the tears... they wont stop

@tomholland2013: So proud of my jupe (🥑). She's always got a smile on her face and works so hard at everything she does. She is genuinely one of the most down to earth and amazing people I've ever met. Go show her all the love in the world and tell her I sent you.❤️💃🏻💙🦋
Tagged: juniperr
5/07/17 9:56 pm
2.1 mill likes, 30, 4589 comments

username: this is so fucking cUTE

username: ugh i want a boyfriend :((((

username: they aren't dating tho @username

username: don't lie to yourself @username

zendaya: definition of wholesome: this post

lifeisaloha: really thought this was about me ://


imsebastianstan: hello? 911? they've done it again 😤❤️💔

robertdowneyjr: i approve this message

username: rdj approved that's the end of the story

lauraharrier: all my uwu's have flown

juniperr: idk how to deal with compliments and i'm about to cry so i'm just gonna call you a thot, thot

tomholland2013: that's ok, as long as i'm your favourite thot @juniperr

juniperr: always

teegansloane: i'm... the tears... they won't stop

username: me too @teegansloane

username: she's so cute?? toms so cute?? they're so CUTE!!

username: is this real life?????????

Private Messages
Tom [ MY tom 🤤]
Juniper [MY jupe🥑]

MY jupe🥑
you little
you did that while ur away
couldn't face me

MY tom 🤤
that's scawy
i meant every word
i'll say it to your face
if i have too

MY jupe 🥑
imma whip yo ass when u get home
and give you a hug
my heart went UWU

and my eye started
like water bleeding
idk what that's about

MY tom 🤤
oh, love
cant wait for my hug 🤗

MY jupe 🥑
don't 'love' me rn
my heart can't take it
aren't you supposed to be spidermanning
or something

MY tom 🤤
even spiderman has to eat
i'm standing in this awful sun
chowing on my sandwich
in this awful suit
but i'm talking to u so it's ok

MY jupe 🥑
ok it's time to STOP
tom i can't take it
you're the greatest thing
that's ever happened to me
you mean the fucking world to me
never leaf me

MY tom 🤤
never in a million years
you a r e my world jupe
i feel like this is getting too soft
for you anyway
so i'm gonna call you a slut
and move on

MY jupe 🥑
damn right i'm a slut

MY tom 🤤
my slut
that sounds
i didn't mean it like that

MY jupe 🥑
i wouldn't have minded if you did

MY tom 🤤
i'm gonna have to stop u
right there
this suit
is very tight
it's already uncomfortable in places
i don't need that to tenfold

MY jupe 🥑
ur ass looks good in it tho

MY tom 🤤
tell me something i don't know

MY jupe 🥑
freddie mercury had 10 cats
6 outlived him

MY tom 🤤
knew that
cmon, i'm british


The second Juniper heard the clicking of herfront door opening, she leapt off the couch and all but sprinted to the entrance.

Before Tom had a chance to prepare himself or even shut the door, he found a short girl pouncing on him and wrapping her legs around his waist. He let out a noise of surprise before dropping his gym bag to the ground and returning the bear hug.

Her head buried into the crook of his neck and one of his hands made it up to her hair, running through it gently. The other arm was wrapped around her hips and holding her up securely.

"I hate you." Juniper's voice was weak and muffled by both their hoodies but he could still hear it very clearly. She sniffled and laughed a little, adjusting her heads position in his neck.

"I meant it. You're the best person I've ever met. I feel like we've known each other for years and it's only been a few months. You make everything make sense, Jupe." Tom laughed a little and moved towards the couch in the living room, Juniper still clinging onto him.

"Tom," her voice cracked slightly. "Quit making me cry, thot."

He eventually placed her down on the large couch and crawled over top of her frame. Her legs were still around his waist and arms still around his neck.

"I don't mean to make you cry but if it's a good cry that's okay." His thumb reaches up and wiped her cheek, coming to rest on the side of her face.

She leaned into his palm and looked up at him. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Right back at ya." Tom whispered before leaning down and connecting their lips.

June rolled over onto her side, allowing him to lay down next to her. Their legs were tangled in a mess, their hands cupping each others face.

One of his hands snaked it's way down onto her waist, pulling her hips closer to his. Once he was satisfied with their proximity, he rested his hand on the skin exposed by her hoodie that had ridden up slightly.

Shivering under his touch, she trusted her gut and tugged the bottom of his own jumper. Tom took the note and sat up, pulling it off and his undershirt off at the same time. Her eyes snaked over his chest and she blushed a little under his gaze.

Toms hand grabbed the bottom of her own hoodie, his eyes flickered downwards before landing back on her own eyes.

"Can I?"

Juniper nearly visibly swooned at the question. Never before had a guy asked permission for something like that, usually, they'd just do it. She nodded and sat up, letting him pull it off for her.

Let's just say, she never wears anything under a hoodie (or any top really.)

His lips made their way to her neck as their chests pressed together.

"If you ever want to stop just let me know, this only goes as far as you're comfortable with."

"I know, I trust you."

so lyk,,, awe. no warning I sorry but whateva. i hadn't planned for this to happen but you know listening to frank ocean at 1am in the dark gets you some type of way (aka crying and horny and the same time. it be like that sometimes.)
