Chapter 2: dratini's first day and confessions

It was the next day as we see our heroes walking to school

Dratini pov

Pinkie: I'm so excited are you excited I've never been this excited "she said happy"

Dratini: what are you talking about pinkie?

Pinkie: it's your first day at canterlot high aren't you excited 

Dratini: sorta I just hope I don't get to much attention "he said as they enter the school where all the girls look and immediately blush" and I'm dead "he said sad while the mane6 glare"

Mane6: (they better stay away)

Time skip of the mane6 keeping girls away from Dratini 

The first set of classes were over as we see our heroes walking to lunch as Dratini stopped

Sunset: Dratini are you okay

Dratini: yeah I just need to use the bathroom "he said walking into the bathroom as we see him splashing water on his face" okay so far so good I can do this I can do this "he said forcing a smile before he saw katsuki in the mirror"

Katsuki: oh really "he said grinning while dratini backed up"

Dratini: no no your not real

Katsuki: yeah keep telling yourself that just like how you have friends 

Dratini: I-I do have friends 

Katsuki: oh really I bet there just using you 

Dratini: t-that's not true

Katsuki: oh it's true who would want to hang out with you "he said laughing"

Dratini: shut up shut up shut up "he yelled as he punched the mirror breaking it as we see his hand bleed before he ran out of the bathroom running past the mane6 as he leaves school leaving them in shock "

Sunset: was that dratini "she said worried"

Rainbow: yeah but why was he running "she said before looking down where she sees blood" blood is that dratini's "she said as they ran after him"

Mane6: (dratini please be okay) "they thought as we see dratini running with tears in his eyes"

Dratini: (is he right were they just using me) "he thought before stopping at a lamppost" maybe he is right who would care for me "he said before sighing" maybe I'm better off alone "as music started to play"

After the song ended dratini heard a voice

Pinkie: Dratini "she yelled as she tackled him to the ground while the others catch up all looking worried" dratini are you okay we saw you running and we saw blood and we got worried "she said as rarity looked at his hand"

Rarity: darling you hurt your hand "she said as she and fluttershy patched his hand up" please don't do that again darling

Rainbow: dratini why would you run away "she said as Dratini looked down"

Dratini: why do you all continue to pretend to care about me "he said as they looked confused"

Aj: what do you mean sugarcube 

Dratini: the joke your all playing on me that you all care about me why 

Sunset: why do you think that were pretending to care about you

Dratini: because I'm worthless no one ever cares about me I've been alone for so long no one wants to be around me I'm nothing but a mistake that should have just ended his miserable life a long time ago "he said as fluttershy walked up to him before smacking him across the face as we see her crying"

Fluttershy: don't ever call yourself worthless you matter to a lot of people "she yelled as Dratini held his cheek"

Dratini: what do you mean by that "he said as they started to blush"

Fluttershy: because 

Mane6: we love you "they said as Dratini looked in shock"

Fluttershy: we love you so much we know we just met but knowing what you've been through we want to be there for you we want to be by your side please don't ever call yourself worthless because you mean everything to us "she said hugging him as he hugs back"

Dratini: I'm sorry I've never felt love before or had anyone be nice to me before thank you thank you "he said before smiling" I love you all to "he said as they tackled him into a lot of kisses before they heard a siren causing them all to get up as we see dratini covered in kiss marks" trouble let's go "he said as they run to canterlot bank where they see a women with pink, purple and gold hair being held hostage by some armed men"

Rarity: are you gonna save her sweetie "she said as Dratini smiled before putting on his driver and three coins in it"

Dratini: I've been a fool I've let my past hurt me and decide my fate and who I am but not anymore I will protect this city and everyone I care about now henshin "he said sliding the ring down his driver"

Driver: lion tora cheetah latoratah latoratah "it said as he transformed leaving them in awe"

Dratini: I'll be right back "he said racing off until he's right infront of the robbers" listen I don't have a lot of time so I'm gonna end this fast "he said taking the ring over his driver again"

Driver: scanning charge "it said as he extended his claws before running at top speed slashing all the robbers knocking them out before he turned to the woman"


Dratini: are you okay miss "he said as she blushed"

???: y-yes thank you ooo's 

Dratini: no problem now I must be going "he said racing off before turning back to normal as pinkie tackles him into another hug"

Pinkie: Dratini that was amazing you were all like zoom and slash and wow 

Dratini: thanks pinkie "he said rubbing her head before looking at the others" so do we still have time for lunch 

Rainbow: sure do ready to go "she said as he got to his feet"

Dratini: anywhere you girls go I'll follow "he said smiling as they walked off back to school"
