Chapter 3

Y/n grinned happily as she dragged Hyunwoo to her company. Hyunwoo was dressed formally as Y/n forced him too. She knocked on the door as the door opened, revealing her manager.

"I thought I told you to call me when you're done." Y/n grinned. "My brother wants to audition. Can we get him in now?"

Her manager sat down as she checked her computer. "The Fantasia magazine was hiring a model. You up for it?" Y/n eagerly nodded her head as her manager finished up with Hyunwoo's audition along with his contract.

Hyunwoo was requested to be present at the magazine's company tomorrow around lunch time. Y/n took Hyunwoo to a restaurant to celebrate.

Y/n has reserved a private place for them. She wanted to avoid rumours since her fans didn't know that she had a brother.

It's not like she doesn't want to reveal Hyunwoo, but Hyunwoo refused to. They ordered their food as Y/n grinned at him. "Today is the last day your enjoying your human rights. You should enjoy it to the fullest."

Hyunwoo laughed as he took his phone out and asked Y/n to take a photo of him. Y/n raised an eyebrow. "I need to post this for my private Twitter. Because this would be my last post."

Y/n nodded her head as she took a photo of him which Hyunwoo quickly posted on Twitter.

(ignore the dates please)

Their food later came as Hyunwoo digged in along with Y/n. Literally, Y/n only ate salad since she'll be having other schedules to do tomorrow.

Hyunwoo doesn't care how much he eat since he'll workout later. Hyunwoo ate a lot as he also ordered some beer. "Since it's your last day of freedom, I'll be paying."

Hyunwoo grinned at her as he thanked her. "Should I go by my name or other name?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at his question.

"Do you have other name?" Hyunwoo nodded his head while munching his food. "I thought of Shownu. Is that alright? It's like my name but it's mashed up together to be one."

Y/n nodded her head. "It's fine for me. I like it." Y/n gave her a thumbs up as they continued to eat. After finishing, Y/n paid for the bills as Hyunwoo drove her back to her house.

"How's your boyfriend? Im Changkyun?" Y/n sighed. "I don't want to talk about it." Hyunwoo shook his head. "I've told you before, don't date someone famous. I knew this was going to happen."

"He's just protecting me." Hyunwoo chuckled. "What kind of protection that involves acting the person does not exist at all?"

"I exist in his life. You know it and so do I. He just need some time. Maybe." Hyunwoo stopped his car a few blocks away from Y/n's house so that people won't spotted them.

"Whatever. I've told you before and I'm not going to do it again. But remember that if you need anything, I'll always be here. "
