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Hope for the best


NATALIE?❞ the voice of her mother appeared, making the young girl stop midway ❝What are you doing?❞

Natalie opened her mouth, but no answer came out. She let her hand drop down from the doorknob to Shirley's room and looked at her feet.

Since the day they moved in the house, she was scared of sleeping alone in her room. Each night she would try and sleep there, but something would maker her uncomfortable. After that, she would run to one of her siblings rooms so she wouldn't be alone. None of them mind or protested, at the end of the day, each of them felt something strange about the house too.

That night she couldn't stayed longer than usual, feeling something in the room. She was a kid and didn't really understand most of the things fully. But when it came to the house, she didn't need an explanation.

She was about to enter Shirley's room when her mother caught her. Olivia approached her daughter and smiled.

❝Why were to going to Shirley's room?❞ her mother asked, making Natalie look up.

❝I was going to talk to her❞ Natalie mumbled quietly.

❝Are you sure you weren't about to sleep there instead of your room?❞ her mother asked with her eyebrow raised playfully.

Natalie looked down ashamed, but Olivia raised her chin, making the girl look at her. Her mother motioned her to follow, so she did.

Both entered Natalie's room, and walked toward the bed. Natalie climbed up and tucked herself into the sheets, while her mother sat down in front of her.

❝Tell me what's wrong, Natty❞ her mother asked, putting a hand in hers.

She took some time, but the little Crain finally opened up ❝I don't like this room, it makes me feel uneasy❞

Olivia frowned, but quickly recovered, giving her a smile ❝There is nothing here that will harm you, my love❞

     Natalie nodded, but she still fell uncomfortable in the room. Her mother quickly noticed this and sighed. She stood up from her spot and got into bed next to her, hoping her words will calm her down.

     ❝What do you feel when you're alone in this room?❞ Olivia asked, making Natalie look at her fingers that were twitching between the sheets.

     ❝I feel like...there's someone watching me❞ Natalie confessed, but didn't look at her mother, in fear that she would laugh at her or think she was weird.

     ❝Go on❞ Olivia encouraged, nodding at her daughter.

     ❝I feel scared because I can hear someone breathing, but it isn't me❞ Natalie shook her head repeatedly ❝They...they whisper my name❞

     Olivia held her hands tightly and sighed. It seemed like all of the Crain girls were indeed sensitive, just like herself, and her mother before her.

     ❝You're not alone you know❞ Olivia said softly, making Natalie look at her quickly ❝I feel and see things too❞

❝Why?❞ Natalie asked, but her mother did not had an answered. Instead, she rested her head back and Natalie hugged her, feeling better.

❝There is one thing you could do❞ Olivia spoke, holding onto her daughter's hand ❝When you feel bad, nervous or uncomfortable, you can cross your fingers❞

Olivia took one of her hands and Natalie crossed her fingers, just like her mother said. She looked at her and both women smiled.

❝There will be moments in your life where you're going to feel helpless and scared, and sometimes you can't do anything about it❞ Olivia whispered ❝The only thing you can do is cross your fingers...and hope for the best❞

Natalie nodded, taking her mother's words to her heart. She rested her head in her stomach, and closed her eyes.

Olivia sighed, passing her hand in Natalie's back to calm her down. She smiled and closed her eyes too ❝Don't worry, I'll be here if you're scared, my love❞

     For the first time, Natalie fell asleep in her room. Even after her mother left, she didn't woke up startled by any noise or whisper. After that night, she could finally sleep there without feeling so scared. The whispers and breathings continued, but she tried hard to ignore them. Natalie crossed her fingers each time she was nervous or scared, when she couldn't do anything about it, she would breath deeply, and hoped for the best.

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