
Aspen sat on her bed twiddling her thumbs, tears in her eyes, her heart racing .

She knew after this session she wouldn't sit for a week,  instantly regretting her poor choices.

'I thought I made it clear your homework needed to be done before you could go to the park?" John hissed in Aspens ear.  Chills go down her spine as she thoughens up, giving him a smug look.  'You did but I don't have to listen .' "Oh you don't.? I'll make sure you do. "

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Johns pattering of feet come close to the room. The door swings open and her heart breaks when she sees a wooden spoon gripped in his knuckles. 

"Lie down."

Aspen sat there frozen unwilling to move. Scared actually. She shakes her head no.

"Lie down! '

Again she sat there, this time she srpoutsd tears. "Please im sorry!"

"Oh you will be now lie down.'

Aspen gulped but decited to obey. She lied pillows under her tummy and face. John took one hand and pushed her face in the pillow gently while he pulled up her dress and down her panties.

Boom. Boom boom.

Aspen screamed and wiggled, gaining more presser of her face in the pillow and a slap on the hands which she used to coved her butt.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

"Owwww! I'm sorry!  Please! " she sobbed.

John aimed the wooden spoon on his little sisters sit spots watching the wooden imprints arise and he had no expression at all on his face. He just focused on spanking. He was damn tired of her attitude he let go on for a few days.

Sure she had a quick otk spanking from Levi but it obviously didn't go through her thick skull. So this was well over due. 

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom .

By this time she was screaming. The wooden spoon hurt worse then the belt.  (True fact 😓) she had snot n tears down her face and her pillow was soaked.

Finally,  he dropped the spoon onto the bed and pulled hrer into a big hug,  calming her down.

'Shh it's OK Baby. '

Her butt wasn't.

Aspen sobbed into Johns chest causing his shirt to look like her pillow. 5 minutes she was sent off to do her homework.
