Chapter 5: the first round and the mane7 captured

It was now the next day as we see our heroes in aj's barn playing badly as sunset and dratini watch

Spike: well it was better then the last 5 times "he said as Big Mac walked by"

Big Mac: nope "he said while dratini looked at him"

Dratini: not helping

Rainbow: aj you were off the past couple of verses and fluttershy you were playing off

Dratini: rainbow they both sounded good to me "he said as aj and fluttershy blush"

Rarity: I agree but we should really pick on what we're going to wear "she said pulling out multiple outfits while aj says they shouldn't worry about what there wearing"

Sunset: uh guys the first round starts in half an hour "she said as the main6 started to freak out"

Time skip of dratini carrying the equipment

Dratini pov

We now see our heroes arrive just in time

Dratini: sweet we made it

Twilight: yeah but the spell isn't ready what do we do

Dratini: well you just have to play it in a round so it doesn't have to be now

Sunset: yeah just try and stay alive "she said as the girls go on stage while she looked down"

Dratini: you okay sunshine?

Sunset: yeah I just wish I was out there with them

Dratini: I know how you feel but we can talk to them after we beat the sirens okay

Sunset: okay "she said as they watch there friends play badly when they came back arguing"

Aj: we're you trying to make us lose rarity

Rarity: what of course not this was sabotage

Rainbow: pinkie did you have to use so much confetti

Fluttershy: it was pretty distracting

Pinkie: me says the person who was running from a light a light "she said as they all started to argue when both dratini and sunset said"

Both: guys

Sunset: atleast you all made it to the next round so that's good so you guys go and work on the counter spell while I keep an eye on the dazzlings "she said as they started to separate"

Dratini: becareful "he said giving her a kiss as  we now see our heroes walking down the hall when twilight sees flash"

Twilight: hey flash "she says as she doesn't say anything" flash are you okay

Flash: do you guys hear something "she said as Dratini looked mad"

Dratini: flash what's your problem

Flash: there's that sound again so annoying

Twilight: flash why are you being so mean

Flash: maybe because you get to hang out with him and not me "she said mad"

Dratini: flash please stop

Flash: why do you like her more

Dratini: I didn't say that

Flash: is it because she's a princess

Dratini: flash that's enough were leaving "he said grabbing Twilights hand as he and our heroes leave"

Sunset pov

I was looking for the dazzlings when they found me

Adagio: well if it isn't sunset what do we owe the honor of seeing you here

Sunset: don't act all innocent I know what you all are up two and you won't win

Adagio: why because you didn't win it sad really how you want to be apart of there band but they didn't even ask you because there afraid of you not even that cutie dratini asked if you could be in the band

Sunset: you stay away from him "she said as the dazzlings hear there names"

Adagio: we would love to stay and chat but we have a song to sing "they said as they walked onto the stage"

Twilight pov

It was now down to the rainbooms vs trixies team as we see twilight freaking out

Twilight: I don't know what to do the spell still isn't done "she said looking down"

Aj: it's okay sugarcube we have until tonight and we know you can do this "she said as the others agreed"

Twilight: thanks guys

Trixie: top that raingoons even though you shouldn't be allowed to compete since you have a big advantage

Rainbow: my awesome singing and guitar skills

Trixie: no her "she said pointing to twilight" everyone knows she's the only reason your still in the competition

Rainbow: what I could easily win this as a solo act "she said as the others glare before they head out on stage"

However as she started to play she started to pony up which sunset sees as she tackles her to the ground stopping it as we now see them back stage

Rainbow: sunset what the heck

Sunset: I'm sorry you were transforming I didn't know what to do

Rarity: unplug the guitar pull the curtains

Sunset: I'm sorry I panicked "she said as they all started to argue when dratini yelled"

Dratini: enough "he yelled as they all looked at him" rainbow you were being careless out there because of what trixie said so sunset was just trying to help "he said as rainbow yelled"

Rainbow: oh atleast I'm helping and you call yourself a hero no wonder your family got rid of you "she said before covering her mouth as everyone was in shock while dratini had his head down" dratini I-I'm s-

Dratini: I was right I am better off alone "he said as a tear is shown going down his face" I'm out of here and consider us all split "he said running off as we see the dazzlings looking angry"

Adagio: how could she say that to him

Sonata: let me at her I kill her "she said as aria held her back"

Adagio: hold on sonata we'll make her pay for what she did "she said smirking"

Aj: rainbow what the heck how could you say that to Dratini

Pinkie: yeah dratini has done nothing but support us "she said as rainbow started to cry"

Rainbow: I-I just w-wish I could take it back "she said as the principals walked over to them"

Celestia: good job rainbooms you made it to the finals "she said walking away"

Fluttershy: wait we made it to the finals but we stunk "she said as we see trixie angry"

Trixie: Trixie was robbed "she said as the dazzlings appeared"

Adagio: I know you were so much better then them

Sonata: but if they didn't appear then you would get to play "as they all grinned"

Time skip of the main 7 trying to get ahold of dratini but no answer

Sunset pov

We now see our heroes on stage getting ready for there performance

Sunset: did anyone get ahold of dratini

All: no "they said looking down"

Sunset: where could he be (I hope the dazzlings didn't get to him)

Rainbow: we'll look for him after we win I just hope he can forgive me

Pinkie: we shouldn't even be here

Trixie: I agree Trixie was much better then you but everything is looking up for trixie and everything is looking down for you "she says pulling a lever causing the main7 to fall into a room as the dazzlings appear"

Adagio: oh no looks like you all took a tumble

Sonata: and it looks like you all are missing the cutie dratini sempai

Aria: no worries sunset we'll keep him company for you "they said smiling while the others glare"

Rainbow: you better stay away from him "she yelled"

Sonata: like you have room to talk after what you did to dratini sempai "she said angry"

Adagio: bye bye rainbooms "she said closing the hatch while walking away we see spike"

Spike: oh no I need to find dratini "he said running off as we see rainbow trying to break out"

Aj: rainbow you've been doing that for 15 minutes give it up

Rainbow: no we have to get out and stop them and keep them away from dratini

Rarity: well if someone didn't yell at him he would be here and we could have gotten out by now "she said as they all started to argue as green mist went from them to the dazzlings amulets which sunset notices"

Sunset: guys stop this is what they want there gaining your powers

Aj: but we have the power of friendship

Sunset: yeah but since the band started you guys have been at each other's throats "she said as they all apologize to each other" good now we need to get out

Fluttershy: I wish dratini was here "she said sad"

Pinkie: huh I got a message it was before we fell it's from dratini "she said as they read it"

Dratini: to my friends I wanted to say goodbye I can no longer stay here In a place where I'm reminded of my past so I am leaving canterlot and never coming back "it said as the girls were all crying"

Rainbow: we have to get out of here "she said as they started to get out again"

All: (please don't leave dratini)
