Chapter Six, Closer together

Frank finished bandaging my back and with the pain pills in the medkit I felt a bit better. No heart beat sense we've stopped here, so we are lucky. I hear Frank growl softly I glance over at him, he's knife wasn't in his hand it had disappeared. "We need to find a generator" I spoke up he grabbed my hand and bragged me up the stairs.

We stopped at a one person generator, Frank shoved me in the room and stayed outside like a look out? I took a breath and started the little game of don't blow up the gen.

Not even a few moments later it sparked and I quickly shielded myself as it blew up. I groan in frustration "I suck at-" I got cut off by Frank picking me up then jumps out the nearest window and booking it away from the house. Suddenly we were in a locker with Frank pressing me against the back of it, felt like he was suffocating me. But a set of footsteps charge in front of the locker it stops there for a few seconds then goes off somewhere.

Frank backed out of the locker and surveyed the area, he went to walk around the wall but Hag popped out of the ground scaring the ship out of Frank as well as myself. "Frank run!" I shout but it was to late the Hag teleported to her illusion and she slashed Frank. Adrenaline shot through my body and I busted out of the locker and body slammed her into the wall. I grabbed Frank's arm and I pulled him with me as I ran.

The sweet sound of all the gens going off played in the air, "come on we need to keep going" I panted tightening my grip on Frank's arm. It hurts, I'm really starting to feel Frank's wound and my own wounds have started hurting again. Looking over at Frank he didn't look good at all, his body was trembling and was panting heavily. I pulled his arm around my neck and side my free arm around his back "stay with me" I pleaded pushing to keep walking.

We came up on a gate and Kate was opening it, she took one glance at us and bolted off. I pushed us to the gate and pulled down the lever. Watching the lights light up but of course I heard my heart beat in my ear. I look behind me and saw the Hag charging to us, I was about to let go of the lever but Kate ran in front of the Hag taking a hit and stalling the Hag just enough for the gate to open. Kate obviously ran out the door, I chased after her but the Hag was running over shove Frank out and Hag slashed my back giving me a leap ahead crossing the line she couldn't cross.

I panted but pulled Frank onto his feet and we walked into the black mist. Though soon as we crossed it I collapsed onto the ground with Frank grunting as we hit the ground... I blacked out again.

I yelp awake and hold my stomach, I shoot up to see I was on a log with a campfire in front of me. Claudette was in front of me holding her hands up but behind her was Jake and David in front of Frank who was tied to a tree. I got up jumping over the fire and tackled David away and went to kick Jake but he moved away. "Wait guys stop" Claudette jogged over, I felt my back flair up I crumble to the ground in front of Frank. "What are you doing?! His going to kill us!" Meg shouts, Meg stomps over but I was pulled into someone's chest and and a familiar arm shot past my head and is holding a familiar knife.

"Guys give them space we still haven't gotten to the girl" I hear Kate pipe up. Surprisingly everyone backed up and Frank put down his knife but still held onto me. There was some very awkward silence until "your going to need to let her go she needs medical attention" Claudette says nervously. There's a growl from Frank "only if she's near me" he is glaring at her, "o-okay" Frank let's me go and Claudette holds her hand out to me. I grab it and she pulls me up and sits me down on the ground that wasn't to far from Frank.

"So why are you with her?" Kate asks Frank's turns his attention to her "the entity stuck us together" he crosses his arms. "It was really a choice type of thing" I spoke up "if one of us dies so will the other" I added. "So that's why you dragged him with you?" She asks I nod "I don't wanna die" I look at the ground. I whimper a little "sorry!" Claudette says quickly, "I don't think he's going to b-be a threat if he's with her" Dwight stamers out "we can't just trust a KILLER" David argues "actually we don't have to we can keep him in check with her" Nea says pointing at me.

Frank wipes his head to her "touch her and I'll sacrifice you myself" he growls Claudette stops tending to my wounds. "Guys we aren't going to be hurting or using anyone" she argues, Frank gets up making everyone back off but he shoves his knife into his pocket then moves over to me. I look up at him but he just sits next to me then leans on my shoulder. "We both don't want to die so we don't got a choice but to work together so understand that means working with you guys" I explain. Claudette relaxes a little "cause I'm really bad at generators" I laugh nervously.
