas was off in a nearby shop and would probably join them, as the book shop and the Apothecary took the longest times to go through with Severus tagging along. And possible Astus. Sure, it smelled like bad eggs and rotten cabbage in the Apothecary but Astus had learned to ignore it.

Sure enough, Abraxas placed a hand on his shoulder a few minutes later and said:

"Kids still not done?"

"Please," Astus said. "I'm not even sure if Sev has finished with the potions section yet."

"And Lucius?"

"Probably acting like his carrier, like usual. We're spoiling him."

"He's the youngest," Abraxas said. "Fancy lunch after this?"

The hand on his shoulder was warm, familiar, and comforting. Astus glanced behind him, and smiled at Abraxas.

"Sure. As long as there's ice-cream for dessert."
