I See You - Part 1

In this story, Neteyam will have
5 fingers :)

Words - 2645

-Neteyams pov-

It has been about a year of living here now, and I still have yet to have any close friends.

The only friends I am semi close with are Tsireya, Aonung, and Roxto. Even then, Roxto is always with Kiri, and Tsireya is always with my little brother, so it's mostly just Aonung.

Since I used to be the cheifs son and he is, we have a lot in common. We like to sometimes meet up, though he hasn't been showing up recently.

He probably found a girl, I wouldn't be surprised. Even if I did like boys, I would never tell anyone. Well, that is a lie. I told Tuk, and she knows I have the biggest crush on Aonung. But Aonung probably found a girlfriend, and now I'm stuck getting bullied for having five fingers again.

Aonungs old friends pick on me from time to time, but at least they stopped jumping me on the beach.

Ever since Aonung told the cheif about it, they have left me alone. This means now I'm stuck even more alone with no one to hang out with.

No boyfriend, no friends who aren't busy, no parents who aren't busy, even my little sister Tuk has friends.

I'm just stuck here doing nothing but being lonely. Just for once, I want to be the first option. I want to be held in someone's arms. I want to be kissed in the moonlight on a starry night. I want to be told I see you.

But that will never be for me. I am always the protector. Even after getting shot, no one cared enough to talk to me or spend more time with me.

It's like I'm only here if someone needs me for something. Whether that be to protect my siblings, help around the village, or even just pick some shells off the ground, I'm always lonely and alone.

I better get used to it because now all my friends have someone. Someone to love, to hang out with, to vent all their problems to. I just want to be loved. I want someone to finally be afraid to lose me.

I decided to just go help my mother with dinner so I could spend time with her while she wasn't doing other stuff.

"Hi, mother." I stated as I entered the kitchen area of the hut.

"Hello, my sweet son." She smiled as she kissed my forehead.

"Would you like some help?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, son, but I'm about to be finished with all of this." She sighs as she puts the rest of the fruit away.

"Oh.. alright." My voice cracked. "I'll just go take a walk on the beach." I frowned.

"Neteyam, what is wrong?" She states as she notices my frown.

"Nothing.. I just, I just wanted to spend time with you, Mother, that's all." I sigh. "But it is fine, I can see you're busy."

"No, no, we can do something." She hushed me as she took my hand and brought me to the living area of the hut. "Sit."

I sat down on the floor where she pointed. She sat behind me. "I will fix your braids." She smiles as she starts. "Neteyam, I can tell something more is wrong. What is it? Please tell me, son."

"Mother.. I.. I don't have any friends, like real, close friends." I sighed. "They all have boyfriends or girlfriends, and they are all with them. Even Tuk is busy. You guys are always busy. And.. and.."

"And what?" She questioned, tightening one of my braids.

"And I like someone... but I think they are already in love with someone else." I sighed.

"Well, who is this special someone who has stolen my beloved sons heart!?" She questioned excitedly.

"Please don't be mad.. mother." I mumbled.

"Why would I be mad, my son?" She asked, turning me to face her.

"Because it's a boy." I sniffed as tears came to my eyes. She looked shocked. "I'm sorry, Mother." I started to cry. She quickly hugged me. I hugged back tightly as I cried.

"My son, I am not mad, I am just surprised, that's all." She spoke. "I see you, my child, and I love you for who you are."

"Thank you, Mama." I sniffed as I sat up, wiping my tears. She smiles at me. "Please don't tell the others. Tuk and you are the only ones who know."

"I will not tell them." She chuckles. "You can when you are ready. Also, why does Tuk know before me?"

I giggled. "Because she wanted to know if I liked anyone here."

"Yeah, you never answered my question. Who is this mysterious boy?" She questions.

"It is... Aonung, Tsireyas brother." I sighed.

She gasped. "Oh my goodness! You guys would be so cute together!"

"Yeah, but I'm positive he already likes someone else." I sighed.

"You don't know for sure, though. Maybe he's just been busy. He is the cheifs son after all." She said as she nudged my shoulder. She yawns. "It's late, I'm gonna get Tuk to bed. Are you gonna go to bed now?"

"No, I'm gonna go on a walk on the beach. I'll be back before Eclipse, though." I stated as I got up as well.

"Alright, make sure not to wake anyone up when you come back." She sighs, she quickly turned back around. "Also, Tsireya invited you to spend the night with her, Lo'ak, and Aonung, I think you should go!"

"Alright, I'll go check it out." I smiled as I started to walk there. I was happy my mom accepted me, and so did Tuk. Only three more family members to tell. And three friends.

As I got closer to their hut, I could hear a bunch of laughter. Once I was at their door, I could hear them talking.

"Naoto, you're so funny!" I heard Aonung laugh, I felt my heart drop. I knew he got a mate!

I then entered the hut. I figured they wouldn't care if I walked in. "Neteyam!" I heard Aonung say as he ran over and put an arm around me. "You're finally here! We were just about to play truth or dare!"

We all sat in a circle on the mat.

"Alright, so one of us will spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on, they have to give a truth or dare." My brother states proudly. "So, who wants to go first?"

"I will." The girl, Naoto, spoke as she spun the bottle. She spun it, and it landed on Aonung, of course. I rolled my eyes at this. Kiri gave me a weird look but quickly focused back on the game.

"Alright, truth or dare, Aonung?" She giggles.


"Is it true you like someone here?" She asked.  He looked over at me, then back at her.

"Yes, I do." He chuckles. We all gasped.

"Who!?" I questioned as I wanted to know. I figured it would be Naoto. I practically jumped at him and didn't even realize how close I was to him.

We were sitting next to each other, and I had my hand on his leg, pushing myself up to his height and practically touching his nose. I heard giggling come from the others, and my face started to heat up.

I felt him push me down as he chuckled. "Maybe you'll find out if the bottle lands on me." My tail went up at this as I quickly noticed and sat back down holding my tail so no one noticed.

My brother nudged me. While the others were talking, trying to figure out who his crush was, he had something to ask me. "You like him, don't you?" He chuckles.

I smacked his head. "Shut up!" I  whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in to guys? You know I would support you skxowng." He giggles as he turns to Tsireya, probably telling her. At least I know they'll support me. Two down, four more to go.

Eventually, the game continued, and Aonung was next to spin. He spun the bottle, and what a coincidence it landed on me.

"Alright!" My brother giggled as the others laughed as well.

"Okay, truth or dare Neteyam?" He questioned in a hushed tone. I was gonna go feral over him one of these days.

"Uhmm... truth." I hesitantly answered.

"Alright... do you like anyone in this room?" He questioned. I looked up at him and looked back down. After a couple of seconds, I mumbled a quick yes.

Everyone gasped and ood at the answer. "I wonder who it is." Kiri giggled. I eyed her. She must know.

"I guess we'll have to find out." Aonung chuckles.

After more rounds, neither I nor Aonung got picked again. No confessing today.

"Alright guys, I'm beat. I'm going to bed." Tsireya states as she sets out her mat on the floor. Roxto did the same. Then Aonung followed.

"I have to go pick up my mate. My mother is waiting to meet her!" She giggles, I looked at her shocked. "Sorry I couldn't tell you sooner, Neteyam. I just didn't know which you were yet. But yeah, I hope you guys have a good night!" She then ran off to her mates hut. So Aonung wasn't her mate. What a relief. Maybe mother was right. Maybe he was just busy.

I then realized everyone had a mat, and I didn't. "I don't have a mat, guys." I sighed. "Sorry, I forgot, I can go.."

Aonung cut me off. "Ah, no, it's okay." He chuckles. "You can share with one of us."

I looked around. Tsireya and Lo'ak were sharing. Kiri and Roxto were sharing. Meaning the only person left to share with was.. oh no.. my crush, Aonung!

He made a signal to say, "Come over here." I mentally screamed as I walked over to his corner of the room where his mat was.

"Come on, forest boy, I don't bite.." He chuckles as he turns to face the other way. I got on the mat and laid next to him. I turned the other way, too, so I wasn't facing him and faced the others.

Lo'ak was spooning Tsireya while Roxto did the same to Kiri. "Goodnight, everyone." Tsireya said as she turned to face Lo'ak, snuggling in closely as he pulled the blanket over her.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't, so I just laid there with my eyes closed.


It had been about an hour, and I still was lying there, restless. Everyone else was asleep.

I felt some movement behind me and tried my best to act like I was sleeping, so I didn't get questioned as to why I was awake.

I felt some more shuffling and heard a soft "I hope I didn't wake you, Neteyam." And with that, I felt the cover being moved over me.

I then felt him get up and start to leave. I opened my eyes to see him walking out of the entrance.

I decided to follow him because one I couldn't sleep and two. I was curious about what he was doing.

So when he was staring at the water, I decided to walk up to him. "Hey, Aonung." I tapped his shoulder. "What are you.." I tried to say but I guess I scared him and instincts kicked in because all of sudden I was standing behind him one minute and the next he had his hand over my mouth and his knife up to my neck.

"Aonung!" I screamed, but it was muffled.

"Neteyam?" He questioned as he removed the knife. I nodded my head as I looked up at him. He was taller than me and standing behind me, and boy did he look handsome just like that.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. You scared me." He nervously chuckled as he took his hand off my mouth. I turned and faced him. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see where you went and what you were doing because you just left." I stated as I looked at the ground. I avoided his gaze. He towered over me, and I was gonna die if I looked up at him because his eyes were so enchanting.

"Oh, okay. Wait! Did I wake you up?!" He questioned. I chuckled, looking up at him.

"No, no, you didn't. I was awake for a while before that." I sighed. "I actually never went to bed. I couldn't sleep."

"Why didn't you say anything, Neteyam!?" He huffed as he grabbed my hand and started to walk back. "Did I take too much of the blanket? Did I take up too much of the mat? I can sleep on the floor." I started to laugh. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing!" I giggled. "The heartless cheifs son actually cares that I sleep well." He scoffed.

"Whatever, let's just go to bed and actually sleep this time." He said, rolling his eyes as we entered the hut.

We tipped toed over to our mat and laid down. After about five minutes, I spoke. "Aonung, I can't sleep." I whispered.

"Try your best to sleep. Just close your eyes." He huffed as he rolled over to face me.

After about another five minutes, I spoke again. "Aonung.. I still can't sleep." I mumbled.

"Bruh.." He states as he opens his eyes to look at my golden ones. I was facing him. "You didn't even try."

"Yes, I did!" I shouted. His hand quickly went around my mouth.

"No, you didn't, and don't be so loud you'll wake the others!" He whispers as he removes his hand from my face.

"But I can't sleep." I groaned.

"Oh my Eywa!" Aonung huffed.

How were the others still sleeping through all our talking, I don't know. Maybe it's because they had a cuddle buddy. Hmm.. I wonder..

I decided to hug Aonung, out of nowhere, just randomly. I don't know what possessed me. It just happened. He didn't seem to mind because he hugged me back.

He was warm, and since my body wasn't used to the cold temperatures yet, he felt really nice against my cold skin. So I decided to stay like that.

"Neteyam, you are cold." He whispered. "Is this why you couldn't sleep."

I didn't know how to respond. But I knew I could fall asleep like this. My head was buried in his neck, and my arms hugged his chest like I would hug a tree when I climbed it.

His hand rested on the back of my head and his other arm around my waist. "I don't know why I couldn't fall asleep before, but I could fall asleep like this." I sighed. I liked this. The problem was.. I didn't know if Aonung did as well.

Was he doing it just to be nice? Did he actually like me? Did he actually like this feeling? Did he get the same feeling I did when we hugged?

With all these questions, I didn't even realize Aonung was shushing me to sleep.

I felt vulnerable and oddly comforted by it. This was what I was looking for. I want someone to hold me like my baby brother holds Tsireya, like my father holds my mother. I finally have that. At least for right now.

Who knows.. maybe he would like me back. With that, I started to slowly drift off to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed it!

Please leave suggestions if you have any!

If you like this, please let me know, and if you want to see any more of my other fanfics, let me know as well!

Thank you, and have a good day/night. <3
