-1- Being one

Being a werewolf can be annoying


"urgh, don't come out." I shouted to myself, or I could say my wolf, Mia had both of her hands on either side of my shoulders comforting me, "d-don't touch me! oh my god. I-I'm sorry" I yelled at the poor girl in front of me, no not me, this monster...

-end of flashback-

Yeah that's not the worst I have ever been through, but it did already cause the two of us to be in silent for nearly three days. Not the best feeling.

Not being able to take control over your body is something only our kind can feel and experience and it is frustrating.

But being a werewolf can also be fun


"oh my god, did you see her ass??" "I know right? I swear it can't be more flat" "right? and look at her..." I zoned in their chats, yeah I definitely know that they were talking about me, because of the only reason, which was dumb, I only just said one word to the hottest and the popularist boy in our school. no big deal.

-end of flashback-

I never get too mad at people talking shit about me, as long as it isn't over my line. By zoning into what they were saying I know what other people thinks of me, and by that I get to know their true selves. Just makes my life a little easier.

Yeah I know from what I just said seems like am a really ordinary werewolf who can has extra good hearing and cannot control their inner wolf, blah blah blah, but I am not just an ordinary werewolf...


my first fantasy book, this is just a intro. Fun's for later.

I had the shittest day in my whole life, my first period cramp, urgh I had my periods for more than 2 years now and today I got my cramp. Hurts So Fucking Much!
