Chapter 6

"Rabastan has been expelled," Albus told Astus.

"For his actions against me?" the young man asked.

"Yes, also taken in the fact he has been rather hostile ever since you came here," the headmaster replied. "Any idea why?"

"None whatsoever," Astus said and looked up from Severus. "I'm good in classes and the teachers like me?"

"That's the only reason for him to try to seriously hurt you and Severus?"

"Apparently," the younger of the two said before returning to wipe Severus' mouth clean. "Honestly Albus, did you have to give Severus chocolate?"

"Yes, I had to," Albus said, not reacting that Astus had stopped saying headmaster and such at him. He liked it when the young man called him 'Albus', it sounded more personal then. "And he loves it."

"Yes, but he's making a mess!" Astus said and pinched the boy's little nose. Severus looked up and exclaimed happily:


"Yes, daddy's here," Astus replied absently. "And you are taking a bath when we get back."

Severus slapped a chocolate-covered hand on Astus' cheek. Astus' eyes widened a fraction for a moment and the two stared at each other. Then the man gave a deep sigh and said:

"And it seems like I will take a bath as well."

"Daddy looks funny," the child said to Albus who only laughed.

"Alright, down you go!"

Severus let himself be placed in the bathtub, the water high enough to cover his chubby legs. Astus cleaned his own face and pulled his hair up in a ponytail before he began to clean Severus.


"Alright, alright they're coming… look, bubbles," Astus said and waved the bubbles to Severus' direction. He used the distraction to pour some shampoo onto the child's black hair and rolled up his sleeves before fully beginning to rub the substance in. Severus ignored this in favour for the bubbles. Astus shut off the water once it reached the child's waist and let the boy chase the bubbles as he sat on the edge and watched. He thought over what homework he had, and decided to do the Transfiguration today and begin on his Charms work.

"Alright, let's get the shampoo out from your hair," Astus said and waved to the boy. Severus dutifully got closer and let 'his' daddy rinses it out. "Want to stay in a bit longer?"


"Alright, do so."

"Daddy not bathing?"

"Daddy is taking one later," Astus replied. "Don't worry."

"But me want daddy to bath as well!"

Astus considered this. One bath could not hurt, and if he let the water run for another minute it was going to cover him pretty well. And it was not like the tub was little. It was actually rather big.

He stripped down to his underwear and folded the clothes carefully. He then stepped in and shut the water off, leaving the water in the tub perfect warm temperature. As he sank into the warmth Severus climbed up on him and rested his warm body against the man's chest. Astus let him play around while he carefully soaked his own hair after having pulling it out from the ponytail.

After he was done he unplugged the tub, forcing the water to slowly go away and got up. He wrapped a towel around himself and got off the underwear. He took up another towel and lifted Severus into it.

"Comfortable?" he asked as he rubbed the boy's back. Severus nodded, drips of water falling from the tips of his hair. Astus got up his wand, spelled himself dry and spelled Severus' hair dry. He then continued rubbing the child dry as he walked into the bedroom. He got out clothes for Severus, and settled the boy down on the bed.

"Want to dress yourself?"


"Alright, do so. I'll be back soon."

He grabbed his own clothing and went to the bathroom to change. Once done, he put the dirty clothes into the hamper a house-elf emptied every day and hung up the wet towels.

When he got back Severus was already dressed and was bouncing on the man's bed. Astus fell down, causing Severus to yelp and the man could not help but laugh a bit. Severus turned with an enraged war-cry and landed not so heavily on Astus' stomach.

After several minutes of mock-fighting, the boy was resting comfortably against Astus' chest, both of them feeling tired. The man tried to make himself wake up but figured an hour would not hurt. He set the alarm and drifted off.

The man slowly opened the self-healing book he had gotten from Poppy at his birthday. He had not opened it before that, but now he had a free evening and Severus had already fallen asleep. It was with some hesitation he did this though.

He scanned the first page, his fingertips following the words. He flipped over to the first chapter, and looked at the page. To forgive yourself. He bit his lip before starting to read.

Reading theory about forgiving yourself was easy but then it came a few things the author wanted the reader to do. Astus stared at the first sentence.

Tell yourself it is not your fault. He looked up at the ceiling and said quietly:

"It's not my… fault."

Memories swept pass, Cedric's dead face mocking him in the shadows, Sirius' eyes, the veil, Remus, Tonks, Fred, RonHermione

"It's not my fault," he repeated. This was harder then he thought. "It's not my fault."

"Are you so sure about that?" a cruel voice whispered.

"It's not," he whispered back, looking down at the book again. It was getting blurry, and his eyes were burning. The voice seemed keen to continue, but he said harshly, "Shut up."

He covered his face, he was not going to break down for this, but despite his determination hot tears slipped out from his tightly closed eyes and he let out a sob. Another one followed and he slowly began rocking. His body ached, he wanted to be held, he wanted to be told it was not his fault, nothing was his fault, their deaths were not his fault

He was startled when a hand gently was placed on his shoulder, and he turned his head to look up at the concerned Poppy Pomfrey.

"What's wrong, child?" she asked as she sat down. Child. With that little word, it all broke inside of him.

Poppy embraced him as he began to cry in earnest and spotted the book. She closed her eyes painfully and held the fragile young man even closer.

"It's okay," she whispered, having dealt with people with enormous guilt before. But never with one so young. The things Astus should worry about are girls and studies, not about whatever he really did worry about that made him cry like this. She rubbed his back and said the words he desired so much, "It's not your fault."

'Yeah, that's true… it's not my fault.'

"Come on, let's get you to bed." Astus finally released his grip of the healer and took a few deep breaths. She took great care in dabbing away the tears from his face with a handkerchief before continuing, "Are you feeling better now?"

"A bit," he admitted. He looked at the book and smiled weakly. "I only got to the first chapter."

"You'll get through it eventually," she said. "Self-healing takes a long time, Astus. Don't try to make it happen in an instant."

She helped him up but let him walk to the bedroom while she tucked the book away in a place she knew only he would find. After that she walked into the bedroom, satisfied he had already changed into nightclothes and on his way to bed. He changed directions though and went to see how Severus was doing. She watched as he gently tucked the child in, his eyes red-rimmed and his face pale. It was so unfair she decided, to have let him suffer like that.

She tracked his journey from the crib to the bed with her eyes and was pleased when he slid underneath the sheets.

"I will be in the living room," she stated, "even though this is supposed to be your night watching Severus. I think you need a little break."

Astus was near tears for her small gesture but managed to hold it under control and simply nodded.

"Have a good night," she said before closing the door. Only when he knew she was not looking, Astus let the tears fall.

As predicted, Severus woke up in the middle of the night, and Poppy was in before he could make enough fuss to wake the man up. She lifted him from the crib and said quietly:

"You need to learn to sleep on your own soon. Your daddy is very tired now, so please try not to make noise?"

Severus nodded and cast a longing glance at his daddy. Poppy put the child down who snuggled down immediately, pushing his way so he was lying in the man's arms. Astus stirred the tiniest bit and successfully hugged the child secure to his chest. Severus, very satisfied with the action, closed his eyes and went to sleep quickly enough.

"Watch out Astus, you got a Slytherin living with you," the witch muttered before walking out of the room.

Astus picked on the food, not looking particular interested in it. Severus next to him was drinking pumpkin juice happily, having eaten his breakfast already. The man sighed a bit and let the fork drop; he was not getting any food down anyway. He took his cup and drained it from pumpkin juice and then looked at the child.

"You ready?" he asked quietly.

"But… daddy hasn't finished," Severus said.

"Daddy isn't hungry this morning," Astus said. "Daddy will do better on the lunch, okay?"


He lifted the boy from the chair and put him down on the floor. Severus took his hand and they walked down from the Head Table, no one reacting now to their presence. Except for a few Slytherins who eyed him warily. They knew he was the reason that Rabastan had been expelled, and the Dark Lord was growing angry. He wanted to meet Astus, either to turn him dark or to kill him.

Either way Astus was not going to be allowed to remain neutral.


Astus turned his head to look at one of the Slytherins. His eyes narrowed as he replied:


"Next weekend is a Hogsmeade weekend," the Slytherin said. He could not for his life remember who it was. Astus was never good at remembering people.

"What about it?"

"You will go there, without the child."

"Or else?"

"Just do it," the Slytherin sneered and then walked away.

Astus looked after the Slytherin for a moment before rising up. The young man walked after him who stopped and said:

"Stop following me, Mentis."

"Do you really think I will meet with your master?" Astus said and the Slytherin froze. Maybe the name was Fray. Fray something. Not a name that was known in the future. Oh well, why bother?

"I… I never said that."

"No, but your words convinced me otherwise," the man said and stepped closer. He whispered into the Slytherin's ear, "I don't know what old Voldie is up to, or why he wants to see me, but tell your little master that if he wants me on his side he might as well stop trying. I am not a toy he can use, but rather he should be wary of me. Anger me, and you will see why."

He looked at Fray who stared at him.

"Are we clear?" he asked with a sunny smile.

"Yes. We are clear."

"Alright then, off you go. Better go back to my studies, professor McGonagall is going to have my head if I don't finish that paper," Astus said and strolled back to the library, leaving the shocked Slytherin behind.

Severus played with Astus' hair as the man worked on a potion, the child on one of his hips and an arm safely around the child's back. He had chosen to stand up when doing the potion as it allowed him to put Severus down on the chair again.

The Slytherins and the Gryffindors had all started to leave him alone which made him very happy. He did not want any troubles but knew the one who would give him real trouble would plan his move. Old Voldemort was too good at that.

Severus looked behind the young man and clenched Astus' hair. Astus tugged it away before looking behind himself.

Some Slytherins quickly looked down as the man put down the child on the table. He sighed and continued with the potion, Slughorn looking around the classroom. Astus gave Severus a quill to play with and watched the potion simmer. It had to do so for ten minutes before he could bottle it up.

He once more felt the Slytherins' stares on his back and felt a bit annoyed. Of course, Voldemort tended to do that with him. He had probably ordered the students to stare at him.

Well, he had killed the man once… why not again? Screw the Prophecy and all that shit; it had not been predicted yet. He had some time before Harry was born to fix the man away.

"I don't like Halloween."

"Why not?" Albus asked. "Candy, feasting, a time to remember your lost ones… how can you not like it?"

"Because bad things tend to happen to me on Halloween," Astus said.

"Like what?" Abraxas carefully asked. They were seated in Astus' rooms in the living room, Lucius playing with a pendant his father was wearing and not really paying attention to their discussion. Severus looked around at all of them, occasionally taking a bit of the chips on the table next to where he sat in Astus' lap.

"One year I was attacked by a mountain troll," the young man said and looked at the Malfoy. "Just stick your wand up its nose and ask a friend of yours to levitate its club into the head, and voila you've defeated a mountain troll."

"You actually did that?" Poppy said. "You climbed up on a mountain troll?! Why didn't you call for help?!"

"Well… I've been called rather reckless so that might be a bit true…"

"Rather reckless? How about completely foolish?!" the healer shrieked. "You could have gotten yourself killed!"

"It was just a mountain troll," Astus said and waved it away. Severus copied the move and the young man smiled. "See, even Severus agrees with me."

"He's three!" Poppy said and waved her arms around, making the raven-haired boy stare at her. "Of course he agrees!"

"Alright, what else have happened?" Abraxas said, placing a hand on the healer's arm to calm her down.

"Was accused of petrifying a cat one year," Astus said. "My least favourite I think, because I bloody well didn't petrify a stupid cat on a floor filled with water."

"A floor filled with water?" Albus asked.

"Oh, some brats had fun and made the toilets overflow," Astus lied easily. "It just always happens something that day. I just have bad luck on Halloween."

Severus tried to catch the floating candle while sitting in Astus' lap, the man himself looking over the hall in boredom. Halloween was almost over and he had yet to have something strange happening to him. Maybe this was one of the few rare times nothing did happen. He surely hoped so.

When the first explosion rang out from the grounds, Astus knew the night would be anything but calm. When the teachers ran into the Great Hall, all bearing panicked expressions, the young man silently cursed Voldemort to hell.

"Escort all students back to their dorms!" Albus shouted. "Take it calmly, there is no need to rush!"

Severus looked around the chaos, shrinking back in Astus' arms. He quickly gave the child to Poppy and said:

"Look after him for a minute for me, okay?"

Before she had time to realize what he was going to do, Astus was already running towards the Entrance doors. Once she recovered she screamed for Albus.

Astus saw Voldemort for the first time in this time and was in wonder of how young the man looked. Gone was the snake-like face Astus was used to and instead was a charming-looking young man with tousled brown hair and red eyes, dressed in dark red battle robes. They looked like they had been drenched in blood, and Astus felt a bit queasy.

He was not alone on the steps, students in their seventh year and teachers had gathered, wands ready. Albus came out and stepped in front of everyone.

"Why good evening, Albus," Voldemort said mockingly.

"Why are you here?" Albus asked, eyes narrowing.

"Why not? I am simply here to see this young man everyone seems so taken to," the Dark Lord said. "What was his name? Astus?"

Some of the teachers and students tensed. Astus looked at the man standing in front of his Death Eaters. He was not here to try and make Astus step over to his side. He was simply here to kill the teen before said teen became a real threat.

Well… why not let the poor old man try?

"What do you want?" Astus asked and stepped forward. Voldemort's red eyes sought him out and the man smiled maliciously.

"Big mistake, young man. Avada Kedavra!"

The green curse speeded towards the young man. People moved out of the way, expecting Astus to do the same. Yet he did not. Albus managed to scream the young man's name before the curse hit Astus square in the chest. He flew backwards and hit the stone wall, then toppled to the ground.

Voldemort raised an eyebrow.

"Was it that easy to kill him?" he mused. "If that was the case, I wouldn't have bothered with coming."

Albus felt his heart stop at the sight of the unmoving man on the ground. He faintly heard Severus' cry, and his blood turned to ice.

Astus felt pain. He was perfectly content with lying on whatever cold thing he was lying on and simply drift away into the darkness. It felt so much nicer than what he had experienced just a few moments before. He was not aware that the Avada Kedavra hurt like that. Should it? Last time he had been hit with it, he had not even felt himself hitting the ground. Now everything was painfully clear, and as ashamed he was to admit it he had preferred the painless way than this one.

"Come on, mate, get up!" Ron?

"Yes, Harry, up you go." Hermione?

"What are you waiting for, kiddo? Jump up and give the old fart a heart attack!" Sirius, damnit, not so loud.

"Don't let Severus down, Harry. Come on, stand up. You're strong, you can do it." Even mum nags at me… great. I guess I just have to get up then.

"Good, you stubborn Gryffindor! Show them what you got!" Gee, thanks dad.

"Just ignore your old man; he just wants to see old Voldemort freaking out." Yeah, but you also want to see that, Moony.

And so, Astus opened his eyes.

He wondered though how the hell he was supposed to get up when it seemed every limb was on fire. Painfully slowly he got up on his elbows though and squinted to look around.

Voldemort was laughing, and the Death Eaters were laughing too. The Light was standing frozen, some trembling, one and another crying. The shock had not worn off, otherwise the Death Eaters and their jolly lord had been in trouble.

Well, why not take away Voldemort's pleasure and make him a bit angry? Or as Remus put it, see him freak out? That might be fun.

With a groan he got up and the first student turned around. She shrieked, hurting Astus' already sensitive ears. All attention was turned to her, and the source of why she had screamed in the first place.

Voldemort's mouth snapped shut and his eyes widened at the sight. Everyone else's eyes widened as well.

"Was that… really necessary?" Astus asked and looked at the Dark Lord. His legs were a bit more than just wobbly, and he had a terrible headache already. He wanted to go to bed, and ignore Halloween even happened thankyouverymuch. "That did hurt you know."

"How… how are you alive?!"

"You ask me?" the young man said, staggering forward. "Beats me; I just know that this was the third time I survived Avada Kedavra."

Voldemort's hand that held his wand trembled. Astus had to get them out, away from Hogwarts' grounds. How did they get in anyway?

Hogwarts' gentle manoeuvres told him the ward in the forest had weakened, and had been easy to break into. While the castle could not act very much, it could communicate. Astus laid that on his mind to ask Albus fix it and asked for a little help from the ancient castle.

Just one push, and they are gone, bye-bye, and I can go to sleep. Hogwarts found his rambling slightly amusing. But she obeyed, for the first time since the four Founders. It took her a bit of time though to work up the power.

The Death Eaters and Voldemort felt the surge of power and looked around. The Light felt it too, and a wind started. Astus closed his eyes, felt Hogwarts' reassuring magic cradling him. His legs gave away but to the Light's surprise he did not fall at once. A gentle aura slowly helped him down, laying his body stretched out with calm movements and then with one great push, Hogwarts got the intruders away.

Abraxas, having been at Hogwarts during Halloween, carefully carried Astus to the Infirmary. The young man was almost asleep, eyes heavy and body limp. Everyone had been shocked to see him rise up after being hit by Avada Kedavra and Poppy demanded a check-up before he was released from her sight.

The medic-witch walked beside Abraxas, Severus on one hip and holding Lucius' hand. The boy looked up at his father and then at Astus, wondering why the two adults were so quiet and worried.

"Place him on the bed," she instructed the Malfoy as they entered.

"Is Albus around and making sure all the students are okay?" the man asked.

"Yes, after that he's coming here," Poppy said. "Alright, Severus, Lucius, can you both sit on this bed and be good boys?"

They both nodded an affirmative and the woman bustled off to Astus. The young man looked at her sleepily.

"Alright, young mister, you got some explaining to do to make up for the scare you gave us," she said sternly. "First of all, is it true you've been hit by that curse three times now?"

"Yes," Astus said.

"The first two times?"

"First time I was too small to remember, just one year old… the second time… was fuzzy. You know, like I really thought I had died and then suddenly I woke up again."

"And this time?"

"Please; I would have preferred Crucio over that."

"That bad, huh?" Abraxas said.

"Worse," Astus groaned. "Would even have preferred meeting 100 Dementors, because at least I know how to chase them away. Pain's more difficult to tell 'go to hell'."

"You're rambling."

"I know I am, why shouldn't I know if I'm rambling or not? Besides, Hogwarts finds it amusing, so I gotta have to keep doing it I suppose…"

"Yes, well, you're freaking us out."

Astus looked at Abraxas, confused, and then at Poppy. He flopped his head back and said:

"Sorry. I feel the adrenaline running. I think that is one of the reasons I'm rambling… or something like that."

"Well, I'm going to make sure you really are alright, so don't try to get up," Poppy warned, her wand pointed at his face.

"Yes ma'am," he said and she nodded, satisfied. As the woman ran her scans, Abraxas went over to the bed where his son and Severus were seated.

A few minutes later Albus and Minerva walked through the doors, and saw Astus lying with his eyes closed.

"He's not dead, just resting," Poppy said and the two relaxed. "He seems to have suffered no damage beyond being a bit sore. I don't know how he survived, and he doesn't know either."

"My friends called me a lucky reckless person," Astus muttered.

"Well, you truly were lucky tonight. Care to share any more reckless doings besides getting hit by a killing curse and survive it?" Albus asked.

"Got bit by a Basilisk once," the man said and opened his eyes. "That hurt like fucking hell."

"Language," Poppy snapped.

"Sorry. Anyway… got chased by a werewolf. Got attacked by just around 100 Dementors… eeh… yeah, fought against a dragon. You know, stuff like that."

"You really want to give me a heart attack," the medic-witch said as she sat down.

"No," Astus said and looked at her. "But you have to get used to that. My friends got themselves iron stomachs and strong hearts to deal with me."

"Oh, I can't imagine why," she said sarcastically.

"I think there is someone who wants to make sure his daddy is fine," Abraxas said and came walking with the raven-haired boy.


Astus moved to sit up but thought better of it as pain chorused through his body. He fell back, eyes closely shut and fists clenched.

"Where does it hurt?" Poppy asked, rushing up.

"How about everywhere?" he replied and opened his eyes. Severus stared at him, tears shining in those wide eyes. "Sorry I scared you, Severus. Daddy's just a bit sore."

The boy was put down on the bed and he lay down on the man's side. He found the black hair and strokes his hand over it, sighing. So much for a calm Halloween.

Scratch that; so much for a calm year.
