i didnt do it part 2

CleanWriteAspen's Point Of View
I ran upstairs, my eyes filled with tears and anger. I cannot believe Rory would do something like this...I hate him, so much now. He has lost my entire trust and our brother sister bond is broken! I run into my room and slam shut the door, loud. I slam my purse down on the ground and scream.
"Ahhhh!!!" I just scream, loud, out of anger. I was so pissed I just scream and scream. "Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahh!" I began to pace around my room, stomping and hitting everything, my temper flaring. But I suddenly stopped when I hear footsteps marching up toward my room.
"Aspen James, you quit this shit RIGHT NOW!" John yells, slamming open my bedroom door. I throw my hands in the air and slide down the wall, sobbing.
"I'm sorry but I did NOT break mom's vase, John!" I plead through my tears, my eyes swollen shut due to the anger and crying.
John comes toward me, sitting down next to me. "Aspen, you do know lying is not acceptable in this house and will earn you more trouble, so please just tell the truth." He says sternly, eying me.
It dawns on me nothing I say will convince him I'm not lying, so I don't even speak another word. If he spanks me without believing me, our bond is broken too.
I hear him sigh and stand up. "I am going downstairs for a minute to calm down, I want you sitting on the bed waiting for me do you understand?"
No answer.
John grabs my arm and lifts me up harshly. "I said, 'do you understand?'!" He raises his voice annoyed.
'Yessir." I mumble, tears sliding again.
He leaves, slamming the door behind him, and I automatically slam myself on the bed, sobbing loudly, praying Rory would fess up, not that it would repair our bond, but at least I wouldn't get into trouble.
(10 Minutes Later)
and he didn't. I push my back against the wall when I see John's weapon of choice, a wooden spoon. "This is your last chance to come clean and tell the truth before I start, and if you do I'll ease up on your punishment." He warns. I gulp and take one more chance, whimpering, "I didn't break it," but he wasn't amused. He sat on the bed and took my arm, sliding me off to the floor placing me on his side. He slides down my shorts and bends me over his knees, and doesn't even warm me up on my underwear, instead he peals off my panties before the assault on my healed bottom. Since report card day I've steered clear of any ass whopping's because I was left so sore for about a week or so, until today, but it's not even deserved, this should be Rory's. John automatically began to spank, and I automatically began to squeal and cry, kicking my legs and wiggling.
He almost NEVER begins a spanking on a bare bottom with an object unless it's a horrible offence and I suppose breaking our dead mother's vase was included into that category and lying about it made it worse, which I did none of. Which reminds me, I HATE RORY.
I instantly began to sob, and through out the spanking and I said was, "I didn't do it" before giving up and just accepting the fact no one believed me.
"Lying WHOP is WHOP in WHOP accept WHOP WHOP a WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP ble WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP!" He lectures through spanks.
Eventually, he stop and puts down the spoon, but I remain limp sobbing over his knees. I didn't wanna see him or Rory at all right now. I just wanted to run away, but I wouldn't. I'll just go to the backyard. After a moment, John pulls up my underwear and shorts, and I yelp loud, because I wore jean shorts and the fabric stung my raw ass.
He stands me up and opens his mouth, but I just turn to my purse and grab my phone and head to my bedroom door.
"You're grounded from your phone. Aspen James, give it." He says, holding out his arm. I sheik and throw my phone at him and it lands on the floor in front of his feet. Obviously I have a protective case on it so it doesn't break. Before I can turn around and walk out, he grabs my arm and gives me eight smacks over my jeans. I get lose and run outside, passed Rory and give him death glares with my reddened eyes.
Rory's Point Of View
My heart broke for Aspen as I heard her pleads during the spanking, but I was so glad it wasn't me. She would probably get over it, right?
