Chapter 4: the party and the sleepover

We now see our heroes all at sugarcube corner as they catch up

Twilight pov

Twilight: I'm really sorry about what happened to you dratini (if I ever meet them I'll kill them) "she thought angry"

Dratini: it's okay princess I've accepted it but i won't let them define who I am "he said smiling as she blushes"

Twilight: y-you can j-just call me twilight

Dratini: alright twilight so guys what's the plan

Pinkie: what about the party tonight all the bands will be there including the dazzlings

Dratini: the party now that sounds fun let's do this "he said as the girls cheered"

Time skip of the main7 fighting girls that look at Dratini

Dratini pov

We now see our heroes in the gym waiting for the dazzlings to appear when dratini bumped into someone and as she started to fall dratini caught her bridal style making her blush as the mane7 glare

Dratini: are okay miss "he said smiling" oh your flash i hear your music all the time it's great to meet you "he said setting her down"

Flash: t-thanks and your dratini right I have to say your even cuter in person "she said blushing as twilight walked over"

Twilight: hey flash how's it going "she said while flash gives her a half angry look"

Flash: good my bands easily going to win this no one else stands a chance "she said as Dratini sees the dazzlings enter"

Dratini: uh flash that's cool but do you mind if I borrow twilight for a minute "he said pulling her away as flash glares"

Flash: whatever "she said as Dratini and twilight make it to the others"

Dratini: okay you six are all together so you should be able to beat them well good luck "he says as they walk off" you think this will work sunshine 

Sunset: I hope

Adagio pov

Adagio: Oh no know ones mingling I wonder what happened

Sonata: oh it's the fruit punch isn't it I knew I put to much grape juice

Adagio: no you idiot it's us and it will get much worse at the battle of the bands

Twilight: there isn't going to be a battle of the bands "she said as she held hands with the main5" because friendship is magic "but nothing happened as adagio grins"

Adagio: oh very arrogant are we saying that winning the battle of the bands will be easy "she said as everyone started to fight while our heroes leave the gym as we now see them at the steps of the school"

Dratini pov

Dratini: Well that didn't work

Twilight: I don't get it we did the same thing as last time

Sunset: yeah but last time you used the same magic as me so maybe you have to use the same magic as the dazzlings

Dratini: like a song

Sunset: right but you guys just need a place to play where everyone will be there

Rarity: the band competition and I believe twilight just became a member of the rainbooms "she said as everyone cheered minus sunset as she looked down which dratini notices"

Pinkie: we should have a sleepover at my house "as the girls agree"

Dratini: well good luck with that I'll see you all tomorrow

Rainbow: oh no your coming with us "she said stern"

Dratini: why? "He said while they blush"

Aj: b-because we don't want you to be bye yourself

Dratini: okay sounds fun "he said as they all walked off to pinkies house"

We now see our heroes all in pinkies room doing there own thing while in there pajamas dratini's consisted of a white top and red shorts

Twilight: thanks for letting me use your song book fluttershy

Dratini: yeah and these songs of your just keep getting better and better 

Fluttershy: thanks honey "she said kissing him while twilight glares before the doorbell rang"

Pinkie: pizzas here "she said as they all ran off minus Dratini and twilight"

Dratini: twilight you coming

Twilight: yeah in a minute "she said as she looked down"

Dratini: you don't have to worry twilight I know you can do this and I know you can lead us to victory "he said smiling as she started to blush"

Twilight: t-thanks dratini "she said as she put the book down" let's get some pizza

Time skip of the main7 fighting on who gets to sleep next to dratini

Sunset pov

It was the middle of the night as I hear someone get up and leave and when I look I see twilight missing as I go to the living room I see twilight working on the counter spell

Sunset: twilight what are you doing up

Twilight: we only have one chance for the counter spell and I just

Both: don't want to let anyone down 

Twilight: so uh you and the girls are dating Dratini "she said blushing"

Sunset: yeah why do you wanna date him to "she said as twilight frantically nodded yes" well I'm sure he'll be fine with it we'll tell him after we beat the sirens "she said as they smiled at each other before they see maud scaring sunset"

Maud: sorry I was getting water

Sunset: but why are you holding a camera "she said as maud blushes"

Maud: nothing (definitely not taking pictures of my future husband) goodnight "she said walking away as we now see sunset and twilight both lay back down next to dratini as they both cuddle him before falling asleep"

Twilight: (goodnight my prince)
