Part 5

"On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen." T'Challa spoke through the comms.

"Requesting confirmation, My King. You said open the barrier?" Savannah and Shuri both gave each other a confused and nervous glance.

"On my signal." T'Challa announced.

"This will be the end of Wakanda." The ally said in disbelief.

"Then it will be the noblest ending in history." The head woman said as Steve opened his shield.

T'Challa shouted something in Xhosa which seemed to signal the spread of blue shields to be removed.

T'Challa then walked to the front of the large armies, standing tall and confident before speaking his command.

"Wakanda forever!" It seemed to be the cue for the army since everyone had began yelling and shouting, running to the now opening where the aliens began hurtling through.

Wanda paced nervously as she looked between Vision and the fight going on outside.

"Wanda I know you're scared, but please stop pacing." Savannah said distractedly as she continued to assist Shuri, who also seemed tense since Wanda started.

The armies had begun fighting off the incoming aliens as Savannah and Shuri quickly tried to get the stone out of Visions head.

Savannah got a brief glance out the window and her eyes widened. The female alien was right.

They did have blood to spare, and apparently lots of it.

"How much longer, Shuri." T'Challa asked.

"We've barely begun, brother." Shuri spoke as she careful molded around the hologram version stone.

"You might want to pick up the pace." T'Challa suggested breathlessly.


"Be careful, Thor." Tamara warned, though they were on a tight schedule, she really needed Thor to live long enough to get to the real fight.

"All fathers, give me strength." Thor muttered as he began to ready himself.

"You understand, boy? You're about to take the full force of a star." Eitri grumbled.

"What could it do to him?" Tamara asked looking up at the giant.

"It'll kill him." Eitri hesitated.

Tamara took a breath as she spun the ring on her finger like she always did when she was anxious.

"Only if I die." Thor exhaled.

"Yes. That's what killing you means." Eitri said as if that was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard, probably was.

Thor began to grab ahold of the of the levers, he was already having a difficult time in the first few seconds of pulling them.

"Please don't die, Thor. Please Odin, don't let him die." Tamara muttered nervously as she watched Thor, beginning to distance herself from where she knew the heated laser would shoot in.

The God of Thunder held open the star as the laser shot through space and right into the workshop. The laser immediately began heating the pot.

"Hold it! Hold it, Thor!" The giant shouted as he ran up to the pot with Tamara.

The iron looking metal was still in the process of melting as Thor yelled from the star entrance.

Just a bit longer...

Eitri grinned when the metal was melted, he pushed on a giant system lever which poured the melted metal through a series of machines.

The laser began to weaken, which made Tamara look over to the star.

Thor was unconscious and hurtling right at her. Tamaras eyes widened and before she could even move, he hit her.

The full force of his sizzling body was now crushing her.

Rocket came in with the small spaceship he was in and quickly jumped out so he could help took the burning man off Tamara.

"Fucking hell, it burns." Tamara said painfully as they rolled him off of her.

Tamara looked down at her top seeing as it wasn't currently covering much.

"Well that sucks." Tamara breathed as she fell onto her back, not realizing Thor wasn't breathing.

"Thor! Say something. Come on. Thor, you okay!" Rocket shook him. Tamara looked up just in time to see rocket slap Thor in the face.

"I think he's dying." Rocket said as Tamara weakly got to her knees, she was tempted to lift up his eye patch, just to get a look, but decided against it.

"He needs the axe!" Eitri yelled as he panted.

"Where's the handle!" The giant growled as he searched through the metal pieces. "Tree, help me find the handle!" Eitri shouted as he looked around furiously.

"Come on, Thor. Don't turn off the lights in there just yet." Tamara shook him nervously, she began to faze as the moment brought back memories.

"Mom!" Tamara yelled as the men in black took her and her broken leg towards the van.

"Dad!" She screamed as the tears began to leave her eyes.

The parents laid unconscious, dead, on the rubble while Pietro and Wanda were huddled together.

"Come on, Thor." Tamara shook him as the tree suddenly made a weird sound.

She looked back to see the tree about to cut off his arm.

"Oh my god." Tamaras eyes widened when she realized what he was doing. "Get back, get back!" Tamara warned as she stumbled back.

The hammer began to lift as suddenly thunder flew to Thor.

Maybe coming to help Thor was a good idea..


Sorry this chapter was so short but I wanted to make another one. And yes, yes I am gonna leave you on a cliffhanger.

Until next chapter!

