
sophiaposey: silly photobooth moments with my new dad and my roommate's husband are the best!

tagged; mrdanielgilliescharlesdavis2020

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christophrwood: woah woah where was i at??

sophiaposey: ummm.. i can't focus on that right now

thedaniellecampbell: tbh my favorite pic!


userb: please please let sophia joing the originals cast!!

ninadobrev: i'm pretty sure 2 of you in that picture are drunk..

phoebetonkin: love you 3


hollandroden: sophie.. you and i need to get in that photobooth!

sophiaposey: oh hell yes!

paulvedere: what the hell is going on?? i do not approve!

sophiaposey: shove it paul stefan salvatore wesley! you're just jealous! plus you need to share your husband!

sophiaposey: currently two members of the bad bitch squad

tagged; hollandroden, ninadobrev, phoebejtonkin, ashleybenson

2M likes; 864,507 comments

ninadorbev: yesss! love our lil squad

usera: i love the female empowerment!!

userb: ughhh squad goals

ashleybenson: bad bitches forever yes!

phoebejtonkin: tbh my favorite pic!


sophiaposey: i'm so excited to spend time with my babes later! 


it was the first time sophia went to an event with all of her friends and especially with chris. she had just got done taking pictures for the press and being in the vanity fair photobooth for an hour, when she ran into non other than shelley. it was awkward to say the least. she gave a strained smile. "I haven't seen you in awhile soph, how are you?" shelley asked. sophia replied, "i'm doing great actually but you wouldn't know since we never talk anymore, excuse me." sophia said while trying to leave but the blonde grabbed her hand. "please don't leave, i know you're pissed." sophia scoffed. "you're damn right I'm pissed! I considered you one of my best friends then you dropped me after dylan and I broke up." shelley sighed knowing every thing she said was the truth. "you're right, I'm so sorry sophia, but when you left for the vampire diaries it wasn't like you made the effort to visit me. " sophia frowned. "that's because I didn't want it to be awkward with dylan, plus I heard his fugly girlfriend was always around set. " both girls smiled at the statement but sophia continued. "I just thought you chose them over me, and I know you knew her longer but so does phoebe but I know she's loyal to me as I am with her."  sophia said with a sad look in her eyes. shelley took her hand and smiled. "I could never choose them over you. and as much i am friends with them, I want to be friends you too. is that okay?" the blonde asked. sophia sighed, " i understand, but i just want you to know its going to take awhile until i see you as my best friend." shelley nodded "i completely understand, i just really miss my friend." sophie smiled "okay posh spice!" they hugged and laughed while both watery eyed. "now come and join our mini party!" the brunette said while walking over to her friends noticing her boyfriend with a curious eye. "so how did that go?" he asked. she smiled and gave him a light kiss, "perfect actually".

sophiaposey: reunited or whatevea

tagged; shelleyhenning

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author's note:

i know i know its been a shit ton of months since i've made another chapter! just life gets in the way and distracts me. and for the people who still like and read this story, thank you and i luv u! :)Desi 
