Part 1

Bucky and Savannah sat while Steve, Sam, and Tamara were talking to T'Challa.

"He's adorable," Bucky said as Savannah played with her son Paul for the last time, hoping it wouldn't be for long.

"I know, I'm gonna miss him." Savannah admitted as Tamara and Sam walked over with Steve.

"So, back in the ice already." Tamara joked as Bucky smiled at her.

"Just until they find a cure for my head." Bucky said tapping his right temple with his single arm.

"I hope that's soon, I'd hate to wait any longer." Tamara said casually.

"For what?" Bucky asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"For you to ask me out, I'm not too much the dating type but...well, people change." Tamara shrugged.

"Can I promise a date when I'm out of the ice?" Bucky asked confidently as he stood up. He towered over her, though she wasn't effected by his size.

"Don't promise something like that." Tamara said thinking about what Steve promised Peggy. "But you can promise me, when you are out. Don't forget about his?" Tamara asked.

"Forget about what?" Bucky asked though before his mind could start processing anything Tamara grasped his white tank top and brought him down for a kiss.

It wasn't fast, nor slow. But all either could say, was that it felt right.

The two came up for air as they rested their foreheads on one another. A smile dangling on either lips.

"I don't think I could forget that even if I wanted to." Bucky sighed as they pulled a part.

"What are you gonna be doing while I'm here?" He asked.

Tamara smiled as she looked down at her shoes, unaware of her invisibility acting out again. "I've been thinking about college. Maybe hang out their and find something I like." Tamara shrugged.

"I bet you'll do great." Bucky smiled down at her.


"I'll miss you." Sam hugged Savannah after taking Paul away from her. The girl looked own at the ring on her left hand smiling at it before looking back to Sam.

"I'll miss you more." Savannah said before kissing Sam, he held her to his side for a moment, hoping to remember her figure and her warmth.

"I love you, Sam." Savannah smiled sadly at her new fiancé.

"I love you more, Savannah." Sam kissed her once more before looking back to Paul, who was playing with a small toy.

He looked back at Savannah with a smile.

"I love you, Paul." Savannah kissed the boys forehead.

"Mamma." Paul giggled, as Savannah and Sam's eyes widened.

a grin fell over Savannah's face as she laughed.

"Yup, I'm mamma. Sam, his first words!" Savannah squealed quietly making Sam chuckle.

The excitement began to die down as Steve began hugging his two best friends.

"You sure about this?" Steve asked them.

"I can't trust my own mind." Bucky chuckled softly. "So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head..." Bucky started.

"I think going back under is the best thing." Savannah added. "For everybody." She admitted, remembering the bombings.

Savannah and Bucky got into the weirdly clean and transparent capsules and were strapped inside.

The front latch began to close as Savannah looked for the last time back to her fiancé and son.

Bucky glanced back at Tamara sending the girl a wink before looking back to Steve.

This was where it all began for them, and now this was where it would all end.

Savannah and Bucky closed their eyes letting the cold air engulf them and freeze completely.


Steve, Tamara, and Sam stood by the window, Paul now in Tamara's arms as she held the young baby.

"Thank you for this." Steve admitted as T'Challa walked over.

"Your friends and my father, they were both victims. If I can help any of them find peace.." He said as his eyes began to gloss just thinking about his father.

"You know, if they find out their here, they'll come for them." Steve said as Tamara looked out to the view with Sam and Paul.

She had just decided that when she was out of college, she would help Sam with Paul.

"Let them try." T'Challa tested.


Two years later

Tamara yawned tiredly as she got out of bed. Another day at eight in the morning.

She got dressed, brushed her teeth, styled her hair, grabbed her bag, and went out to the coffee parlor close by to her dorm building.

"Hey Tammy, I completely lost track of the days and didn't get a chance to study, do you mind lending me your notes for first period?" Logan asked as he matched her pace.

"You always forget, Logan. I'm only doing this one more time, one last time." Tamara pointed her finger at them lanky man standing beside her.

He was blonde with gorgeous blue eyes and a smile that always lit up her day. But even though he had asked her out, she was still keeping herself to Bucky.

She even had got as far as telling them her boyfriend was out of town and coming back soon. Which wasn't necessarily a lie, though she didn't know when he would be coming.

Tamara's birthday was coming up soon but she was still 29. Many had said they'd keep trying to make her theirs, but Tamara ignored most of them.

"Thank you." Logan sighed in relief as she handed him her notes, which she had fully studied the night before.

"Just give them back by tomorrow." Tamara said sternly as Logan rolled his eyes, thanking her once more before leaving the girl to her coffee.

"I'll take a java chip, extra whip cream, I have a test today." She told the girl who took her order.

"Ouch, good luck." She told Tamara as the employee handed her the coffee and took the money.

"Thanks!" Tamara waved the girl off as she began to walk towards the first period class building her phone buzzed.

She looked at the caller ID and saw it was Banner.

"Hey Tamara-"

"Is Bucky out?" She asked quickly hoping he had news.

"I'm not sure, I'm asking about something else. I just called Steve, he's going to check on your sister." Banner said making Tamara curious.

"What's going on, Banner?" Tamara asked though when she heard about the attack she hung up and looked around really quick to make sure no one was around to watch.

"What did you do now, Tony?" Tamara sighed and opened a portal to where she knew Steve was.


Sam stood with Paul talking to Steve in the living room of Sam and Savannah's house.

"Banner called me, Sam. I think this is going to be big. We need to find everyone and get the team back together." Steve told Sam.

"Even if you are right, Steve, which you probably are. What am I supposed to do with Paul? I can't find a babysitter that fast." Sam said as he picked up the four year old.

"I want mamma." Paul pouted as Tamara smiled softly.

"I got a call too, Banner said it was urgent. Something about aliens." Tamara said making her presence aware to the three.

"Tammy!" Paul shrieked excitedly and started squirming in Sam's arms.

"Hey Paul, how's my favorite godson." Tamara said holding out her hands as Sam put the boy down. The small boy giggled and ran into the young woman's arms.

"We could bring Paul?" Tamara suggested.

"No way, Savannah would kill me if she knew I brought him along." Sam shook his head.

"We can't just leave him here, plus we can stop by Wakanda, see how far T'Challa's sister is with the process." Steve added.

Sam took a moment to think, he couldn't leave his four year old alone in a house for what could be days. He had no choice but to bring him.

"Alright, but if Savannah ends up being awake and she tries to murder me, it's your fault." Sam said pointing a finger at Steve and Tamara.

