Chapter 24

Severus' first day back at Hogwarts had gone well. He had met up with Lily halfway to the school, and spent that time with her and a couple of her friends. Aurors patrolled the train and guarded the students, going so far to follow them to the castle gates and wait until all of them were in before going back to the Ministry.

His birthday came and passed without too much notice; a call from his father and the Malfoys, Lily handing him a gift and presenting some candy she had bought in the Muggle world. They had spent some time at the lake trying out the different sorts, as Severus hadn't even seen most of them.

Astus got him a rare book of potions ingredients that Severus spent far too much time drooling over. Lily called it unhealthy. Severus only scowled. The Malfoys had sent him gloves for potion-making and a set of new stirrers.

"They're just encouraging your potions habits," Lily said a few days later.

"Well, I'm good at it," Severus said. "Plus I like it."

"You're so going to end up a potions master," she said. "What are you going to do then?"

"I don't know. Maybe teaching," the teen replied. "I like teaching. Am I any good at it?"

"Believe me, half of my work in potions wouldn't have been so good if it hadn't been for you," she said. "You'd be great as a professor."

"Really?" he said.

"Really," Lily repeated. "Now, as you're already obsessing over potions, help me with the questions."

"You know," he said as he pulled the questions closer, "you're supposed to do this on your own."

"I know, I will try do most of them alone!" Lily said. "Honest! I just need to… understand some of it. You speak potions, so help me understand."

"Speak potions," Severus muttered under his breath, shaking his head while she just laughed at him.


The odd Death Eater raid happened now and again. Unpredictable, in the dead of the night, so swift no one had time to react. Houses burned, people died. But the moment the Ministry or Albus' Order arrived on sight, the Death Eaters ran. And Voldemort was never seen with them.

Astus was growing frustrated. This wasn't even a chase, because there was no one to chase. It was just and endless came of hide and seek, and he was sick of trying to find the bloody Dark Lord.

And he probably shouldn't treat this like a game but right now, he didn't fancy anything else. He was sick of war and death, had been around that for almost his entire life. He was more than ready for some peace.

"Stop tensing your shoulders."

Abraxas' voice made him blink, and Astus looked over at the man.

"I can see how you tense up, it's not good for you," the blonde continued.

"Well, if Voldemort could just die I'd be a lot more relaxed," Astus grumbled.

"Many people would be more relaxed," Abraxas said. "Believe me."

Astus tried to relax back into the armchair and sighed. It was already mid-January, and he had been trying to hunt down Voldemort for months. How large was the Dark Lord's net anyway? They never seemed to end, the subtle support to his cause.

For some reason, he felt ancient lately. Tired and overworked. He worried too much, which caused him to forget essential things like sleeping and eating. Astus glanced over at Abraxas, who was now reading a book Lucius had bought him a few days earlier.

"Voldemort's in England," Astus said.

"Yes, I believe we're realized that," Abraxas said and looked up at him. "It doesn't mean he'll get any easier to find."

"I know that," the man replied and sighed.

"What are you so tense about? He's been quiet."

"The attacks recently, I guess they're just getting under my skin," Astus said.

"I understand." The man put down the book. "And it doesn't really help the fact that we can't predict them."

"They are predictably unpredictably," Astus said with a small smile. "Just like the man behind it all."

"He always was a hard person to understand," Abraxas said.

"Still is."

The blonde agreed, and Astus rose up.

"No use in sitting up and agonizing about the matter," he said. "I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight," Abraxas said. "Don't have nightmares."

"Like I can control that," Astus retorted before trekking back to his room.

When he entered he groaned as he saw the mounds of books and clothes. He had been cleaning earlier in the day but never really got to the straightening up part. He felt like fifteen again, when every day looked like this chaos.

He began to pick up the clothes to have them sent to the wardrobe when something fell to the floor. Small, light, yet heavy and for some reason Astus hesitated in turning around. But finally he did.

And stared.

On the floor right at his feet, sitting there like it was supposed to be there, was…

"Impossible," he whispered before slowly kneeling down.

He picked it up with one hand, feeling its floating, heavy feeling, it rose from his hand, danced in front of his eyes and reflecting in the light.

"The resurrection stone…"

The one he left in the Forbidden Forest in the future.


Abraxas came upstairs an hour later, and he heard a quiet, sniffling sound from Astus' room. He frowned before crossing the hall and lightly knocking on the door.

"Astus?" he called out softly.

A moment's silence, then…

"Come in."

The blonde opened the door, and saw Astus sitting leaning against the bed with red-rimmed eyes and knees drawn up.

"Hey," he said. "Sorry if I'm crying like a child. Just… found something I didn't know I had."

"And that something is what?"

Astus opened one of his fists, and Abraxas frowned down at the tiny stone.

"It's one of the Deathly Hallows," Astus said. "The resurrection stone."

That had the blonde sit down next to Astus, and for a few minutes they were silent.

"Did you use it?" Abraxas finally asked.

"I'm still thinking about it," the man replied. "I mean, last time I did I saw my parents, and Sirius and Remus… now I don't know who I'd see. There's… there's so many I lost and still miss. And none of them are dead. Some aren't even born."

"They are real to you, and that's what matters," Abraxas said. He closed Astus' hand gently. "But I don't know it'll help using the stone."

"I know that. Using the stone the last time, it was like… it was like looking into the mirror or Erised all over again." Astus wiped his eyes. "I didn't like it. It just reminded me of all the things I didn't have."

"Then don't remind yourself again."

Astus let his head fall back and opened his hand again.

"I'm the master of death," he suddenly spoke. "I own all the three Deathly Hallows. Checked. The wand's here with me. I left it behind, same with the stone, only kept the cloak but they followed me into the past…"

"Hang on," Abraxas said. "I'm not overly familiar with this."

"Three things," Astus said and dropped the stone. It hovered in the air. "Oh, sod off!"

It fell down and he nodded, satisfied. Abraxas stared at the stone, then at him.

"Three brothers, each given something from Death," the man continued. "A powerful wand, a stone to bring the dead back and a cloak to hide you from all things. I don't remember the whole story now, but the cloak belongs… to the Potter family. Passed on for generations, from the brother who had it."


"Yeah. I didn't know my cloak was that cloak until I was seventeen," Astus said. "And the Elder Wand, I got it by fluke. Disarmed a person who didn't even know he was the master of the wand. And the stone… it was in a snitch."

"A snitch?" Abraxas said, confused.

"Yeah. With a message written on it. I open at the close, never got that until the end," Astus said. "I told you didn't I? That I let Voldemort kill me to get the last Horcrux out?"


"Well, it opened on the way to him. I figured it out. It would only open if I truly believed I would die."

"But how did they end up here, with you, if you left them behind?"

"I don't know," Astus said. "I just don't know…" The stone began to hover again, turning around in the air, and he yelled, "No one bloody asked you to come!"

"Is it alright for me to touch it?" Abraxas asked.


The blonde took it between two fingers, and gently placed it on the nightstand. Then he helped Astus up and into the bed.

"I don't know why they are here, but for some reason it seems important," Abraxas said. "It'll be alright."

"Fate has the tendency to screw me over," Astus said. "So I don't know…"

"Fine. For tonight, just sleep okay?"

The man considered this even as Abraxas drew the covers over him.

"Will you stay?" Astus said suddenly. "Just… just until I fall asleep?"

The blonde sat down and smiled gently. "You don't even need to ask," he said softly, and stroke away some of Astus' hair. "Don't worry. Just sleep."

Astus found it very easy to do so when he felt Abraxas' hand stroking his hair.


Severus found it easier to talk with Remus as time progressed. They shared an interest in learning, could sit for long periods of times in the library pouring over some book while Lily fondly looked on.

She had a grin on her face some of the times, and only shook her head when they asked if she wanted to join. It was their thing.

He also started writing more to Petunia. She in return sent him drawings, and then real photographs of Muggle London. He hadn't seen it often, and found it fascinating even if the pictures didn't move. All the buildings and things made his head dizzy, and he wanted to know what everything was. Lucius was still his first and best friend, but Lily and Petunia shared second place, Remus and Narcissa sliding in on third.

It soon hit him, in mid-February. He actually had friends. A lot of them. Just because they weren't his age, mostly, didn't mean they weren't his friends. He didn't feel lonely, not for a second. Not when lying in the darkness of his dorm, waiting for the sleep. Not when sitting alone in classes, or in the Great Hall for the meals. Not even when taking walks to be alone. There was always someone there, and for some reason, Severus felt lucky. As if he didn't have that before.

Somewhere… someplace, he hadn't had any friends. He had been all alone, and miserable. Severus wasn't sure where those thoughts came from, and mentioned as much to his father one night.

Astus looked thoughtful.

"Dad?" Severus said. "Do you know something I don't?"

"I… well, maybe," Astus said. "I'll tell you later."

"Tell me what?"

"The truth I suppose," the man said. "Don't look alarmed. I'll tell you as much; when I adopted you, I only had one thing in mind."

"Make me into a potions master and earn lots of money from it?" Severus said, and his father laughed a little.

"Well, that does sound nice…" he began. "No, seriously. I was fresh from a hellish life. I mean it. Chaos and death. You know all that."

"Yeah, I do," the teen said, quietly this time. Astus rarely spoke about it.

"I didn't have anything, anything at all," Astus said. "No plan, no friends, no family. Nothing. And then there were you. Facing the same outcome as me. I decided I didn't want that. I just wanted you happy."

Severus bit his lip. Fought back the treacherous tears. He hadn't cried in years. Astus smiled softly through the mirror and continued:

"Did I do a good job?"

"Yeah, you did," Severus replied. "You did a splendid job. Has anyone told you that?"

"Actually, they have. I'm surprised I managed. Merlin, before you I didn't even know how to hold a child!"

The teen had a tendency to forget how young Astus had been when they met. Well, not really young-young, but still, younger than a lot of parents. Yet he was so old in his mind. It was still hard to believe for Severus that Astus was that young. He seemed older than Abraxas sometimes.


He looked at his father, and couldn't help it:

"I love you."

Astus blinked, looking a bit stunned, before smiling and replying:

"I love you too."

Severus lay down on the bed, drew the curtains around him and rolled over to his side. He wanted to hang on tightly to Astus for some reason. He had the feeling that in the near future, something would happen and he wanted to hang on tightly to not let his father go.

"Dad… you're trying to find Voldemort."

Wasn't a question. Astus seemed to notice that.


"Lucius told me," Severus said. "I made him, so don't get angry."

"I'm not," Astus said. "I keep a lot of secrets. Not all of them are meant to be hidden."

"What will you do when you find him?"

"To be honest?" his father said. "I haven't got a clue."

"Are you… going to kill him?"

The man was silent. Severus felt like hitting himself for asking such a question.

"Probably," Astus said at last. "I wish I didn't have to. I wish he hadn't become Voldemort at all. I wish… he could have gotten the family he deserved."

"How much do you know about him?" Severus whispered.

"Too much some days," Astus laughed. "And others, not a thing. He's like me, and yet he's not. I can't explain it better than that, Severus."

"You don't need to," the teen hastily said. "I shouldn't have asked."

"But you did, and I don't think that's wrong. You just want to know. Who doesn't?" Astus looked away. "That would be Abraxas calling. Apparently Bellatrix has been baking and she demands me to sit down and eat."

"Ooh, watch out for the poison one," Severus sniggered.

"You don't have to tell me that," Astus said and they grinned at each other. "Sleep well. Have good dreams."

"You too."


"I think Lily's getting interested in James."

Severus looked up from his book. Remus focused on his quill.

"So?" he asked. "She can be interested in whoever she wants. Or are you…?"

"No," Remus said and shook his head. "She's just my friend. I just… thought I should tell you. So you know if he gets crazy about seeing you two together. Because he knows… that she kind of likes him."

"Oh," the teen said. "So he'll think I'm taking her away from him?"

"Probably. You know James," Remus said. "Runs head first into a wall before even checking if it's there."

"Meaning, he'll be acting like an idiot again," Severus said.

"Yeah. Until Lily beats some sense into him."

"Hmm… I might actually want to see that," Severus and looked up from his book. "Potter being beaten to a pulp by a girl. Nice image."

Remus shook his head, amused.

"So you're not worried?" he said after a while.

"Nope," Severus said. "Lily would be good for him. She'll break down that gigantic ego of his, and might actually make him into a better person."

"That's… probably true. He has a gigantic ego."

"At least he knows to be nice to his friends," the teen said. "If he was bastards to you as well, I'd advice Lily not to get close to him."

"If he was that big of an arse, I don't think I would be friends with him."

"Good. But as long as he treats you fair and square, Lily included, I don't care." Severus returned to his book.

Lily came to the library a few minutes later, cheeks a little red and she settled down between them.

"Don't ask, either of you," she said as they looked over at her. "Just… do your homework."

Severus raised an eyebrow. "Yes, mum?" he said.

"Of course, mum," Remus said, nodding.

She blushed, her face matching her hair and the boys looked at each other, nodded and said in union:

"Yes, yes, of course dear mummy."

She smacked them both several times on the shoulders but couldn't help grinning.


Petunia looked out the window at the grey day and sighed. That sight wasn't really helping her drawing. She turned back to the sheet. She didn't know what to draw. Usually she drew nature, because it was easy, but lately her teachers and friends have pressured her to try more. Of course she had done sketching of people, objects, not just trees and flowers.

But what to draw?

She glanced around the flat. Took up a photo album, the one where she kept photos of the magical world. She flipped through it, and stopped in the middle.

Astus. The light fell perfectly on his face, half in shadow, half so clear. It was in black and white but what the hell, she knew his colours. His eyes, his skin. He was her favourite person to sketch.

But she had never shown any of those sketches to her friends in her world. Maybe… maybe that wouldn't matter. She really wanted to show off what she could do, and she always did her best when it came to a portrait of Astus.

With determination she settled down, the picture of Astus by her side, and she drew the first line with a smile on her face.

A few days later, Petunia felt very nervous. She was going to class, and they were going to work on their pieces. Only she wouldn't work on a tree or a flower this time, not even mountains or forest. No, she was going to draw Astus. She had done a few sketches, chosen a picture as a reference, and was now wondering what the hell she was doing.

Nonetheless, she settled down in the room and began to work.

She didn't notice someone was behind her until she heard a gasp. Turning around she discovered two in her class, staring at the sheet she had been sketching on.

"Hi," Petunia said. "Something… wrong?"

"You're… who's that?" one of them, Mary, said and leaned closer.

"It's…" Well, how does she explain a wizard? "A friend's father." There. Simple, and easy, and she didn't need to tell them he had a wand and made potions for a living.

"What? He looks too young!" the other one, Christina, protested.

"Well," she began. "The friend is in my sister's age, so… plus he was rather young when he got my friend."

"Wow," Mary said. "And you just draw this from memory?"

"Oh no," Petunia said and reached into her bag. "It's from a photo." She let them have a look and both Mary and Christina stared at the picture.

Astus was looking at the camera, his half-smile on his lips and without his robes. Petunia had a look herself, and tilted her head to the side. He did look young.

"Can't he come here and stand model?" Mary said with a grin.

Petunia wondered just what the hell she had gotten herself into as more from her class began to crowd around her place.


Astus stared down at the letter Petunia had sent. Abraxas, Lucius and Narcissa seemed to sense something was wrong but it was Narcissa who said anything:

"What does it say?"

"Apparently she's done my portrait a few times, and… I'm bloody popular. Someone wanted to buy one of her paintings."

"What?" Abraxas said.

"Yeah," Astus replied. "Petunia seems rather shocked by the ordeal as well, and wonders what will happen if she draws Abraxas or Lucius."

"She'll be declared the queen of painting and get rich," Narcissa said and then seemed to think while the three men stared at her. "Tell her to do them."

"You want her to use our looks to get famous?" Lucius asked.

"No, a family painting," the blonde woman continued. "All of us, mismatched and yet happy."

"Why?" Astus asked, confused.

"I've seen her draw. She's good. If she can draw you, she can do anything. I want a family portrait, then she can start painting us and get rich on it at the same time." Narcissa grinned. "I've always wanted to be a model."

"That's really the point of all this, isn't it?" Lucius accused much to Narcissa's amusement.


It surprised Severus that it took James several weeks to approach him again. Well, Lily couldn't create miracles that fast. Severus took it calmly when he was cornered by the Gryffindor in one hallway.

Potter was alone for once, and looked directly at the teen.

"Leave Lily alone," was the first thing James said to him.

"Seriously? That's what you want to say?" Severus said in disbelief.

"Do I need to say more, Mentis?" James growled.

"How many times do you need to be told that me and Lily are just friends?" Severus asked. "I have no interest in asking her out. You're the one she wants, but why do you put so little confidence in her? Think she's gonna run to someone else like some sort of whore?"

"Don't call her that!"

"Then don't assume she is anything like that!" the raven-haired teen growled. "Grow up for Merlin's sake!"

James' face grew red and Severus took the chance of blessed silence to walk away.

"Don't you think I'm going to let her get close to you!" James shouted after him.

"Yeah, you just try to stop her!" Severus replied.


Two days later Remus sat down at the usual table where Severus was already studying for a test in Transfiguration.

"Lily's angry with James," the teen said as he took out his books.

"Uhu," Severus said and made a note. "I can imagine that."

"Did he do something?"

"Just said he'd keep Lily away," the Slytherin said. "I don't think that went over well with her."

"If he told her that, then definitely not," Remus said. He was silent for a while. "I think James is suspecting something about me."

"Yeah. You're spending a lot of time in the library, where I'm known to be, and recently not with Lily as she is with James," Severus said. "Do you want to stop coming?"

"No!" Remus said. "I just… he and Sirius were my first friends. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose your friendship either though."

"I'm sure it'll work out," Severus said. "He can't be that big of an idiot."

"You never know with him," Remus said. "One moment he's all smart and clever, and in the next is head is just like a balloon."

Severus snorted at that.


In mid-April, Astus could conclude that Voldemort was hiding somewhere in Scotland. But he didn't know where, or how to find the man. He needed someone on the inside, and he didn't have anyone. That had started growing annoying around the time Severus was around five years old.

Abraxas watched him pace around and said:

"Northern Scotland perhaps?"

"It doesn't matter," Astus said. "We can't feel any wards. We can't feel anything. He's the freaking Dark Lord so of course he can make wards no one else but himself can discover."

"Of course," the blonde said. "But rarely things last forever. We just need to check often."

"If only that did help," Astus said and sat down. "This is so fucked up. I hate this."

"I know. A lot of us hate this," Abraxas said. "Should we try north tomorrow?"

"Yeah," the man said. "Should we bring Bellatrix with us?"

"Probably. She'd kill us if we didn't."

Astus nodded and leaned back into the couch. Abraxas relaxed into the cushions as well and for a few minutes they listened to the fire cracking. Lucius was spending the night with Narcissa so they were practically alone in the manor.

The raven-haired man felt a hand on top of his and looked over at Abraxas. The blonde's eyes were soft as they gazed back.

"What?" Astus asked quietly.

"Nothing. I just… you're beautiful."

Astus smiled a little. He wasn't about to blush at that but felt flattered.

"Do you have any ulterior motives with that sentence?" he asked.

"No. I just state the obvious." Abraxas let go of him. "You know what, I don't know what I'm doing. I shouldn't be making you uncomfortable, I'll just go to bed."

Astus stopped him. They both danced around the subject. Abraxas fell back on the couch, swallowing heavily. The raven-haired man had been kissed more times by Abraxas than anyone else. And he had liked it. He had just been…

What? Scared?

Terrified would be more appropriate. He would be terrified to screw anything up. Destroy what they had built. Yet he didn't mind the kisses. The teasing. He just…

Astus swallowed heavily and took a leap.

Abraxas started when Astus carefully, very carefully intertwined his fingers with his.

"Astus?" the blonde said.

"I'm new to this," Astus said. "Alright?"


"So don't screw it up by moving too fast," the raven-haired man said. "Got it?"

"Got it," Abraxas breathed. "May I…?"

"You've never really asked before, now have you?"

The blonde chuckled at that, and leaned in to brush his lips against Astus'. They moved closer, Astus pulling at his hand and slowly he was pushed back on the couch. He had never been seriously kissed in his life, and this was making his head spin. He couldn't get enough. He didn't want to get enough. Abraxas' weight on top of him was so comforting Astus was trembling.

They separated, Abraxas turning so they were side to side, and then he wrapped his arms around Astus before nuzzling his neck.

"Am I allowed to say how long I've wanted to do that?" Abraxas asked.

"I think I already know that," Astus said. "I was just scared to fuck anything up."

"You couldn't do that even if you tried."

Astus smiled humourlessly at that. "Believe me, I can. I have."

"In the past," the blonde soothed. "Not now. Alright? We're fine."

Astus wanted to believe that so much. He clung onto Abraxas, finding the man's heart beat soothing, and then said, quite unlike himself:

"Don't ever let me go."

"I wouldn't do that even if you tried to make me."


Severus noticed something was different the next day when he spoke to his father. He tilted his head to the side and said:

"Alright, what are you so happy about?"

"What?" Astus managed.

"You're happy about something," the teen said. "I can see that on your face."

"Oh…" The man ran a hand through his hair. "Noticed that, huh?"

"Course. What happened?"

"I don't really know how to say it. But it's good… I think it's good." Astus looked around the room, making Severus insanely curious.

"Dad, seriously. Just spit it out."

"Abraxas happened."

"You two finally did something about the mutual attraction to each other?" Severus said, and smiled as he saw his father blush heavily. It was rare to see that Astus nowadays, and the teen took every chance to see it.

"Oh god, don't say it like that… and since when did you get so mature?"

"Well, one of us has to be."

"I'm mature!" Astus protested. "Well, most of the time…"

"Most of the time," Severus echoed. "Sometimes… if one is lucky. Hopefully Abraxas will keep you in line."

"Oi," Astus said but didn't look particular angry. In fact, mentioning Abraxas has made him sort of smile, and Severus bit his lip to not fully grin at his father.

"So… done anything more than snog?" he asked innocently.



It took Astus about two days to get used to sleep in the same bed as Abraxas. After five, he wondered how he could have slept alone at all.

Waking up and feeling warmth at his back, knowing who was there, made his heart flutter ridiculously and he found himself quite often laying a hand on his chest before glancing over his shoulder. Abraxas' relaxed face would meet his gaze, and Astus melted every time.

This morning was no different. He pressed back into the warmth of the blonde man, smiling as an arm came to rest at his waist and hugging him tighter. A tingling feeling spread from his stomach, to the tips of his toes and fingers, trickling through his hair and he shivered as it left him feeling so warm and content he didn't want to move.

He took Abraxas' hand in his own, intertwined their fingers and sighed softly. He sighed again as he felt the blonde kiss his neck. It had taken him a total of five minutes to get used to that one. He had gotten used to a lot of things, and he loved each and every one of them.

Astus rolled over to his back and Abraxas smiled sleepily at him.

"Have you even slept at all?" the blonde asked.

"Why sleep?" Astus replied softly, tracing his jaw. "This… I've never had this in my entire life. How can I sleep and miss it?"

"You need sleep, silly," Abraxas said, nuzzling his cheek. "You have the rest of your life to discover it."

"I still want to see as much as I can."

"Well, not until you get some sleep," the blonde said. "Come on."

Astus curled up on the bed, half of his face buried in Abraxas' silky skin and he fell asleep with a smile.


Voldemort moved along the halls, people bowing hurriedly as they saw him. Nagini followed him, hissing at the followers and keeping close to the man.

A few didn't bow, but they weren't really followers. Some hid in the shadows, desperate to escape the sun and then their cousins, suffering the same blood thirst but not the same fear of the sun.

Vampires. Those who walked under the moon, and those who walked under the sun. Usually the vampires kept themselves out of the wars of humans, but a few had rebelled and was on his side for joy-killing. They respected him but never bowed. He never asked them to.

This was one of his few rare trips outside of his manor. Mostly his Death Eaters could follow orders but time to time he had to get out and whip them back into shape and order. They seemed to be mindless when it came to raids. Lost without his orders. Voldemort felt like sighing every time he thought about it. They were supposed to be noble dark wizards and witches, not a bunch of stupid children eager to bully those weaker than them.

Glancing at his followers' shivering backs and mad eyes, Voldemort wanted to groan. Some were sane but others were hopeless, gone, useless. He wouldn't mind having new ones but what could he do? The dark was losing, he knew that. He was still as feared, but someone was destroying his forces.

He'll ask the vampires to accompany on the raids. Kill all the innocent they wanted, drink as much blood as their stomachs could take. That might teach the Death Eaters to show some backbone.


Severus started to prepare for exams. Or well, he had been doing it before, but now he really went in for it. He knew the workload would only increase over the years, and made sure to not miss a thing in his subjects.

Lily and James were growing closer, slowly but surely, however she still spent much of her study-time with Severus and Remus. Sometimes they were in the library, sometimes in an old classroom. Severus had already asked Slughorn for permission to use said classroom, and he was more than happy to allow them. After all, Severus was one of his favourite students.

They sat there one afternoon in May when Lily suddenly announced:

"I'm seeing James."

The two teens looked up at her.

"We already knew that?" Remus said slowly and looked at Severus.

"Yes," the teen said, "we already knew that. You haven't been very subtle about it."

Lily blushed. "I know," she moaned. "Plus he used to be such a git, and yet I fell for him. When he puts aside his large ego, he's quite a nice person."

"Yeah, you just got to kick him in the nuts before he stores that ego away," Remus said. "He's impossible with it."

"Don't I know that," Severus sighed. "Anything else you wanted, Lily?"

"Nope, just wanted to warn you. I've already told him to lay off you, but who knows what goes in that head? Now you'll know the reason if he comes and starts barking."

"Do I have your permission to hex him?"

"As long as it's legal, and you don't make him bald. Or… well, if you can manage to make his hair neat, I wouldn't really mind…"


Albus invited Astus and Abraxas to an Order meeting in late May. They weren't really sure what they were going to do there, seeing as most of the members didn't really like them. But they went anyway, Bellatrix in tow. She refused to leave them alone in a room filled with Light wizards and witches, despite Albus being there.

They were glanced and frowned at while Albus gladly greeted them, dressed in bright purple robes.

"You are colour blind," Astus decided. "You simply must be. There is no other word for it."

"What are you talking about?" Albus asked, eyes twinkling.

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a reply."

Bellatrix twirled her black locks around her fingers and smiled evilly at anyone who dared to look too long at her. They shuddered and whispered amongst themselves. Astus wondered if they even knew one of Bellatrix's best friends, Petunia, was actually a Muggle.

Judging how they stared, probably not. They looked as if he, Abraxas and Bellatrix was the devil's spawn. How incredible… Gryffindor of them. Some of them hadn't been in Gryffindor though. How to explain that one?

Astus noticed he was drifting away and mentally shook himself. Abraxas crossed his arms and stared around the room.

"Everyone looks the same," he said. "It's deeply disturbing."

"They're just joined all against us," Astus said, "that doesn't make them all look the same. Except for their glares."

"Are you sure?"

"Quite sure. Now, let's sit down."

Albus happily had them sitting next to him, and then gently coughed to get everyone's attention. Astus looked at the others, and he spotted a bit of this weird awe from them all. Honestly, people, good old Albus was a nice chap and all, rather powerful too but there is no need whatsoever to gaze upon him like he was freaking God himself.

Maybe Abraxas was right about them looking the same. It was disturbing at the very least. Bellatrix gnawed on her nails, eyes darting over at the others, her eyes wide and a bit crazy. Astus sighed a little; no matter what time or dimension, no matter what side she was one Bellatrix would always manage to look a little mad.

"Now," Albus said. "Let's get this meeting started. The Death Eaters' raids."

"We've been getting reports that vampires have been seen with them," Moody said. "Most of the casualties have been because of vampire attacks so it's safe to assume they've joined the dark."

"What makes you so sure?" Astus said. "It's a few vampires. Doesn't mean the whole bloody race is behind Voldemort."

They flinched hearing the name. He felt like saying it a hundred times over. Moody growled at him though, and replied:

"What, you know some vampires who wouldn't join him?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," he said and everyone beside Abraxas, Bellatrix and Albus stared at him. "Lovely people, they invite me for tea every time. Even if it's sweltering hot outside…"

"They're polite," Abraxas said.

"Well, they could make ice-tea once in a while," he muttered.

"It's not like they're the ones drinking the actual tea," the blonde replied. "If you told them I'm sure they'd be happy to make you ice-tea."

They noticed the Order was staring at them. Astus crossed his arms over his chest and said:


"You're friends with vampires?" Moody finally got out. "And you dare showing your face here?"

"Well, Albus was the one who invited me," Astus said, "so do me a favour and shut up if all you're going to do is sprout nonsense. Honestly, Albus, what's up with these people?"

"Paranoia," the headmaster said. "And they are a bit more cautious than you."

"What do you mean, more cautious than me?" the man demanded to know. "I'm cautious!" Albus looked at him. "Most of the time anyway. So, moving on? We've agreed that not all vampires are on Voldemort's side?"

Again, the collective flinch. Astus was disturbingly pleased with the effect.


Severus' brain was empty. He had just finished all of his tests and was ready to sleep for two days. And laze around. Spend the last few days with his house-mates, or Remus and Lily.

Of course, James took up some of Lily's time, and Severus was pleased to notice that the Gryffindor had actually started to mature (most likely due to Lily, and her punches when he did something stupidly childish. She was effective that way).

Still, it was with some joy that Severus packed his trunk for another summer with his family. Petunia had promised him a tour of London, and he and Astus were going to sleep over at her flat so they didn't have to go back to Malfoy Manor all the time. And if he knew his extended family right, they would come barging into Petunia's flat just like they barged into Malfoy Manor (with the exception of Abraxas and Lucius, considering they actually lived there already).

Lily found him at the station and hugged him tightly.

"With any luck, we'll see each other in the summer," she said. "I'm actually… well, I'm going to spend some time with James, grooming him into the perfect man I want."

Severus found himself actually laughing at that. "You tyrant," he said, "someone should've warned Potter that you're not just easy on the eyes."

"Oi!" Lily said but laughed at the same time. "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I do like him. He has some sort of an odd charm beneath all that Gryffindor ego and pride."

"Deep underneath," Severus said and nodded. She smacked him on the arm with a grin. "Well, it's true. Do you think he'll ever ease up with me?"

"If I have any say in it, he bloody well will," Lily said. "I'll whip him to submission."

"You do that, Lily, you do that."


For the first few days of the break, Severus did pretty much nothing. He spent long hours plucking and tearing at the herbs garden that had grown over the years, and gathered ingredients. Sometimes Astus helped him. He enjoyed seeing his father and Abraxas together though. They had been alone for so long; they deserved someone to love.

Lucius and Narcissa had begun to plan their wedding. Or well, Narcissa planned it. Lucius just agreed. He was so whipped. The blonde didn't look as amused as everyone else did when Severus mentioned it. Narcissa had given out a very Bellatrix-like cackle, this sort of laugh that bordered on madness, and Severus found that very funny.

But finally he picked out his books and assignments and set to begin working them off. He wanted to have as much of the summer free as he possible could have, and they were soon to visit Petunia and Muggle London. He wanted to be done by then, maybe have a book or two with him so he could teach Petunia a little about the theory behind magic. He was looking forward to it.

He just didn't know before this summer was over, his whole life was going to change.
