New Boy - Part 8

Guess who's back.. back again!

Words - 806

Neteyams pov -

I opened my eyes to see if it was evening time. There was a nice sunset outside, and the breeze flowed through the open window.

I then realized something important was missing. Aonung... I quickly sat up. I looked on the nightstand to see a note and tea. I grabbed it and read it.

    Hi my love!
    When you wake up, you won't see me
    But, don't worry! I noticed how you
    were stressed about school, so I went.       out and got some stuff for you. I'll be back! I love you skxoung.

I smiled as I grabbed my phone and watched tiktok for a little while. I also drank the delicious tea that was made for me.

After about twenty minutes, I heard the door downstairs. I quickly set the tea down in its exact spot with the note.

I then got a very good idea. Aonung fake slept one time... so now I will. I'll just pretend that I fell asleep watching tiktoks.

I shoved the blanket off of me and put on a random tiktok about cleaning and organizing.

I was praying to Eywa that Aonung would cover me up bc it was cold. I quickly closed my eyes as I heard the door being opened.

"My love...." I heard Aonung whisper. Gosh, how did he do this? I wanna run up and hug him right now, but I can't.

"Oh.." I heard him sigh contentedly. I heard a couple of bags being placed down along with car keys. "My sweet skxowng..." He chuckles lightly.

He grabbed my phone and turned it off. I felt the blanket being pulled over me. I then felt the beds weight shift.

Aonung sat on the side of the bed as he shook me lightly. "Wakey wakey, my love! I brought you sweets..." He states as he gently caresses my cheek.

It took every ounce of strength I had right there not to crawl into his arms. I just kept pretending. "Okay... I know a way to wake you up." I could practically hear the smirk he had on his face.

I knew what he was about to do.. and boy, was I not prepared. I know he would never go farther than my limits. We have set boundaries, but he is a tease.

I felt the blanket being taken off of me again. I shivered and curled into a ball. Aonung went behind me and started to kiss my neck and leave hickies.

I did my best not to make a noise. My breath hitched when I felt his hand start to travel up my thigh. "Aonung.." I whimpered out.

"HAHA!" He laughs a victorious laugh. "I knew my love was awake! You can't fool me.." He chuckles, kissing my forehead and getting up.

I pull his arm. "Aonunggg!" I whined, wanting him to stay. "Stay... please?"

While Neteyam did this, Aonung was melting. Neteyam was begging him, and he was gonna die of internally blushing.

Aonung smiled at me as he proceeded to climb into the bed with me. I widely smiled as he got into the bed.

I quickly hugged him tightly, basically like a koala considering my legs wrapped around him, too.

"Woah!" He yells. "You're so cold. Why didn't you say anything?" He sighs, pulling the blanket over us.

"I don't know, but you're here to keep me warm, so it doesn't matter!" I sighed happily.

Aonung just chuckled at my weirdness as he cuddled me. "Neteyam.. I have a question.." Aonung sighs as he rubs my back. I hummed in response.

I was lying on his chest as he played with my hair and rubbed my back. I fiddled with his shark necklace.

"When do you think you'll be ready to... you know, take it a bit further?" He hesitates. I blushed at the question.

The truth was, I was ready. I just didn't want him to see me..

"Aonung... I am ready.. I just, I'm scared because I feel like you'll judge me.. you know?" I sighed.

"What do you mean, my love?" He questions.

"I mean.. I think you'll judge my... my manhood.." I breathed out.

"Of course not!" He defended. "I love every part of you, inside and out. That's not gonna change because I see more of you. Sure, things are gonna be different, but let's hope they'll turn out even better.."

"Okay.. let me set some boundaries." I chuckle. He laughs along. "What should be the safe word?"

"Hmmmm, sunshine.." Aonung sighs.

"Okay.. then i propose something.." I chuckle. "If we're both in the mood.. would you want to go a little further? Not like.. too far, but.. just like - " Aonung cut me off by kissing me.

"Yes.." He sighs. I smiled brightly as I snuggled into him..

