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in the loving memory
of Eleanor Crain



    Natalie looked up from the carpet to see her husband standing up. He wanted to get something to drink, but wanted to make sure if she wanted something as well.

    ❝Ice tea sounds good❞ Natalie said softly and he smiled, leaning over to give her a kiss on the head.

    ❝I'll be right back❞ he announced and went to get something. She watched him go in silence, but didn't moved.

    She saw out of the corner of her eye how her sister was making her way to her. Her sister sat down in the previous spot her husband was, but didn't turn to look at her.

    ❝I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday, Nat❞ Shirley said after a few seconds of silence. Neither of the sisters looked at each other, but they didn't need to.

    ❝I'm sorry for yelling at you, Shirl❞ Natalie apologized as well. She saw her sister nod and then take her hand, giving it a squeeze.

    ❝We were so caught up yesterday that I didn't got to ask you how were you, and your job❞ Shirley said clearing her throat. Natalie shrugged, looking around.

    ❝I'm okay❞ she answered nodding ❝Everything is good❞

    ❝Good❞ Shirley said, nodding slowly.

    ❝How uhm, how are you?❞ Natalie asked, feeling a little of tension.

    ❝I've been better❞ Shirley replied, sighing quietly. She felt the awkwardness of the moment too and stood up, taking her drink ❝I'll see you later❞ Natalie nodded and watched her go.

    Natalie sighed heavily and shifted in her sit, closing her eyes for a moment.

    When she opened them up again, she turn to see her father, Luke and Theo sitting down in the couch not so far from her. Luke and Theo looked up as well and send her a smile, which she gladly return.

    The door opened once away and a girl came in. Natalie didn't recognized her as one of Nellie's friends, so she furrowed her eyebrows.

    Suddenly, Theo approached the girl at a fast pace, talking quietly so no one would hear. But Natalie was quick to piece everything together, and her mouth shot open. Trish, she thought.

    ❝Oh, fuck my day❞ Theo said loudly and walked away.

    Trish stood there, a little puzzled. She turned and locked eyes with Natalie, recognizing her. Theo and her looked similar, and Theo had a picture of Natalie in her house that she saw.

    Natalie waved a little and Trish smiled shyly. Then she turned to the front, where Luke and her father waved at her too. Trish nodded and walked towards the main area.

    Natalie wanted to go talk to her, so she stood up, but the moment she did the door opened once again, reveling her aunt Janet.

    Upon seeing Natalie, the woman came to her and gave her a hug.

    ❝My sweet Natty❞ aunt Janet greeted her, and Natalie smiled.

    ❝Hi, auntie❞ Natalie greeted back, moving to the side so she could hug her brothers.

    After the two Crain boys hugged her, her aunt Janet looked to the front and saw her father. Natalie crossed her arms and shared a look with Steve, who she hadn't talk to since last night.

    ❝Hugh❞ her aunt said gently. Natalie looked down at the interaction and stepped back.

    ❝Janet❞ her father greeted back, nodding at her.

    ❝I'm sorry we're here❞ her aunt Janet said after a few seconds ❝I'm so sorry...I-I mean, none of us should be here❞ her voiced cracked and Natalie put a hand on her shoulder.

    ❝I know what you mean❞ their father replied, and aunt Janet nodded. Her brothers guided her to the main area, leaving Natalie alone with her father.

    If Natalie was being honest, she didn't really want to have a moment alone with her father. Every time they talked, she got flashbacks back to that night and the only thing she wanted was to forget.

❝How are you, Natty?❞ her father asked, and she slowly turn to see him.

❝I'm alright❞ she nodded, passing her hand around her arm to keep herself warm.

❝Have you heard anything?❞ he asked and her heart skipped a beat. She saw her husband approached, holding two iced teas.

❝What do you mean?❞ Natalie raised her eyebrow slightly. She knew what he meant, but at the same time, she wished she didn't. Her father knew about what used to happened to her, Olivia had told him a few times about the strange occurrences.

❝Have you heard her? Talk to—❞ her father questioned, like it was an easy answer.

❝Dad❞ Natalie quickly cut him off, feeling anxious, her face became blank and her voice cracked a little ❝Don't❞

Her father nodded quietly and stood there, until Edward came back. Natalie didn't give her father a second look as she walked towards her husband, taking him off somewhere else.

    Natalie and Edward were in the front row. Luke, who was next to her, had been looking down since the tribute had started. He was holding tightly Natalie's hand, and she send him looks from time to time to make sure he was alright.

    Natalie looked down at the picture of Nellie, and she smiled sadly at her sister.

    ❝I cannot say, and I will not say that she is dead❞ Shirley began to read the poem. Natalie couldn't bring herself to look up, because she knew she would break down ❝She's just away. With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand, she has wandered into an unknown land❞

Natalie could hear the crack of voice of her sister, who was trying to hold it together.

❝...and left us dreaming how fair it needs must be since she lingers there❞ Shirley continued, letting a tear drop down her face ❝And you, O you, who the wildest yearn for the old time step, and the half return...think of her faring on. As dear in the love of There as the love of Here...think of her still as the same, I say...she's not dead, she's just away❞

    Shirley finished, wiping off the tear rolling her cheek ❝If anyone wants to say a few words❞

    Natalie sighed, and closed her eyes. She decided to go, but Luke beat her to it. She watched as he went up to the podium, looking anywhere besides the people. Natalie send him an encouraging smile, and at seeing that, he began.

    ❝I, uhm❞ he began, sighing ❝I was born ninety seconds before Nell, and uh...I'd used that to, you know, if we had a fight, or um, if I wanted something I'd say I-I was the oldest, so she had to do what I said❞

Natalie's bottom lip started to shake, feeling nostalgic at remembering how Nellie would follow her everywhere. Natalie being older than her pretended to be a teacher sometimes, ordering her to do the homework.

❝The last time I saw her she was driving me to rehab...she dropped me off and s-she looked at me and said "you go in there and bring my brother back"...I was born ninety seconds before Nell, but she was always my big sister❞ Luke finished, sighing heavily.

He went back to his sit, shaking. Natalie took his hand and gave it a squeeze before she stood up as well. She made her way to the podium, and couldn't help but feel small and vulnerable.

Natalie cleared her throat and looked down, sniffing ❝Nellie was one of my closest friends❞ she began, nodding slowly ❝We treated and loved each other, not only as sisters, but as friends, best friends❞

A younger Nellie was laughing, holding Natalie's arm as they made their way to the movie theater. It was premiering a superhero movie that both wanted to see, so they cleared up their schedule and went. Natalie was smiling as she narrated a funny story to her sister, making them both laugh way too much.

❝We would call each other if things got bad...if we felt like the world was crushing us, or we simply wanted to have chat❞ Natalie shrugged, trying not to cry as a sudden feeling came rushing over her body ❝We tried to keep each other posted of the things happening in our lives, because distance did not mattered, we were friends...we were family❞

Natalie was doing Nellie's make up in their room. The latter was going to have a date and Natalie asked excitingly if she could do her make up. Nellie agreed.

They were both smiling and talking, trying to calm Nellie's nerves down. No one interrupted them all day. It was just them and a fun sister time.

❝My deepest regret is to have failed her. If someone could have seen something or heard something, it should have been me❞ Natalie's voice cracked, and her hands started to shake. But she still looked up, even with the tears forming in her hazel eyes ❝She will always be with me, with all of us... Nellie's memory will live on, only in a more loving, and special way❞

Younger Natalie and Nellie were laying in the ground, looking up at the clouds. It was the second day they had been in Hill House, and even though both of them had already a bad experience, that didn't stopped them from having fun.

that looks like a dogNellie said pointing a cloud, squinting her eyes a little to find the shape more believable.

And that looks like a bird Natalie exclaimed, pointing at one too. The two girls giggled as they looked for more shapes.

That looks like a mouse! Nellie clapped, feeling proud that she remembered the name of the rodent.

They could hear the rest of their siblings in the distance, making their own thing.

Natalie giggled and continued her search for more shapes, she opened her mouth once she spotted something, but she was not quite sure of what it was.

And that looks like a— she stopped talking, once she realized what the cloud took shape into.

A what, Natty? Nellie asked, looking at her. Natalie's breath got caught in her throat. She gulped, and looked at her sister, whispering.

A face

NATALIE GAVE EDWARD ONE LAST HUG. She kissed his cheek and smiled sweetly at him. Edward sighed, holding Natalie's waist.

❝Are you completely sure you don't want me to stay?❞ he asked, not really wanting to leave her.

    The both of them had asked their bosses for days, wanting to be there for the funeral. Being that it was Natalie's sister and not Edward's, his boss only gave him a certain amount of time. Natalie's boss was more flexible and told her she could have all the time she needed.

    Natalie decided to stay a few more day with her family, to be with them. Edward wanted to stay as well, but he couldn't.

Natalie nodded, stroking his cheek ❝I'm sure❞ she tilted her head and finally separated ❝It's getting late and I want you to have a good night sleep❞

    Edward sighed, shaking his head ❝I guess I'll see you in a couple of days❞

    Natalie smiled and nodded. She opened the front door for him and he gave her a kiss before entering the car.

    The Crain girl crossed her arms as she watched Edward pull out of the parking lot. He waved good bye at her and she smiled, waving back.

    Natalie sighed and began to walk back into the house, where most of the people had left.

    As she was walking up the stairs, the door opened, revealing her younger brother. She stopped and once he was her, he stopped as well.

❝Hey❞ they both greeted at the same time. Natalie smiled and went up the rest of the stairs.

    ❝Everything okay?❞ Natalie asked, smiling at him. Luke cleared his throat and nodded.

    For the twins, it was always harder to lie, especially to Natalie. Luke didn't want to lie to her, but he had to, for her's and everyone's sake.

    ❝Yeah, I'm just—❞ Luke shrugged, sniffing ❝I'm going for a smoke❞

    Natalie nodded and moved to the side. She wanted to make him company, but he clearly wanted to be alone; also, she didn't want to overwhelm him.

    ❝I'll be around these days...we can maybe hang out❞ Natalie offered hopeful, making Like smile.

    He went down the last steps and nodded ❝that sounds great❞

    ❝Okay...see you later❞ Natalie smiled and he nodded, turning around ❝I love you, Luke❞

    He stopped in his tracks and slowly turn to see her ❝I love you more, Natty❞

    Natalie nodded and went back inside, wanting to get warmer. Once she entered the house, she turn to go to the main area, but a she stopped, feeling nauseous. She covered her mouth and went straight to the bathroom.

    With force, she opened the door, almost falling. Natalie barely had time to close it when she kneeled in front of the toilet and threw up.

    Moans of discomfort escaped her mouth as her stomach released what she had ate. After a few minutes, she flushed the toilet and sat there, exhausted with her eyes closed.

    Natalie wasn't sick. Maybe it was something she ate, or the nerves. Either way, she felt drained.

    She stood up with the support of the sink and looked at her reflection. Her face was a bit pale, but other than that, she seemed okay.

    Natalie opened the water and cleaned her mouth, trying to get the taste away. She did it a few times until it was enough, and stepped away from the mirror.

    She came out of the bathroom, hoping that she didn't had to go back there again. Natalie arrived came back to the front of the house, where she was greeted with by her siblings and father.

    ❝My car is gone❞ Theo announced, making Natalie frowned.

    ❝What do you mean?❞ Steve asked, chuckling. As if the thought of his sister's disappearing car was ridiculous.

    ❝I mean, my car is gone❞ Theo repeated ❝it was outside of my house like always, and now it's gone❞

    ❝You probably parked it somewhere else❞ Steve shrugged, trying to get sense into it. Natalie approached them just as Theo defended herself.

    ❝My wallet is not in here❞ Shirley spoke, looking in pursue ❝Where the hell is it? Did-did Kevin take my goddam wallet?❞

    ❝Where did you had your purse?❞ Natalie asked, frowning.

    ❝I left it right here, I know!❞ Shirley shook her head, getting stressed. Everyone began to talk about where it could be, and how there was a solution for getting the stuff payed.

    ❝Have someone seen Luke?❞ Steve suddenly asked. Natalie's heart skipped a beat and her mouth went dry. Steve sighed, and she knew everyone was thinking the same thing.

    ❝Oh no❞ Shirley let out, and Natalie shook her head.

    ❝We don't know f-for sure❞ she said, trying to defend her brother.

    Steve looked down at her, scolding ❝Come on, Natalie❞

    Natalie shook her head, about to defend Luke further, but her father spoke, not giving her a chance.

❝Yes❞ he said, making everyone look at him ❝He was right there...he was looking at your...and then he wanted to have a smoke, and went outside❞

❝Well, did he come back?❞ Shirley asked angrily. Natalie closed her eyes once she remembered being the last person to see him.

❝I don't know...I-I don't know❞ her father replied, shaking his head.

❝Fucking hell!❞ Shirley yelled, making Natalie flinched. Her older sister walked away, more angry than before ❝He can't even last one day?❞

❝An hour❞ Steve corrected her, making Natalie send him a bad look ❝He probably already has a needle in his arm❞

❝Okay now❞ Natalie scoffed, crossing her arms. She looked at Theo who was lost in her head, but Steve took her attention once again.

❝Let's check outside❞ Steve told Natalie, and she nodded, following him.

    The two Crain siblings began to search around the house in silence, none of them daring to speak.

    Once they went around the property, they met again in the front of the house. The two sighed and made their back, empty handed.

❝Natty❞ Steve whispered, looking down. Natalie looked at him, waiting ❝I'm sorry I—❞ he shook his head and stopped walking. She stopped as well, but didn't say anything ❝I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday, I should have never done it, I'm sorry❞ he put a hand in his neck, sighed ❝Can you forgive me?❞

    Natalie nodded, understanding ❝Yeah, I forgive you❞

Steve chucked a little and sighed, happy that he finally let it out of chest.

    ❝Is everything alright?❞ Natalie asked after a few seconds, making him frown.

    ❝What do you mean?❞ he looked at her, but she only gave him a sad look.

    ❝I saw Leigh upset❞ she confessed. Steve sighed and nodded, looking away.

    ❝We—❞ he began, but found no words ❝We're not living together❞

    Natalie raised her eyebrows, surprised ❝Are you okay?❞

    ❝Yeah, it's complicated❞ Steve shrugged, not looking at her in the eyes.

    ❝You can talk to me, you know that❞ Natalie put a hand in his shoulder, and he smiled.

    ❝I know, Natty❞

    She smiled at him, and opened her mouth to say something else, but a sudden breeze hit her, preventing her to speak a word.

Natalie❞ someone whispered in a warning tone, but she didn't even had a second to process it.

A piercing scream came from inside the house, making both of them flinch. The looked at each other and after a couple of seconds of shock, they made their way to the house as faster as they could.

    As they walked away, none of them saw the face plastered in the window in front of them. None of them saw the way a hand was trying to reach them. None of them saw the face of their deceased family membered, looking at them.

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