Part 8

Steve fought the male alien with the staff against shield. Steve was winning.

He managed to knock the staff out of the male aliens hand with his shield until the male got ahold of Steve neck and slammed him against the log behind them.

He fell over it and rolled down the small dirt hill only gaining a second or two to breathe until the male began to strain him.

Savanna quickly let go of Vision and grabbed the staff as Pietro sat on another log, keep Vision within reach.

Savannah stabbed the male alien, and just to be sure he wouldn't be back anytime soon, she pushed further and lifted him into the air before throwing the staff and his body away.

"That was for Tamara and I." Savannah panted as he'd and Steve caught their breaths.

Savannah fell to her knees as she suddenly felt the pain. The pain from when she was thrown out of the window.

A glass shard was embedded in her back side as Steve rushed to her.

"I thought I told you to go." Steve said as he looked at the shard, it was a pretty good size to do damage.

"Do I ever do anything you tell me to." Savannah chuckled lightly but winced.

"I thought I told you all to go." Steve said looking back at the other two.

"We don't trade lives, Captain." Vision said as he grasped his broken body.

"And I'm pretty sure I remember someone saying something along the lines of, "we win together, or we lose together." Pietro added with a grin.


The warriors chanted in Xhosa as Thor spread thunder along the rest of the aliens. He made an entire war ship explode as he went to finish off the rest of them.

Tamara went to go find her brother as Wanda went to go find her boyfriend.

The others were still fighting off the last of the aliens and keeping them away from Wakanda.


Wanda landed near a log where Tamara had found Vision.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked as Tamara took a step back.

Vision groaned making both of the girls worry.

"What? What is it?" Wanda asked as she grasped his face.

"He's here, I can feel it." Tamara said as Wanda looked to Vision for conformation, he nodded.


The wind howled as Steve looked up with Savannah and Pietro.

It felt strange, something was off, not right.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve warned.


Sam and Natasha stood, ready to fight as they looked around, it was obvious to everyone something was going to happen.

"What the hell?" Natasha asked

T'Challa and his head woman stayed alert as they looked around closely, not knowing what to expect.

Banner looked around in confusion until he heard something, then saw it.


All of them saw it, but Thanos directed his attention to Tamara as she knelt down and drew a circle around her body.

She fell into a whole before it closed up again. Tamara reappeared high in the trees above Thanos.

"Cap, that's him." Banner alerted.

"Eyes up." Steve said as he opened his shield again. "Stay sharp." He said before starting to make a run for it.

Tamara watched as Banner ran to thanos but ran right threw and ended up engulfed in the rock wall behind him.

Steve went to jump at Thanos but was only knocked out of the way like a ball.

Black Panther jumped at the purple man but only ended up getting punched to the ground.

Sam flew directly at Thanos and started shooting but found his wings suddenly unable to work and planted himself in the ground.

Savannah went forwards on her turn and went for the legs, she kid on the ground as she pulled a couple knives out and flipped over. She was cast aside and hit her back on the tree, making the shade of glass become deeper into her wound.

"Wanda." Vision started as she steadied herself in front of him. "It's time." He told her.

"No." Wanda said as she turned back to thanos who was gradually getting closer.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can." Vision said as he grabbed her arm to turn her to him.

"Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone.-"


"You must do it. Wanda, please." Vision said as Wandas lips began to tremble.

"Wanda, I know it's hard to let go. But you have to." Tamara spoke through her mind to Wanda.

"We're out of time." Vision said as he held his loves hand.

"I can't." Wanda shook her head.

"Yes, you can. You can." Vision put his girlfriends hand to his head.

Tamara leapt out of the tree and finally got the first touch on the purple man. She landed on his back and screamed into his ear.

He yelled as he knocked Tamara off his back and away from his now bloody ear.

"If he gets the stone, half the universe dies. It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is. It's alright." Vision soothed Wanda.

"You could never hurt me. I just feel you." Visions words made Wandas hand stop trembling.

With a breath, Wanda let out her power onto the stone in her loves head.

Rhodes shot missiles at Thanos only to have him shield them all and crumble up him and his suit.

Bucky, Natasha, and the head woman all came at him. Bucky and the head woman were blasted into the trees.

Natasha was buried under rocks.

Groot created a bunch of roots to hold Thanos back, the purple man only shrugged them off.

Wanda brought both of her hands together as she created more pressure against the stone.

Tamara and Steve went for more hits, Steve swinging at Thanos and Tamara going at his arm.

Thanos punched Steve in the face as Tamara nailed a knife to the purple mans arm.

Thanos yank it out and threw it to the side before his skin healed. Tamara put her hands together as she created a portal around his wrist.

She began pulled at the glove, trying to get it off. Thanos used a stone making Tamaras eyes widen, her body began to feel like putty as she sunk to the ground.

Pietro ran at Thanos as Wanda applied more pressure to Vision.

Thanos swept Pietro off his feet making the white tipped boy face plant into the ground.

Rift as Wanda saw Thanos getting too close, she used her abilities against him to hold him off.

"It's all right. It's all right. I love you." Vision spoke as Thanos pushed harder against Wandas magic.

The stone came apart, the shards exploding as it burst.

A wave of broken power washed over them making Wanda fall.

It was silent, silent except for the panting or unconscious breathing from the people on the ground.

Thanos panted as he walked towards Wanda.

"I understand, my child. Better than anyone." Thanos said as Wandas expression turned from pained to angry.

"You could never." Wanda fired back.

Thanos thought for a moment as if remembering a memory before ducking down to pet Wandas head.

"Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now is no time at all." Thanos spoke slowly as he stood in front of Visions dead body.

"No." Tamara said weakly. "Don't do this." Tamara said as she felt her body come undone and see itself back together again.

Thanos raised his hand and from what felt like only seconds, he rewinded time, setting it back to before the stone was ever destroyed.

Once Wanda caught site and understanding of what he was doing. Her eyes widened when she felt the blast come back and Vision reopen his eyes.

"No!" Wanda yelled as she got up quickly and went for her boyfriend. Thanos knocked her back like she was nothing but a pillow.

He grabbed Vision by the neck and raised him to his eye level, choking Vision in the process.

He slowly reached for Visions head and slowly extracted the stone from his head.

Visions body hung loose in Thanos's grip, not one song emitted from his mouth.

Thanos brought the stone to his glove and attached it.

He screamed as the power surged through his body, giving him the power that most beings couldn't handle.

He looked at his glove seeing the completed collection of stones before going to snap his fingers.

Suddenly Thor shot thunder at him, making Thanos fall back.

Thor threw his hammer right at Thanos as the purple man used his stones in attempt to keep himself shielded.

The hammer hit his chest as Thor came down from the sky.

"I told die for that." Thor panted as he pushed the hammer farther into Thor's chest.

Thanos's eyes widened as he groaned, the sensation of getting a hammer into his chest getting to him as he let out pained pants.

He was crazy as he began to speak.

"You should should have gone for the head." Thanos smirked as he brought up the glove and snapped his fingers.
