New Boy - Part 2

Words - 915

Neteyams pov -

After the catastrophe in pottery, we headed over to biology.

I was blushing like crazy. I really hope my siblings didn't see that. I'll violently sob about it if they did.

Why did I have a crush on my enemy? Out of all the people at this school... him!?

As I questioned myself, I was stopped in the hall once again. "What's up fag?!" One of the boys said pushing me into a locker. I groaned in pain.

Aonung was a few feet in front of me. It's not like he would help regardless. "Yo!" I heard Aonung shout. "Leave the boy alone, would ya. Let him have a chance to settle in first, then bully him."

They eventually started walking to class again. I made it to biology and took the notes as told.

After that was lunch. I don't even know how I feel about Aonung anymore. To be honest, if he doesn't change his act, my crush will leave eventually. Or so I thought.

This time, Aonung sat with us. Strange. Kiri then poked me and passed me her notebook. "Look at this super cool drawing I made in art." She chuckles.

I looked low and behold it was her writing me a note.

'So, how was pottery? You got a crush on swimmer boy?!'

I wrote back in the notebook.

'I don't know yet. He called me a freak again.'

I passed it back to her. She then gasped and shut it, putting it back in her backpack. She then glared at Aonung.

Aonung was currently talking to Roxto, who sat next to Kiri. Aonung was sitting next to me and was talking across the table. When he noticed Kiris glare, he gave a weird look before continuing.

I didn't feel like eating that day. After a little while, I went to baseball practice.

After that, the days started to blur together. I only at during dinner time because my family was around. I was almost kicked off of the baseball team for not showing up. I've been getting bullied more, and Aonung hasn't really done anything.

So now here I am again in pottery watching everyone talk about how cool school is going. Meanwhile, it's been a good two months at this school, and I hate it.

Kiri and Roxto were together now. Tsireya and my brother were. Needless to say, I gave up on everything. The only thing I had going for me was my schoolwork.

I wore big sweaters and baggy pants to cover up the fact I hadn't been eating that much.

I sat at the lunch table with the rest of my friends. "Hey, did you not bring lunch?" He whispered as the others talked. I just shook my head no as in I "forgot it."

"Here." He states as he hands be his bowl of strawberries. I just lightly pushed it back.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm good.." I sighed.

Eventually, it came to the last class of the day. Study hall. And the bullies were back. "Hey, look! It's the freak!" Once yelled as they walked towards me.

He punched me in the nose and pushed me to the ground. I didn't have the strength to defend myself because I hadn't eaten anything. Before they could do anything else, I heard a loud voice.

"Hey!" Aonungs voice! "Back off.. now." He says coldly. They quickly do as he says and run away.

He helped me up to my feet. I was only my nose and barely able to stand. "Since when do you care about me?" I questioned as I winced at the pain in my nose.

"I've always cared. I think it's time I showed it." He huffed. "Now let me help you fix that.."

He walked me to the boys' bathroom and sat me on the counter. No one is gonna be in there at this time because school was almost over.

He grabbed a paper towel and said, "Hold here." I did as he said. Eventually, the bleeding stopped, and he gave me a pain killed.

"Now, promise you'll tell me if those boys mess with you again. " He demands. I nodded.

"Promise." I smiled at him. The bell rang, and we started to leave. I got off the counter and got super lightheaded. I had to stand at the counter, holding onto it until I could stand fully up again.

"Neteyam, I noticed you haven't been eating at lunch since the beginning of the semester." He sighs. "When was the last time you ate?" I just shrugged. I honestly couldn't remember. Had to have been a day ago since we didn't have family dinner last night.

Without me knowing he had come towards me. He rolled up my sleeve to see that my arms were quite thin. His eyes widened. "Neteyam!" I started to cry.

"I'm sorry!" I cried. "I didn't mean for it to get this bad!"

"No, no, you have nothing to be sorry about." He soothes as he brings me into a hug. "I know I haven't been the nicest, but I do care about you. How about I come stay at your house for a few days to help you get back on track?" He suggested. I nodded.

"I would like that." I sniffed, looking up at him.

"Come on.." He says as he leads me to his car so we can go home.


Words - 909

Hope you enjoy this chapter!
