authers note / edit

Sorry my chapters have been slacking and suckish. Im running now on ideas. Plus, I hurried to get the previous chapter up for you guys because I probably won't end up updating again today or tmr

Tmr is the anniversary of a death of a child I lost in the womb (miscarriage) and I wont be in the state of mind to do anything.

Hope you all understand. Much love ♡ .

Edit: thank you guys for understanding!! This is not the end! Far from it! Just tmr will not be a good day, and I appreciate your understanding 💖.

I didn't think Id get so many fans. The first chapter was literally just something I thought of lying in bed and uploaded with no thought taken in and didn't think itd even be read but im so happy!!! I understand these kind of stories are not everyones cup of tea but to those who enjoy them im glad ive given you entertainment!!!
