Chapter One, What have I done...

I sighed getting camped by Frank playing as my Claudette, "you know it's no fun to camp ya' ass" I said out loud. Soon, I hit struggle mode and I spammed the X button, but of course with my lagly connection becided to just kill me. I groaned frustrated and exited out of the match not caring about the other randoms I was with got out or not. Switching over to killer, I see Legion, I had them as Joe because his outfit was hella cool.

I went into cosmetics and switched to Frank, "why don't we go with the leader" I mumbled. I put Joe's mask on, Frank's default outfit and Susie's knife, I didn't like it but I got it so might as well use the damn thing. It didn't look to bad but it was no where as cool as Joe, that man has style. I hit tingle and waited for survivors to join.

"[Name] come here for a second!" I heard my mom call I groaned "I'll be there in a-" soon as I blinked in front of me is a very familiar killer. It was my mismatched Frank, we stood there staring at each other for a good few minutes. My mind was blank, I wanted to laugh seeing how goofy he looked but I know it isn't the time for that. This man is a killer and I'm a normal person in a T-shirt and shorts.

I wasn't freezing and I looked down. I was in a baggy gray and light gray stripped hoodie, some thick cargo pants, a pair of snow boots and a white and black scarf that covered my neck. When did I change? I looked up back at Frank he hasn't moved at all he was just staring forward. It felt like he was looking passed me, I walked to the right and followed his stare.

Julie's and Susie's mask laid there with Joe's hoodie, my heart sunk. I snapped my head to look at Frank but the whole place was quickly consumed by a black mist. My heart raced as I backed up falling onto a chair? The mist cleared and I saw Frank sitting next to me with his face in his hands. I tried to touch him but my hand went right through him. Was I in a still image? Frank faded and appeared next to the fire place.

His hand was on fire! I jumped to my feet and ran to him only for him to disappear. I looked around and saw him in the corner holding Joe's mask. Looking at his hands one was bandaged while the over had a glove. My favorite killers where gone? the mist consumed me yet again.

"DAMMIT ENTITY WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" I yelled assuming it was it's doing, the mist faded as I was near a little shack. I looked around and saw Frank sitting on the roof playing with Susie's knife. That's the cosmetics I put... oh fuck, I fell to my knees still looking right at Fank. Looking to the side the masks and lay there, I did? "I killed them" I stared at it, this was a video game but I'm right here in front of these graves.

The graves... I basically killed Joe, Susie, and Julie! only leaving Frank... oh Frank I'm so sorry. I can't help feel like shit, David went threw me and picked up Joe's hoodie and Julie's mask and put them in a bag. He held onto Susie's mask, "what the fuck" I mumbled as he started to sneak away. "put them back" I got up, a flash of Fank with Joe, Susie and Julie, they were standing all together smiling came into my mind. The Entity is using my sympathy, guilt, and confusion against me but I didn't even know what's going on.

David started to run away I tried to follow but black thorns held me down, Frank ran passed me chasing David. Again mist consumes me but this time I was at a camp fire. Soon as I saw their hoodie and masks laying on a rock, I quickly snatched them pulling them close to my chest.

I looked up seeing Jake, Kate, Claudette, and David; they were staring right at me. But once AGAIN the mist took me away, I was at the same spot the graves are and I gentle placed Joe's hoodie down then placed the girls masks on his hoodie and wrapped the arms around the masks. I could almost see three children running around laughing throwing snow at each other.

Tears blurred my vision "the dead should never be bothered" I heard footsteps coming near me, but I couldn't stop crying.
