
private message:

woodsy💖: hey sweets

sophie: hi love, what's up?

woodsy💖: what are you up to today?

sophie: well i'm just finishing a few radio interviews.  but after nothing else

woodsy💖: wanna hang out later?

sophie: yes! but can we eat also? 

woodsy💖: that's a given, we both know that you need to be fed

sophie: you're just making me fall for you all over.😍

woodsy💖:i try 

christophrwood: IN-N-OUT time with my girl 🍔🍟

tagged; sophiaposey

3M likes; 1M comments

user: are you 2 going out yet 😂

usera: did he call sophie "his girl" i'm DYING!

sophiaposey: you know a way to this girls heart christophrwood


userc: kai parker and isabelle lockwood are dating irl in case I forgot to tell you. userd


userg: i knew they had too much sexual tension on screen!

ninadobrev: you guys are too cute!

candiceaccola: is this happening for real????

katgraham: we need major details sophiaposey 

userh: ooooh did sophia not tell her tvd fam??

sophiaposey: doing two of my favorite things, cuddling with bae and watching twin peaks. 

tagged: christophrwood

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christophrwood: mine

tagged: sophiaposey

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