Chapter 6

Changkyun later woke up feeling sore as he rubbed his forehead. He drank his water as suddenly a knock was heard. The door bursted open as his manager went towards him

"Are you hurt?" Changkyun furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "What do you mean?" His manager sighed as he sat down on the bed.

"A sasaeng got into your room last night. She spread a video of you." Changkyun's eyes widened as the first thing that came to his mind is Y/n.

"What did she do?" The manager sighed as he handed him his phone. He played the video and anger took over him. The video contains him being raped by the girl.

"She's crazy." Changkyun almost threw the phone which his manager quickly took it first. He quickly took his phone and called Y/n, hoping that she doesn't see it.

Unfortunately, Y/n doesn't answered any of her calls. Changkyun threw his phone as his knees fell on the floor. "I want to go back to Korea, now."

His manager nodded his head as they exited the room to give him some time. Meanwhile, Y/n was hanging out with Hyunwoo while waiting for his first magazine cover to come out.

Hyunwoo had requested Kihyun to text him as soon as they finished editing. Kihyun told him that the editing will be finished today.

They were playing games when Hyunwoo's phone received a message. Hyunwoo quickly went to open it as Y/n screamed excitedly.

Y/n grinned exitedly as she looked at it. "Kihyun take nice photos. I should consider working with him too." Hyunwoo furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.

"No. Only I can work for him." Y/n raised an eyebrow as she giggled. She received a notification as she checked it out. It's from her manager.

Hey, Y/n

I think you better stay away from social media for awhile.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrow as she quickly opened her Twitter and looked what is trending. Her heart sank as she dropped her phone.

Her eyes got teary as she dropped to the floor. Hyunwoo noticed that as he rushed towards her. "Y/n, you alright?"
Y/n hugged Hyunwoo as tears fell from her eyes.

"Changkyun." Hyunwoo hugged her back as he caressed her head. "I'm sure for whatever he did, there must be a reason."

Y/n nodded her head as her hug tightened. After feeling herself calming down, she loosened the hug and looked at Hyunwoo.

"Can I stay here for tonight?" Hyunwoo nodded his head. "Of course. You're my sister." Y/n grinned a little as she hugged him back.

Later, she felt her phone rang which she answered without looking at the caller's Id.


Y/n, listen to me.

I'll explain everything as soon as I get back

I'm on my way.

Y/n ended the call as she put down her phone. "Changkyun?" Y/n nodded her head and looked at Hyunwoo. "He's coming back. Tonight."

Hyunwoo rubbed his nape. "I think it's better if you should hear his explanation first and then you think what you should do." Y/n thought for a while and finally made up her decision.

"Can you give me a lift?"
