
@juniperr: haha he looKs sOoop good in this shirt someone stab me 🤪🤠🤤
07/06/17 10:47 pm
102k likes, 4,231 comments

zendaya: i love a sober sister

teegansloane: hehehehehehehehheheeheheh

username: go home ur drunk

username: is it his birthday party???

username: yuperoos @username

username: now this is good content

username: is it bad i want them to date just so we can be fed more

harryholland64: hahahahahaha love this

samholland1999: make sure he doesn't get too trashed for us xx

summermckeen: she's too much of a lightweight for that @samholland1999

@tomholland2013: i reassaaallllly like this emoji 🤠 oh and i reaaaaallly like jupe 🤠🤠🤠🤠
07/06/17 11:23pm
1.9 mill likes
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This was probably the drunkest Juniper has ever been. She didn't care, it was also the most fun she'd probably ever had. Most of the night had been spent dancing with Teegan, Zendaya and Summer. Juniper hadn't seen Tom that much but she understood, it was his birthday and the place was packed with all of his friends. He hadn't had a chance to talk to her all. So when she saw Tom attempting to make his way through the diminishing crowd of people she took her chance.

"Tom!" Her little body could get through people a lot easier than he could, she stopped directly in front of him.

"Jupe!" A wide smile took over his features when he looked down at her. Tom immediately engulfed her in a hug, she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I haven't seen you all night, I missed you." Juniper pouted and looked up at him.

"I know there's so many people and they all want to talk to me and I'm too short, I can't see anything and it's a mess but I'm having fun, are you having fun? That's more important than me having fun."

"Of course I'm having fun." She smiled widely. "Even more fun now that I get to talk to you."

Tom opened his mouth to reply when a familiar beat rang out over the speakers. Juniper gasped and looked at him.

"This is my song!" She looked as if she was about it explode from joy. "Tom, you're playing my song!"

"Of course I'm playing your song, it's a good song. I love this song!" He moved out of the hug a little, placing one hand on her hip while the other came up to rest in the space between her shoulder and neck.

Instinctively she moved closer to him and leaned up to his ear so she could talk to him. He leaned down a little to hear.

"When you wrap Spider-Man can you come to LA with me?"

"Yeah! Of course!"

"You can stay at my place and meet my dog, oh my god he'll love you! We can go to the beach and- I have a pool. We can watch movies every night and I'll take you to my favourite food place and you can come to the stud-"

Juniper never did get to finish her ramble because the only thing Tom could pay attention to was her lips. Of course, he was listening and the excitement in her voice was so attractive to him he couldn't help himself. Juniper never got to finish because before she knew it, she was kissing Tom.

And all she felt was... finally.
