Chapter Seven, Not so friendly

~so guess who lost their jog? Yep I did. So I am able to work on more chapters so it's good for you guys also I can do two chapters a day until a get another job. So I'll keep you posted! Until then enjoy!~

"Fine but if he does anything don't expect any of us to save you" David glares "you aren't our leader David so shut up" Kate glares "And have this spinless wimp as your leader?!" He shouts pointing at Dwight "he knows how to lead! If you remember we all agreed on him being our leader!" Kate yell back getting in his face. "I'm sorry guys" Claudette smiles at us "this happens a lot it'll be nice to work together" Claudette pats my shoulder. I nod and look at Frank, he doesn't seem bothered by any of this.

Jake crouchs in front of me "what happened for you getting stuck with him?" Jake asks. "That's a long story" I look over at Frank who tensed up. "We got time" he sits down and the two fighting stopped and everyone has turned their attention to us, interested in the story.

"Okay, Well I was playing a game when I suddenly was in his map." I pointed at Frank "map?" Dwight questions "his area he's usually at!" I said quickly "anyway I was in the basement when he came down" I poked Frank "I then tried to kill her" Frank then pulled me into his chest "I got retrained by the entity and the entity dropped a book that she picked up, she read it out loud to me." He went on "that's when we found out we can feel each others pain and if one dies the other will" he explained. I nod but Frank stood up picking me up with him, I was very confused when I was brought to David who looked weary.

I was then shoved into David's arms "she also has this weird thing of calming you down by hugging you" he let me go making me cling onto David. "I'm not a doll!" I whined, I as then pulled from David into someone else's arms. I look up to see Ace "he wasn't kidding" Ace sounds surprised I then got yanked into someone's chest "enough already leave her alone!" Jane said hugging me close.

She then let me go smiling "so sense I know none of us trust the killer who wasn't to watch him" Jane looks at the group. I go over to Claudette who patted the ground next to her which I gladly sat next to her. "I wouldn't mind" Claudette says "I mean he doesn't seem to want to attack unless... what is your name?" She looks at me "oh I'm [Name]" I smile at her and she smiles back. "I will kill you all when I get my knife back" Frank crosses his arms.

Everyone freezes.

"What you think I am friendly? Yeah right" he laughs "knock it off if you like or not you have to work with them Frank" I glare at him. "If not I'm not going to be able to get out and I'll end up dying" he looks at me glaring "not before I kill you" he steps towards me and I get up. "Yeah why not kill yourself cause you'll end up killing the both of us" I growl "maybe then this whole thing will end!" He shouts "your the one who told me it will never end!" I shout back at him. We glared at each other, until he picks me up and sits down facing away from everyone having me look over his shoulder.

I sigh and wrap my arms around his back, "so who's going to the next match?" Claudette asks moving everyone attention to her. I could feel Frank's mussels relax as he stuffed his face into my shoulder. "Hey" I look at up to see Jane, "if he die you do to right?" She asks worried "yeah and if I die he does" I answer moving my hands up his back to his shoulders. "I'm sorry" she pats my head "must be tuff being stuck with a killer" she glare at him, I just shake my head "it's actually nice to know I'm not alone and having someone watch my back" I say gripping his shoulders.

"Let's see how long that lasts" I hear him whisper, Jane walks away. "What do you mean you can't hurt me without hurting yourself" I say confused "who says it's requires hitting you" he purrs. My heart jumped and I pull away from him backing up into a tree, He laughs at me.
