Chapter 6: the end of the battle

We currently see dratini packing his things with tears in his eyes

Dratini pov

Dratini: how could rainbow say that I I guess I was wrong they probably won't even notice I'm gone "he said before he started to sing"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After he finished he heard someone knocking on the door

Spike: dratini dratini please open the door "he said as Dratini opened it"

Dratini: what spike I'm busy packing

Spike: the girls they

Dratini: I know there better off with me "he said sad"

Spike: no the girls are trapped they need our help "he said as dratini's eyes become red"

Dratini: take me to them "he said angry before grabbing spike as he started to run and after a couple of minutes they arrive at the room" is this it spike

Spike: yeah that's it

Dratini: alright time to save them "he said putting on his driver" HENSHIN "he said sliding the ring down his driver"


Dratini: okay guys if you can hear me back away from the door "he said as he kicked it down with ease before turning back to normal" are you all okay "he said as the girls tackled him to the ground into a hug"

Rainbow: Dratini I'm so sorry please don't leave us "she said crying" we love you "she said as dratini put a hand on her head"

Dratini: I would never leave the only reasons for me being here "he said before they stood up"

Sunset: dratini there you are I thought the dazzlings got to you

Dratini: no spike came and told me what happened so we came as fast as we can so what's the plan

Twilight: well I don't think the song matters as long as we play together

Rainbow: we should play one of fluttershys songs

Aj: and we could use some new outfits to save the world "she said as everyone smiled"

Dratini: okay guys lets finish this "he said as the others cheered"

Time skip of twilight and spike looking at Dratini in his Tatoba form in awe

We now see the mane7 on a hill all dressed up ready for the battle

Rainbow: wait how are they going to here us

Dratini: I asked a favor "he said as vinyl scratch arrived in her car as it turned into a dj station"

Pinkie: wow vinyl wasn't affected

Dratini: nope her headphones stopped the spell

Sunset: how did you get her to help

Dratini: she wanted to go on a date with me and I said sure "he said as the girls glare while vinyl blushes" anyways let's do this "he says taking out three coins into his driver before sliding his ring" HENSHIN


And as the battle started the dazzlings started to transform before making Giant spirit versions of them selves and as they go to attack the mane6 as Dratini flys up before delivering a couple of hits on them as they look surprised

Sonata: dratini Sempai is that you

Dratini: yes now please stop this only destruction can from this

Adagio: sorry but this is how it must happen "she said firing at him as he dodges"

Dratini: I don't believe that I know there's good in you and I'll prove it even if I have to beat you

Everything was going back and forth until the dazzlings overpowered our heroes causing the main 6 to fall while dratini hit the ground turning back to normal as a microphone rolls next to sunset

Dratini: sunset you can do it "he said as he picked it up and started to sing which caused her to pony up along with the mane 6 as the battle restarted Dratini got to his feet three new coins in his driver" time to end this HENSHIN "he said sliding the ring on his driver"


After transforming the mane7 fired a rainbow blast as Dratini created multiple versions of himself before jumped in the rainbow blast as he swipes his driver again"

Driver: SCANNING CHARGE "it said as the kick connected ending the battle"

Sunset pov

Rainbow: is it over we won we won "she said as the girls cheered while sunset was looking for Dratini"

Sunset: hey guys have you seen Dratini "she said as they all looked around"

Pinkie: over there "as she points showing Dratini walking closer to the stage as they run to him" Dratini what are you doing

Dratini: I'm going to help them "he said as they looked shocked"

Rainbow: what they nearly destroyed the world

Dratini: yes and so did sunset and she got a second chance so it's only fair they get one to "he said as he walked to the stage while the girls followed him"

Adagio pov

My sisters were being pelted with garbage and as we were about to leave someone walked infront of us

Dratini: hey all of you back off "he yelled as everyone stopped throwing things" yes they may have made a mistake but who hasn't everyone deserves a second chance just like sunset did and she helped save you all and if sunset can change "as he turns to us and smiles" then I know they can change "he said as we blush while everyone cheers before my sisters and I hug him"

3: were sorry "they said as he pat there heads"

Dratini: it's okay like I said you can change and your not along because you have friends "he said pointing to the main7"

Adagio: we're really sorry to you all aswell

Rainbow: it's okay just don't do it again "she said while everyone laughed"

Dratini: I think it's time I tell them about my parents "he said before walking to the mic as he tells everyone how he's the kid of all might and how his entire family mistreated him for not having power and finally him being kamen rider ooo as we now see everyone mad at all might for doing that afterwards flash and the principals walked on stage

Flash: dratini I'm sorry for being a jerk to twilight and you

Dratini: it's okay flash

Celestia: dratini we are also sorry for our rude behavior

Dratini: it's okay "he said hugging them while they blush up a storm before he heads back to the girls" well everything worked out "he said smiling"

Sunset: dratini the girls and I were talking and it turns out the dazzlings and twilight love you aswell "she said while flash walked up'

Flash: s-same here "she said blushing"

Dratini: wait you guys love me to "he said as they nodded yes" well all I have to say is I love you all to "he said smiling as they all tackled him to the ground kissing him" oh wait I have a song I'd like to sing "he said as he ran to the stage" this song goes out to my awesome girlfriends and all my awesome friends I made here at Chs "he said while the song started"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dratini: OLE "he yelled as everyone started to cheer"

After the battle of the bands twilight made a copy of herself and spike so she could stay here along with the dazzlings, flash and rainbooms becoming one with sunset and dratini joining and sunset said that twilight and the dazzlings could stay with her as we now see dratini, sunset, twilight and the dazzlings all laying in bed

Dratini: night girls

5: night Dratini "they say kissing him before they all fall asleep"
