-6- Race

"here ya go" I said and turn it blue again, but just then, someone walked in.

"omg, what's going on?" Jackson said while staring at my eyes, I then immediately turned it back hazel-brown, phew I thought it was someone else.

"Jess, how could you show her your wol-" I quickly waved my hand and dragged him outside with a quick bye.

"why were you in the female bathroom??" I asked Jackson and he frowned "and why were you showing your eyes to her?" he asked back but didn't answer my question. "I wanted to scare her, but kinda failed" I explained then cocked a brow at him waiting for him to explain his actions.

"I waited for you for so long so I followed your scent into here, I heard some gasping so I pushed in, didn't really think much" I chuckled and playfully hitted his right arm, "someone could've seen you and misunderstand you as some perv"

"which I am about to become for you~" I swear to god if he don't control it I- urghh "Jackson?" I informed him which made his smirk disappear into an apologetic smile, "oops, sorry, I did it again" I rolled my eyes and started walking.

"what food you got us?" I asked as we walked toward the place we planned to go to. "some soup and I got you loads of chicken, thought u need some potential energy for the big travel today" his right, I do need potential energy, especially today, especially when I am supposed to be recharging right now.

"Thank you Jackson, I'm gonna miss you a lot while we're apart" I said to him as we arrived at the spot, the deserted spot, "you're welcome Jess, we should be finished with them after next month" I nodded then he add, "make sure no one takes over my spot ah?" he teased and I chuckled, "no one, ever." I assured him and sat down next to our trays of goods.


"oh yum, this shit is good" I exclaimed and smiling to myself feeling super satisfied. "I know right, should we go for a run?" he suggested and I look behind our back at the deep and dark forest. "Mmm" I thought about it for a second, I do feel pretty energized, so... why not.

"sure, let's go!" I agreed and got up to swipe off the dust on my legs, "oh wait, do you have extra clothes?" I asked, we tend to um... tear our clothes when we transform since it's always in the way as you might imagine... "no, we can just take those off" he pulled his shirt a bit and I cocked a brow at him.

"uh- first we're at school, second I don't wanna strip in front of you" I told him and he just turned around, "no one is gonna see us as you know this block never ever had people, and now I can't see so shift before I turn back" he said and I nodded, sounds pretty safe, but I turn around too just in case this full moon intrigued boy isn't controlling himself again.

I took off my clothings and quickly folded all of them into one big block so it's easier to hold in my jaw while running.
I am currently naked... completely naked... and I started shifting.

shifting can hurt pretty bad sometimes as it means breaking at least our spine and reforming, sometimes those without a lot of experience might break some other bones too before reforming like ribs, fingers or toes. as I have done this a million times, I won't break those unnecessary bones, but no matter how many times a werewolf had done this, no matter how experienced one is we could never avoid the breaking of the spine.

The quicker you transform the more it hurts but in this situation, where we are risking our identities, I had to hurry.

The process starts... I let my claws come out of my fingers and toes, my eyes turned the usual werewolf-blue, my ears shrinking back and new fluffy, pointy ears comes out above my head, pushing all my hair out of the way and I made my tail squeeze out from behind. My palm and bare feet turning into paws with soft, silver fur.

My jaw comes out from my face and my head starts changing its form.

Now the real pain comes. I bend down while I hear my spine cracking and breaking, the pain spreading all over my body, but I am used to this, nothing is unfamiliar.

Already beautifully built limbs appeared in sight and silvery furs covered every inch of skin, protecting it from the shivering breeze hitting on your now wolf like body, except way larger, muscular and way stronger than a wild wolf.

*Fuck when will this stop hurting?!* I thought to myself and turned back around to find Jackson staring, with his gaze down on me. Shit.

"it'll never stop hurting" he responded to my thought and I growled at his betrayal, how dare he turn around. not like we haven't seen each other naked before, since we grew up together, but I am still not comfortable with his staring.

"Jackson, what the fuck?" I squint my blue eyes at him with fire raging inside me, I swore if it's anyone else my claws would already be scratching the fuck out of his face right now. "I-I I am sorry ah~" he chimed at me with a sheepish smile, I released an annoyed growl at him and signaled him to shift too.

"I'll wait for you in the forest, you better be quick" I said through our link and run into the depth of the green woods, but not far from the math block in order to sense any dangerous signs for Jackson when his transforming. I laid under two tall trees that has a dense space between the two of them so my massive size won't be spotted.

I felt the pain coming from Jackson as I am not that far away from him, I have no choice but to zone out. My transforming took only less than a minute, but from the amount of pain I felt from him I am guessing that he's shifting in a really fast speed.

"Jackson you done?" I asked, still facing the other way in case he haven't finished yet. "yes, just done." I stood up on my fours and slowly walked deeper into the forest as I know he is already following behind.

I tightly clutched my bundle of clothes between my jaw and started slowly jogging my way toward the dark of woods. "hey wait for me!" Jackson yelled and I virtually rolled my eyes at his childish act.

"just hurry I wanna run" I said looking back to see his beautiful coat swinging from left to right as he jogged towards me, the mid lengthed, long, grey fur had some slight yellowish brown mixed in between, the graceful ness off him jogging on the damp forest floor sends his glorious glowing. The size off his his large male body size is making me feel so small beside him.

"wanna race?" he suggested and I happily wagged my tail like a bloody pup, though I can't stop my tail from doing that as it comes naturally, I still tried to calm it down and keep my swag. He chuckled a bit and stopped jogging making me stop beside him.

"are you ready to lose?" Jackson teased, I lifted up one corner of my jaw and shake my body for my furs to loosen up. I lowered my back into  a straight line and my head as close to the ground as possible without touching and I playfully growl at him as a sign to accept his challenge.

"we'll see about that" after my preparation I scratched my paw on the ground, "ready? first by the river, set...." Jackson nods and I continue, ready to release


we dart off, racing through the woods, my tail straightened from behind as my ears flat on my head, I focus my eyes in the front but turn my head to see where Jackson is from time to time.

*he'll never win* I thought to myself but again Jackson see through my mind and spoke
"oh really?" he said and smirked to himself before speeding up to his limit.

He have some bad habits that slows him down when running, one is that he eats too much so his weight always drags him behind, two is that his tail occasionally swings to his sides unconsciously and that slows down his speed. Though only two point but they are enough for me to take over his lead.

Just when his tail swings to his left I took a long, strong and determined leap so that I was in front of him, he growled to which I laughed at and continued to focus on my movements.

My hind legs step between my front legs and pushed back on the ground, making the damp soil and fallen leaves to splatter behind as I run, taking over the place where my front paws landed, movements repeat gracefully for every step I run, without wasting much my energy I arrived by the peaceful river that flowed over the tiny stones beneath the water, before the large male behind me.

"I won!" I again bragged at the pissed off wolf and I giggled, I jumped into the refreshing water and splattered around, which soon after Jackson joined too.


we played for a long time and had so much fun. feeling the cool air hitting on my skin through my fur, the last time we run together was a week ago. I truly missed the feeling.

I collapse by the river and rolled around on the muddy floor, dirt and mud collecting in between my coat, it's really an appreciation when a wolf is covered in dirt and dust, but not in human form. It helps us disguise from danger and from prey, preventing our prey noticing our scent.

"ah I'm so tired, let's head back" I suggested while lying on my back and turning my head to look at the puffing Jackson lying beside me. "good idea, let's go"

We began heading back following the route from where we came from. we chat about our lives and I told him the full story in the bathroom.

we're walking peacefully while the wind blows and gently smoothing our furs,


out of nowhere I smelt something, doggy, unkind and big. Something threatening.

Rage and aggressiveness pop out together with my veins and I drop down low and so did Jackson, my teeth shining with my gum exposed, nose crunched up and I let out a low growl, followed by Jackson's.

"it's the cheetah..."


[word count: 1820]

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