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Time to come home


THERE WAS KNOCK ON THE WOODEN DOOR, making Natalie looked away from the vinyl player.

Nellie silently enter the room, making Natalie waved at her form her spot on the floor.

❝hey, Nellie❞ Natalie said looking back at the player and then at her drawing. Crayons were scattered in front of her, making a disorganized rainbow.

❝hey, Natty❞ Nellie replied. She approached and sat next to her, watching the vinyl go around and around ❝what are you doing?❞

❝Listening to music, dad let me borrowed some of his music❞ Natalie smiled at her younger sister, letting her toothless smile show.

Nellie nodded and stood there silent for a couple of seconds, then she tilted her head ❝Do you want to have a tea party with me? Nobody wants to❞ Nellie said looking down, staring at her hand.

The soft classic music was playing in front of them, making the older Crain comfortable. Natalie was about to declined the offer, but at seeing how sad her sister was, she felt bad for her. It reminded her about how she used to want to play with dolls, but neither Theo nor Shirley wanted to play with her sometimes. She always ended up playing with Steve's toy cars alone.

❝Yeah❞ Natalie answered, making Nellie look up in surprise ❝why not?❞

❝thank you, Natty!❞ Nellie exclaimed excitedly, hugging her briefly ❝come on, Shirley is waiting for us outside❞

Natalie left her crayon on top of her drawing and stood up. She stopped the vinyl player, slowly letting the music stop. Natalie dusted her pants, and giving one last look at the picture above, she went following her sister's happy steps.

     ❝I thought said everyone had told you no❞ Natalie asked, but Nellie simply smiled.

     ❝Shirley is taking pictures, but we're having a tea party❞ Natalie shrugged and followed her outside.

It was a beautiful day. No clouds were in the sky, and the sun touching their skin felt warm. She noticed her siblings were not missing the chance of it, unlike her, who was always up in the music room.

Nellie guided her through the yard, passing their father and Mr Dudley who were watching the house. His father smiled, waving at them.

The two arrived to a spot in the grass, where Nellie had laid out her various tea party cups and plates.

❝Please, sit Ms Natalie❞ Nellie said doing a little bow, making Natalie giggled.

❝Why, thank you, Ms Eleanor❞ Natalie replied, sitting gracefully in the grass, crossing her legs. Nellie sat in front of her, crossing her legs as well.

❝How do you take your tea, Ms Natalie?❞ Nellie asked, talking in a formal tone. Natalie open her mouth, but no replied came out ❝It's okay, it's only juice, Steve says we should pretend it's hot though❞ Nellie whispered.

Natalie smiled ❝with cream and two of sugar, Ms Eleanor❞ Nellie smiled and pretended to pour the sugar in her cup. She then took the tea pot and poured apple juice in each of their cup, giving her older sister a smile.

❝Here❞ Nellie said giving her a cup ❝you have to put your pinkie up, like this❞ she put her pinkie up while holding her own cup and Natalie imitated her actions ❝royal people do this every day, so we're patically princesses❞

❝Practically❞ Natalie corrected her and Nellie giggled ❝Cheers❞ she said, and both smiled while their cups connected.

In that moment, a flash startled them. They both turn their heads, only to find Shirley a few feet away from them with her camera.

The two young girls smiled at their older sister, while Shirley took out the polaroid. The older girl walked towards them, kneeling in front of the tea set to show them the picture.

❝It's going to the family album❞ Shirley said smiling at them. Natalie took the polaroid in her hand and admired how happy the two girls looked. She returned the picture to Shirley and watched her stand up ❝Don't stay here all day, remember, porch light flashes twice...❞

❝Time to come home❞ Natalie and Nellie said at the same time. Shirley nodded satisfied and went to take more pictures around the house, leaving them alone.

❝Hey, why don't you go for Luke and asked if he wants to join us❞ Natalie offered and Nellie's eyes lit up at the mention of her twin.

❝Yeah, maybe he'll join if he knows you're playing too!❞ Nellie stood up and ran towards the other side of the house, where Luke had been playing recently.

Natalie sat there silently, waiting for her sister to return. When she was about to take a sip from her cup, something moving in the woods caught her attention.

She slowly got up form her place, making her way towards the tree. Maybe it was a dog that they kept hearing at night, being lost. She got to the tree, but saw nothing, only feeling cold out of the sudden.

Natalie walked a little bit more deeper in the woods, but when she saw nothing, she gave up. When she turned around, her foot got caught in a root, making her fall to the ground. She let out a cry of pain when her face hit the ground.

Natalie cleaned her face, still in the ground and finally looked up, only she wished she never did.

In front of her was a skull, dirty and decayed. Natalie opened her mouth, screaming at the top of her lungs. She swears something was moving in the corner of her eye, but the last thing she remembers was the heavy footsteps of her father approaching, and the soft giggles of someone nearby.

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