-23- Disheartened

Jessica's head lay on top of the black haired boy on his bed, tears soaked through his jeans and made a huge wet patch.

Taehyung softly stroked her head to calm her, they just stayed in silent. Neither of them knew what to say.

But Taehyung's mind was filled with thoughts. *I should've warned her* *I should've warned that stupid man!* *why does my heart hurt seeing her like this?! It's not me who got dumped* he couldn't keep these thoughts out of his head.

Regret and guilt filled him up, even though he clearly knew that it isn't his fault at all... "Jessica... please don't cry anymore" Taehyung softly whispered.

Jessica silently nodded and whispered in a brittleness, "Taehyung-ah, it hurts" Taehyung's heart uncontrollably clenched at her weak words, it's weird to say that it's hurting him too.

Jessica crunched up her shirt where her heart is and cried her heart out. "No, please don't. I- I" *why do I feel this way* Taehyung thought again.

Jessica all of a sudden started shifting to her snowy wolf form, pain overwhelmed her but she didn't mind, it does hurt as much as her heart does.

Her clothes was ripped and fell on the floor. Now a curled up silver ball was on top of the confused boy's lap.

Tears stopped, but Taehyung know that she was crying in her wolf way. The emotion shot right through his head, and more pain was felt by him through the wolf senses.

"Jess why? He isn't worth it." the frowning boy spoke. He stroked the soft silvery fur. He have zero idea why he cared so much, it's too much. Taehyung is confused by it, this isn't normal. Even best friends wouldn't feel this much emotion...

Is it the cause of the near full moon?? But the Book of Wolf Ancestry didn't say anything about this?!

*Why am I experiencing her pain? I does my heart hurt?* *this is not normal* Taehyung thought to himself once more.

Slowly his clothes shredded into pieces and the tall boy turned into a huge dire wolf with silky black fur.

Now two wolves lay silently on the huge bed. The black dire softly licked on Jessica's forehead as a gestures of comfort, his heart still beating weakly in his chest.

[Werewolves eyes are blue, so just pretend]

Jessica's thoughts are really messed up right now, she is indeed heavy hearted and sad, but she is so surprised by the larger wolf's action. Her emotions are calming down and her heart isn't so depressed now.

Taehyung's happy, he knew she is better, he just knew. He kept licking her forehead and Jessica continued her happiness. The smaller wolf rolled over feeling fulfilled.

The silvery one let out short chirps from delightfulness, it was like all the regret and sadness were gone, just went away and disappeared.

She was overwhelmed by the sudden tender response from the dire's comforting licks. A sudden move and she started transforming back, completely ignored and forgot the fact that she'll be literally naked.

The black dire was so shocked, *did she forget?* He widened his eyes and dropped his jaw. Just a few more seconds and Jessica will be fully on display.

Taehyung quickly bit on the blanket and pulled it over the half wolf half human creature. Soon the wolf turned into a naked girl in the warmth of the blanket, Taehyung sighed out of relieve mentally. Hm tho he would've wanted-

Jessica turned back to human form under the blanket, she soon realised what she has done...

"Omg, I- I uh... thank you for- hm" incomplete sentence came out of her and Taehyung just shyly nodded

The black wolf went into his closet and transformed back too, he put on some black tees and sweat pants.

He walked out blushing and found the overwhelmed girl.

"I- uh... I-I'll go outside, y-you should uh shower, it's l-late" The black haired boy spoke, to which Jessica replied with a nod and he exited his room, Jessica held onto the blanket tightly. She was still breathing heavily.

"Well, I totally remembered that I needed coverage" she murmured sarcastically to herself and rolled her eyes to her stupidity before strolling into the shiny bathroom.

-2:50am, Taehyung's bedroom-

Jessica was soundly asleep in the darkness surrounding her, she tightly held onto the pillow like it's her life. Like a koala she hung her legs on the side of the pillow, almost squeezing the feathers out.

While Jessica slept in Taehyung's bedroom the poor boy struggled to fall into dreamland on the cold couch. He turned left and right, trying to find a comfortable position... which none worked.

At last he gave up, he grabbed the blanket and silently walked upstairs. Taehyung opened the door to Jungkook's bedroom and went in, just as he was about to climb on the fluffy bed he saw two figures.

*huh- oh... it's Jisoo...* shaking his bed he walked towards the door, "..what are you doing Tae?!.." Jungkook whisper-shouted, he was woke by the sudden intruder.

Taehyung stopped in his track and slowly turned to the younger boy. "Sorry to interrupt your... your sweet moment, I feel cold down there" he whispered back.

"Try Jin hyung's, I'm sure it's just him" The maknae suggested before falling back to sleep.

"Damn he already got a girlfriend.(-.-)" he murmured before headed to Jin's large bedroom.

This time he walked inhumanly quiet. He faintly saw Jin's black hair before dumping his pillow and blanket on the other side of the bed.

"Ah! Tae?!"

"Namjoon hyung?!"

"What on earth are you doing here?"
"I was gonna ask you that!" 

"I- I couldn't sleep on the couch so I figured... wait-" Taehyung got cut off by the tall man, "nope, don't think too much, I couldn't sleep either. Got it?!" Namjoon growled, the younger boy nodded, while having an mischievous smile on his face, before he quickly ran out of the room with his belongings.

"is there no one else sleeping alone?! I bet hoseok and the other two shorties are sleeping together" Taehyung angrily murmured. He walked towards the staircase, just as he was heading down again, he had to just think of that one thing.

"Aish Taehyung you pabo, she's a girl" shaking his head as he walked towards his couch again, that cold, lonely couch. "hmph, why can't she sleep in Jimin's room? why not Hobi hyung? why me??" plopping on the couch sadly, Taehyung said. "don't care, it's her fault so she has to pay, ʜᴍᴘʜ"

'Lightly' walking upstairs again, he headed straight to Jessica's bedroom- his bedroom.

Opening the door, he walked into complete darkness, This time he didn't throw the things carelessly onto the bed. Taehyung walked up to the left side of the bed and checked that indeed Jessica is by herself and laid his pillow and blanket on the empty side.

-7:30 am-

"AHHHHHHH- sdnckjdhwe"

"shhhhh, stop shouting!" says Taehyung, "yah! what are you- why are you here?!" Jessica yelled at the boy, who she found sleeping on top of her when she woke up.

"Pft, this is my room! You have no idea how cold and lonely it is on the couch" Sadly the black haired boy spoke, "still! you could've went to any of your hyung's room eh?" Taehyung got down from on top of the poor girl and grabbed some clothes from his closet.

"you have noooo idea" moving his long slender index finger and shook his head to tell her how unfortunate he had been the night.

"what?" Jessica asked while getting out of bed. "oh you don't wanna know"

"Any tea is gold, now spill" Jessica spoke gravelly. Taehyung took of his nightshirt and faced the wall, Jessica look like she forgot everything and could be drooling any second looking at the man's back flexing- "nah uh, I'm not telling"


I'm dead, enjoy your day~ bye
