Bonus Chapter

1 Month Later

"Stop hogging all the popcorn!" Paul whined as Logan ate yet another handful before the Tamara and Steve even got to the couch and started the movie.

Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, Steve would come over and hangout with Tamara, Logan, and Paul. It happened to be movie night when Steve dropped by.

Logan only laughed which resulted in him inhaling a chewed down piece of popcorn and choked a little.

"That's karma for stealing all the popcorn." Paul grinned cheekily as Logan rolled his eyes.

Logan had been hanging around Tamara a lot more over the last few months, it started out as just talking then slowly morphed into a friendship and a bit more from there.

"He's looking more and more like Sam everyday." Steve admitted as Tamara grabbed the left over pizza from last night.

"But he's got Savannah's attitude." Tamara said making Steve chuckle.

"You know, I've been talking about it. To Logan, mostly. But I've been talking about it. I've been thinking about joking that therapy group you started a few weeks ago." She admitted as Steve faced her against the counter.

"You should, it's a good way to get off whatever's on your chest." Steve shrugged though Tamara smirked.

"Already trying to get off my clothes, smooth Steve." Tamara teased earning a knowing look from her blonde friend.

"You know what I mean. Plus it would be good for the rest of the group too." Steve added.

"Hey, Tammy, we ran out of popcorn!" Logan announced.

"Because you ate all of it!" Paul said making Tamara and Steve laugh.

"We can make more, Paul." Tamara called back before she put the leftover pizza on a large pan and into the oven.

"In separate bowls please!" Paul said followed by a 'sharing is caring, Paul' from Logan.

"I swear there's two kids and two adults in this house." Steve shook his head with a smile.

"What's so wrong with that." Tamara shrugged as she smiled back.

Logan walked into the kitchen as Steve left to go and entertain Paul until the food was done.

"Hey, what was that about?" Logan asked while Tamara grabbed two microwaveable popcorn bags out of the pantry.

"What was what about?" Tamara asked, unwrapping one and placing it in the microwave.

"The therapy group thing, come on, Tammy. We said we should start talking about the trauma and everything else, talk to me." Logan asked as he rounded the counter and and leaned against the refrigerator.

Tamara sighed and looked back at him, "alright, how about this. We get through movie night tonight, after the movie when Paul goes to bed, we'll talk." She suggested.

"Promise?" He asked as the microwave began to beep. Tamara nodded and took out the hot bag placing a popcorn bowl underneath it to keep the buttery drips from going on the counter.

"I'm gonna need more than a nod Tamara." Logan pressed as he came up behind her and closed the microwave door, though he didn't move.

"I promise, we'll talk about what's on my mind later." Tamara said as she leaned into his front and put her head back. "Happy now?" She asked making him roll his eyes with a grin.

"Very. Now c'mon, I wanna see Star Wars, The Last Jedi awaits!" Logan said before grabbing the popcorn bowl, which still had the popcorn bag inside, and dragging Tamara to the living room where they all sat comfortably on the couch.

Paul sat in excitement next to Steve as the man finally got to watch the movie series he still hadn't seen yet.

Tamara was curled up and leaned against Logan with his arm wrapped around her, a small smile dawning on his lips.

About halfway through the movie she had gotten up to grab a glass of water, when she made it to the kitchen she reached up to grab the glass, it knocked over and began to fall.

It felt like everything had gone into slow motion. Tamara spread her fingers in reflex thinking about creating a portal, though nothing happened.

The glass fell and broke on the ground as Tamara gasped.

Logan and Steve rushed to the kitchen, Paul staying behind the two that were shielding him from stepping in the broken glass.

"Tamara, what happened?" To Steve's curiosity, she wasn't looking at the glass on the ground, she was staring out the window.

"Oh my god." She muttered before turning around with wide eyes and rushing out of the kitchen and out the front door.

"Stay with Paul." Steve said as Logan did as he was told. Steve went out the door and after Tamara but paused when he saw he with another woman.

"Where is Thor." The woman asked before directing her attention to Steve. "I don't know if you know me but my name is Nallah, daughter of Odin, now where is my brother?"


So...I added a new character name Nallah, she's the youngest child of Odin and the obvious, Thor's younger sister. I'll be making a book on her after I make Endgame so her background is more interesting.

Nallah will be in the next book which is based on the movie Endgame.

I hope you enjoyed this short bonus chapter and I will get the cast list for the next book published today.
