Chapter 9

Y/n was busy putting on her make up as she was on the set for Wonho's music video. She glanced at her phone and noticed Changkyun's message.

Take care babe

Love yuh

Y/n grinned. As much as she want to text him back, she needed some space as how she said. The make up artist told her that it's done as she stood up and went to the set.

The set was literally on the street with the lights was dimly light. Y/n could barely see Wonho's figure who's leaning on one of the wall.

Wonho was already waiting for her while playing his phone. Y/n went towards him and cleared her throat, earning his attention.

He put his phone inside the pocket. "Let's go over the script. You're chasing me while we're arguing. You pulled my hand and I yanked it away. After that, you almost got hit by the car that passed by and I saved you."

Wonho read the script. "You okay? We could change it you know. In case if you have a boyfriend." Y/n shook her head. "I don't have a boyfriend."

Wonho grinned and nodded his head. "Let's get started then." Wonho raised his hand and signalled the staffs. They turned on the lights as the cameramans move towarss them.

They played the music as the director signalled them to act. "I'm tired of all of this. I'm tired of you." Y/n scoffed. "Do you think I'm not? You think you're the only one with my feelings?"

Wonho rolled his eyes as he ran his hand through his hair. "You know what, I'm done. We're done." Wonho said as he raised his hands in surrender.

Y/n followed him as she shouted his name. They stopped on the middle of the road. "What?!" Y/n was on the verge of tears.

"Then what we have for all these years was nothing for you? All those memories. Is it that easy for you to throw it all?" Wonho rolled his eyes as he kept walking while Y/n stood still.

Y/n fell on her knees as tears came out of her eyes. The car engine was started as the car started to move towards Y/n. Wonho widened his eyes as he rushed towards Y/n.

Wonho held her figure and carried her towards the side of the road, making the both of them fall on top of each other. They stared into each other's eyes.

Wonho bravely leaned in closer as Y/n closed her eyes. Wonho kissed her, to caught up in the song's feeling. Y/n was also caught up in the moment.

"Cut!" The director said. But, it didn't stopped them both. The director was thankful for the both of them to have great chemistry which results in great music video. Y/n suddenly pulled away as she sat down.

"What have I done?"

Fyi, the song is Misbehave.
