Chapter Three, Twisted game

I heard foot steps stomp down the stairs, I jumped to my feet and stared right at the stairs. Frank came down the steps, with a trail of black mist following his feet. His figure was tense his right hand gripping Susie's butterfly blade.

He then ran at me his right arm raised, as if he was in frenzy mod. Soon as he got close enough he took a swing at me. I tripped over the chain barely dodging the blade, for once I'm so happy I'm clumsy. He didn't give me a chance to even say a word, as he jabbed the blade down at my stomach. My (dominant hand) shot up having the blade pierce through my palm.

Before he could finish his mori, entity's thron appeared and retrained him. I backed up into the wall holding my injured hand. We stared at each other until a book dropped from the ceiling. With Frank retrained I slowly scooted closer to it then grabbed the book. Opening it to its first page, there wasn't anything on it. I waited for a few seconds and then words starting to appear. I scanned threw it, it was meant for the both of us to read.

I sighed "you have been chosen for a game and your partner is The Legion, try and survival in the trials. If one of you is put in a injured state the other will feel it, you are be able to see the others aura when you are twenty meters apart" I read waiting for more words to appear.

"The Legion shall keep his knife but is only allowed to use it when [Name] is in an injured state" I read, then I look up to see Frank's knife disappear. He groaned in frustration tying to get lose of the entity's thorns, I looked back down at the book. "If one of you gets sacrificed or killed the other will as well..." I paused and looked at him.

"So basically we can see each other at all times if we aren't together, you can't attacked anyone unless I'm hurt, we can feel pain from the other one, and if one of us die we both do" I explained and ran my hand through my hair. "This is going to be a pain in the ass" I groaned "says you" Frank growled. "He speaks!" I cheered sarcastically getting up, "can we make a deal that you don't kill me until this hole thing is over?" I asked.

"You must not know how this works" he growled I stared at him blankly, "this will never end" he said. "Right..." I walked over and tore some thorns off to free his right arm. "Then let's keep each other alive until the end" I said holding my hand out "for the time being at lest" I smiled at him. He scoffed "get me out of this then we have a deal" he offered, "that works" I sighed in relief then started to rip more of the thorns off.

I got his torso free along with his left arm, but that's when the black mist started to consume him. He started to freak out trying to get his legs free, I quickly pulled him to my chest. Surprisingly he stopped struggling, 'a loving spirit interesting'. A voice said I went to look around for them but we were consumed by the mist.

"So this twisted fucking game has started..."

~Sorry for the wait my job has decided to give me more days, I might up load a new chapter today. Don't hold me to it. I hope you enjoyed and have a nice day/afternoon/night!~
