
Aspen's POV |

I ran down the street with tears in my eyes. A burden is all I am to them. A burden. That thought had never really ever crossed my mind at all, but now it will never go away. A burden. My feet hurt as I dart faster toward town and toward the park. I knew in the back of my mind I would probably get my ass beaten for running away but at this moment I didn't even care. My eyes were filled with fresh tears as I plop down at a bench and cover my face to begin to sob. After a moment, someone sits down beside me.

"Rough day?" A male voice asks.

I sniffle and look up to see Trever of all people. I wipe away my tears and quickly stand up. "Yeah, and out of all people you are the last person I want in my presences, so for once in your life be a good person and fuck off." I spit angrily.

Trever smirks and stands up, grabbing my wrist.

"Oh baby come on, you know you don't mean that. Let's just go back to my house and cool off." He says, tightening the hold on my wrist.

I struggle to pull away. "Trever let me go, now," I say, slightly worried. It was getting dim and late so no one was at the park.

"No Aspen, come on and be a good girl. Let's get you inside and cooled off, I've missed you." He says, cupping my face to make out with me.

I take my forearm and try and push him away and move my face around. "Trever let me go!" I shout.

Trever grabs my neck and bends my body down just a tad and a sharp SMACK is landed across my ass. "Now Aspen, be a good girl and make out with me, I've missed my girl." He says sternly.

I yelp at the smack and my heart begins to race. "I am NOT your girl you cheated on me, Trever now fuck off and let me go!" I yell, struggling to get away.

Trever grabs my hair but is suddenly on the ground holding his eye. I dart over to the playground and hide inside, listening to Trever arguing with someone.

"I believe she said to let her go." A familiar voice yells at him.

I hear Trever scuff and stand up. "Whatever man, have her, but you're making a mistake, you ain't gonna shit from her except some teasing." He says and I hear his footsteps leave.

I remain hiding in the playground listening to the footsteps of the stranger get closer. "Aspen? He is gone, you can come out now." Scratching my head trying to figure out who this voice belongs to, I peek up.


John's POV |

"Where could she be??" I ask in a panic as we drive around town in search of our little sister. I couldn't believe I had fucked up and she heard all that. Yes it was frustrating but my God she is my sister, I wouldn't trade her for the word.

Rory's head suddenly is popped out the window. "Trever! There is Trever, maybe he knows where Aspen is!"

"Yeah well if I get anywhere near that kid I'll rip his head off," Levi growls, his head stretching to try and find Aspen.

"Agreed, but who knows maybe he has seen her." Rory pushes, and realizing he does have a point, we pull in front of him.

"What the fuck ma-"Trever begin but in a fright instantly shuts up when he sees three big buff brothers come out of the car and surround him.

"Rory! Levi! Johnothan! How-how's the weather? It-its nice isnt it?? I mean this breaze! Johnothan I love your new shirt-where did you get it? And Levi, those shoes! I mean-"

"Save it-we're not here to teach you a lesson-that is coming soon."

"Right now we're trying to find Aspen."

Trever lets out the breath he was holding and sighs. "Yeah? I've seen her."

"Where is she?"

"Wouldn't you like t kno-"


John stood up and held up Trever by his neck against the ally wall. Trever's feet kicked around in the air. "Boy, I suggest you better tell me RIGHT NOW where the fuck she is before you are thought that lesson this moment, then Imma tell your Daddy and HE will teach you a lesson too."

Trever nodded understandably, pointed down the street, and whimpered. "She is with someone named Jetson, sir!" 
