-22- Broken

"I can't believe they aren't doing anything!" Jessica's face showed all kinds of disappointment, "aww, I was really expecting more" Taehyung spoke.

They shrugged the excitement off and went back to the two merrily chatting elders.

-a month later-

"Mom! I'm going to go to his house!" Jessica shouted while strapping her bag on her shoulder.
"Been knew! Be careful honey~" her mom replied. "of course mom! byee"

After making sure she'll be safe to her mom she head off to her boyfriend's house. Yes, she got herself a boyfriend over the month and Jessica was more than pleased about it.

It isn't really surprising though, Jess always loved to be accompanied by boys. Hmm, especially boys slightly older than than her.

But don't get me wrong, every relationship had been quite serious, though she hadn't found the true love of her life, but how would you know if you don't try eh?

The cold wind blew through her hazelnut brown curls that made it flow luxuriantly in the freezing air, the waxing gibbous hang majestically in the ocean blue evening sky as she walked together with it.

Jessica held merrily onto the cute box that she wanted to surprise her boyfriend with, she bought a nice cologne in a store today and she would love to smell it while lying on top of his chest. The thought roamed inside her and she can't help but feel a rush of excitement as she stopped in front of his door.

All she did was raise her fist to knock, but that movement made her faintly grab on a sound. That sound did not gave Jessica any good signs. *no, no? no! no. no~ no- okay that's a fucking moan for sure*

The anger and disappointment on her face was obvious, too obvious.

The raised fist that was mean to lightly knock on the door now transformed into punching the door. The hard contact against the wood made her skin rip, one hard hit and a hole was made.

Her eyes shined deep blue, though she was mad, furious but she did spent a good whole month together with him so she couldn't keep the tears from dripping.

"M-MIN SAMWON!" Her shouts were shaky, she wanted to avoid the falling tears but no matter how hard she threatened her wet eyes it didn't work.

"Omg, Jess! Oh gosh I- I am so sorry I- I really did not-" he got cut off by the weeping girl in front of her. "Don't- don't give me the classics! I am disappointed in myself for trusting and loving you..."

"No.. Jess please! I'm sorr-" the tall boy stood frustratedly, "I said! Please don't give me those classic 'I'm sorry give me one more chance' shit! We're over... enjoy your fuck"

Jessica turned around and slumped down the front stairs, tears kept pouring out her eyes. The sadness was overwhelming her, she doesn't even have to strength to avoid her eyes from shifting into different shades of blue red and brown...

Her mind only told her to keep walking, keep stepping and don't fall. That's all she could actually make happen.

She walked and walked, each step in different directions. She looked totally like a drunk girl.

A while of walking, or I'd rather say placing one foot somewhere in front of the other foot, she unconsciously walked into the woods.

Jessica didn't even realize that she arrived at the seven boys house until she slumped her shoulders and back against the thick wooden door of their large size house.

The irises are still switching between red, blue and hazelnut brown uncontrollably until the big door suddenly opened making her wiggly body literally fall flat on the carpeted floor.

"Oh god! Jagi ah~ I uh don't think she look quite well..." Hoseok's usual high pitched cheerful voice now became low.

"Oh my, Jessica. Did I punch you too hard with my lines?" (A/n: Get it? Punch with lines? Punchline... okay nvm)

"Stop that lame stuff now, help me carry her inside" Hoseok said seriously and yoongi just sat on the couch like he didn't sound a word.

"What are you doin? I thought I asked you to help?"
"I'm helping!" Hoseok give him the do-I-look-like-I-was-joking-?-you-bitch-think-I'm-dumb-?- look.
"Yeah no. I mean physically!"

Oh right! Before I forget- hm let's leave Jess aside for a sec- Hoseok asked Jess for help because he needed to persuade Namjoon to let him mate with Yoongi. Bc the Alpha in a pack usually don't allow other members to mate except for him. But apparently he didn't even needed to ask for help since Namjoon told him that he would've said yes anyways. Now Hoseok and Yoongi are mates!

Alright back to Jessica... the two put her on the couch and stood beside her looking down, they have no idea what to do.

"Do you want to ask her?" The taller boy asked, "no, you ask!" The blonde replied.

"Aish! I think she'll literally punch me in the face if I do!" "Then don't ask me?! It might be worse for me"

"Alright, alright! Who else is home today?" Hoseok asked Yoongi, "uh- Tae? Kook?"

Soon after the boys linked Taehyung, he came downstairs from his room with a frown, "what happened to her?" The deep voice roared in the room which stirred the weak girl.

"We have no idea, she was just slumping on the door a second ago" Hoseok replied before he dragged his mate with him and ran to their room.

"Good luck Tae! We trust you" was the last few words Tae heard before they locked the door.

"Welp!" Taehyung bend down to Jess's level and blew some air onto her teary face.

"Aw, what happened?"

[word count: 996]
Filler chapter :)) hope you liked the plot. Some fluff next chap~ I uwu y'all! I always believe I have such awesome readers ❤️

Byeee~ 😘
