
the tvd squad

smolderhalder: guys tell sophia to stop singing spice girls songs to me

sophia: please you're secretly are loving it!

kitty kat: i saw him smile a few times so he's diggin it

candy cola: aww i want to sing spice girls with you too.

sophia: come over tonight and you will! 

paulina: stop inviting every over! i haven't had a day of peace

neens: you're living with two girls, of course you're not getting any peace

trevino: i have been missing your spice girl serenades around set 

sophia: michael! i've missed you too! but don't worry i will serenade you soon!

404-765-8313: i saw my name, hello it's michael

sophia: you are not michael tyler lockwood trevino, who dis??!

404-765-8313:  this is michael malarkey that's who

sophia: oh

stevie: damn how r00d!

zach attack: i didn't know you were that savage sophia

sophia: i guess i picked the wrong time to be a human being

404-532-9860: heathers right?

sophia: who is this?

404-532-9860: chris, aka kai parker your soon to be love interest i guess

sophia: you get me.

neens: oooh ;)

authors note: ahh i'm alive! sorry i haven't posted in forever, please forgive me!  life just got in the way and made me busy but i'm back and yay  chris and sophia have semi met!! btw thank you so much for liking and following and commenting on this, it just makes my day! you guys are so freaking awesome! -Desi :)
