i was gonna do this with an avocado

Tom and Juniper were in London for the holidays again, it was now her fourth time celebrating them with Toms family. There was about two weeks left until Christmas and Juniper was loving every second of it.

Toms acting career had taken off after the first Spider-Man and he'd only just finished all the projects he'd signed up to do during that time. He'd decided to take a well deserved break, of course, the Chaos Walking franchise was on-going but at the moment, that was it.

Juniper had released two more albums and gone on two of her own, headlining tours. They were small but she didn't mind one bit. She loved what she did and she was so incredibly grateful she got to do what she loved.

On this particular day, Tom asked her to go into London with her, to Holland Park. He more or less wanted to show off that a park was named after him, so he claimed anyway. Of course, Juniper agreed and they took the subway into the city before starting their walk.

Even though they'd been together four and a half years now, they never got sick of each other. There was always something new to be learnt about the other and always new experiences to share.

Tom came to a standstill on a bridge that crossed over a lake in the park, a waterfall in front of them. They'd already bumped into a few fans that day and Tom knew he'd have to act fast or else he'd be getting mobbed any time soon. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, causing her to lean into his side.

"Do you remember four years ago on Christmas when I told you I was going to punch those movies out and make a lot of money and then marry you?"

"I'm surprised you remember that, you were so drunk but yes, I remember."

"Well I punched those movies out."


"I made a lot of money."

"Yeah." Juniper squeaked as she look up at him.

"And I love you, a lot. We've had a lot of ups and downs, from me not recognising you when we unofficially met to our first holidays together to our first time doing long distance. Well, we did it and- I love you more than words can even describe. I was gonna do this with an avocado because I saw it on instagram and you know, us and avocados but then I realised it was kind of weird and kind of stupid. So, call me old fashioned but it gets the job done."

Her face paled as she watched him tug his pants up a little before getting down on one knee, pulling a box out of his back pocket at the same time.

"Haha very funny I know we joke about this a lot but this is a bit far, you're gonna open that box and it's gonna be a ring pop or something." Juniper laughed nervously as she looked down at him, willing herself not cry but her voice was shaking and betraying her.

"Jupe," He laughed. "I'm not joking. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life you. We can live in London or in LA or wherever you fucking want. We can move Padfoot out here if you want, we can have a family. Your wish is my command but right now, I'd really like to know if you'll marry me?"

Juniper crouched down to his level, her hands covering her mouth as she looked at the ring in the box. He'd listened when she said she didn't want a big ring, something simple and elegant. It was everything she'd ever wanted but that was irrelevant to her. She looked back up at him with wide eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Jupe, you're scaring me a little." Tom laughed nervously as she started nodding her head.

"Sorry, sorry, I- fuck." She sniffed and nodded again. "Yes, I do- I don't know what you're supposed to say when you're proposed to but yeah I wanna fucking marry you."

"Thank god." Tom laughed and beamed, grabbing her hand and slipping the ring on her finger. "Also- I thought it was fitting I propose in a park that has the same name as what yours is going to be- unless you wanna, keep your name, hyphenate it, I dunno-"

"Shut up, Tom." She smiled and grabbed his face pulling him into a kiss, making them both collapse onto the bridge.

She pulled away after a bit to wipe her eyes and look at the ring, turning to look back at Tom with the widest smile he'd ever seen. In the back, they heard cheering and they both looked up to see what they assumed to be fans filming and cheering them on. Tom smiled and gave them a thumbs up before crashing his lips back onto Junipers.

@juniperr: i'm getting married to the love of my life, wtf, the simulation is wildin
Tagged: tomholland2013
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username: oh my god oh my god oh my god oh mYvgOd



username: i'm not crying you're crying

nikkihollandphotography: i cant wait for you to officially join the family ❤️

harryholland64: fuck yeah i get to be a brother-in-law

samholland1999: don't tell anyone but i'm crying rn

username: this isn't real i can't


username: i've been shipping y'all since before you even met i can't believe this has happened

dommoholland: welcome to the holland's! tessa is very excited ❤️

summermckeen: i feel like a proud mom holy guac

tomholland2013: the simulation must really like me because this is exactly what i've always wanted. i love you jupe ❤️

i'm not crying
you are
also yes i did just marry teegan and harrison
