Chapter 13

Y/n's words alerted the reporters as they all looked at her. "Can you explain further, miss Y/n?" Y/n looked at Changkyun who's having a shocked expression plastered on his face.

"We've been seeing each other for a couple of years now. From the start of his career until now." They were all shocked Including Hyunwoo. He didn't expected for Y/n to act this way.

"This must be a shocking news to most of you as we've been keeping our relationship in secret. I've talked about it with him whether we should reveal it to the public or not. He prefer it to be secret."

Y/n looked down. "But, that doesn't give him the privilege to pretend he didn't know me at all when I've been with him since the beginning."

Changkyun looked at her sadly. "And I must say that, I don't think that our relationship will continue after this." Y/n left the reporters, leaving all of the guests astonished, including Changkyun.

The reporters turned to Changkyun as they swarmed towards him. Changkyun avoided their questions as he chased after Y/n.

"KIM Y/N!" He shouted her name. Y/n stood still as Changkyun grabbed her wrist, turning her around. Y/n's eyes were already teary.

"Are you satisfied now?" Y/n kept quiet as Changkyun ran his hand through his hair. "Are you satisfied now that you've ruined my career?"

Y/n looked down. "I've been trying to protect you from my fans. I've been trying to be the best version of myself so that I can impress your fans when they know you're dating me."

Y/n's tears escaped her eyes as Changkyun sighed. "What happen, Y/n?" Y/n looked at Changkyun with her eyes widened.

"What happened to us? To us that promise to be by each other side even when things go hard. Where are you when I needed you?"

Y/n was speechless as she searched for words. "I've told you that I need time." Changkyun scoffed. "Time? Time is gold, Y/n. And you wasted it by hanging out with Wonho while you should be focusing on yourself."

Changkyun shook his head and raised his head in surrender. "I'm done with us, Y/n. I'm breaking up with you." Changkyun was about to walk away when Y/n held his wrist back.

"I admit. I was wrong. But, please let me explain." Changkyun sighed and looked at her. "I was indeed upset of what you did. It may be an unintentional but it still hurt me. I need someone for me to talk to and Hyunwoo was busy with his project and the only friend I have is Wonho. You do know that I don't even have friends because of you."

"You were jealous whenever I hangout with someone else other than you. So, I removed them from my life and focused on you. Yet, you're still busy focusing on your career than me."

"This isn't what you want. We're both meant for each other and-" Changkyun cut her off before she continue.

"We are meant to be. We just met each other at the wrong time."
