New Boy - Part 3

I'm back!!! Sorry for the wait! I've been trying to get some inspiration!!

Words - 558

Neteyams pov -

Once I got home, I talked to my mother, and she said it was okay that I stayed with Aonung, but it would have to be at his house.

So, I went to his house not packing much, considering we lives right next to each other.

I only packed skincare and my toothbrush, along with an extra pair of underwear.

Upon entering his house, I was greeted by Tsireya. "Hiii!!" She said excitedly. My brother popped up behind the corner.

"Awh man, do I gotta go home?!" He sighed dramtically.

"No, I'm gonna stay here for the weekend and hang out with Aonung.." I stated as I saw Aonung start walking up the stairs.

I quickly took my shoes off and put them in the shoe rack by the door and followed after Aonung.

Upon making it to his room, I saw a glorious sight. It was actually clean. He had a big bed. On top of all that, he had a big TV, so we could watch Netflix or something.

"Alright, the bathroom is across the hall.." He starts. "This is my room, and my parents' room is downstairs. All we gotta worry about is not stomping!!"

After a little while of talking about randomness and watching random TV shows, we went downstairs for dinner.

Everyone made their plates and sat down. I, however, just sat down next to Aonung and listened to the conversations going on at the table.

"Neteyam, are you hungry?" His mother questioned. "There is plenty of food for us to share."

"Oh, no, thank you!" I nervously stated. "I'm not that hungry. I ate a bunch of food before I came here.. sorry." I sighed.

"No worries!" The father says. "We will leave some leftovers in the microwave if you want it later."

And with that, everyone continued to eat. However, Aonung kept giving me glances of worry, and I knew what he would ask later on.

Was I prepared? No..

Once everyone had cleaned up their plates and made their way to their rooms, me and Aonung made our way to his.

He closer his door and took my hand, dragging me to the bed. I sat down next to him. He took my hands in his. "Neteyam, you have to eat something..." He sighs. "It's clear you haven't eaten anything for two days!"

"I'm not hungry, though -" He cut me off.

"Neteyam, it's not healthy..." He sighs. "You'll get hurt if you don't eat."

I started to cry. "Let me help.." He says as he puts his hand on my face, wiping my tears.

I just nodded. He grabbed some chips and handed them to me. "You don't have to eat that many.. but some is better than none..." He smiles.

I looked at the chips and ate one. Then another, and another... eventually, the whole bag of chips had disappeared.

My whole body filled with worry. "Aonung, I have to get it out!" I worried.

"No, you don't! You're just not used to it..." He says calmly. I looked at him with worried eyes as more tears fell down my cheeks.

"Aonung..." I cried. He pulled me into a hug and hugged me tightly.

"It's alright.." He hushed me. "We're gonna fix this.."

